


If a person is "Not in Education, Employment or Training"? Then, what does s/he do? Simply, a NEET, probably. NEET problem has been a hot potato for the British society, and now it seems that our young generation, some well educated, is passing on this "potato" to us.....

What if..... I wasn't a NEET?


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Clarity English: Reactions!

繼上一期介紹的Clarity English: Core Skills for Business Writing教材,這一期將繼續介紹Clarity English另一個超強英語學習課程,讓各位可以利用英語學習自己有興趣的主題內容,像是自然生態、營養保健、科技新知等等,真正達到把英語當作工具的目的快把工具交給我!!!!

Academic Vocabulary




An Inconvenient Truth

前美國副總統艾爾高爾先生,歷經了長達七年的密集研究,橫跨世界各國積極收集資料,希望藉由精確的數據和震撼人心的影像,警示世人該是面對真相的時候了。本片中文譯為"不願面對的真相",這個真相究竟是環保問題?政治問題?還是道德問題?這讓小編想起了在澳洲時,在公車上看到的一句話:"We don't inherit the earth from our parents we borrow it from our children.".....我們能留給下一代什麼?



"NEET", it is not neat at all.

(Alfie and Tucker were close friends at high school, but for some reason, Alfie dropped out the school, and they lost contact since then. One day, unexpectedly, they met on a street near Alfie's workplace.)

Alfie: Tucker? Is that you?

Tucker: Holy dooley!!! Alfie, it's you!!! Woo...what a surprise to see you here! It's been a long long time. What are you doing here? And how's everything going?

Alfie: Yeah, it's really been ages since we last met. When was that? 10 years ago, I reckon. Anyway, what a surprise indeed, my good old mate!....I work here, my store is down the street, just around the corner. I'm pretty good, and everything is pretty cool as well.... So, how about yourself? What brings you here?

Tucker: I'm pretty fine as well, and have just got my degree last year. So I am doing the job hunting at the moment.

Alfie: Cool, that's cool. Good on ya. Hey, it's lunch time. Have you got time? Let's have a lunch.

Tucker: Sure, I can't see why not.

(A couple of minutes later, they were in a bistro, and waiting for their meals.)

Tucker: So how have you been doing? It's been a long time since I've heard from you.

Alfie: Well, yeah, I had practically disappeared for a while after I left the school. I wasn't doing much then, just dossing about and got rotten every day. I was a neet, a parasite on my parents, I can say that. Then, my parents were at the end of their tether, so they dragged me to a pizza store owned by their friend. That's when I started making pizzas. After a couple years of working in the store, I've got a wealth of experience in the trade, and then I decided to run my own pizza store.

Tucker: It's good that you've got your own business.

Alfie: Yeah, it's good and tiring sometimes though. But I love it. Well then, how's your job hunting going?

Tucker: Well, I actually had worked for a couple of months on and off last year. But those jobs just didn't fit my taste.

Alfie: What do you mean "didn't fit your taste "?

Tucker: Well, I want to bring out the best in me, so I don't want to waste my time on, you know, dancing to someone's tune. It's pathetic that people don't value my ways of doing things, and the pay was not fair. So, I'd rather quit those jobs, and look for another fair go.

Alfie: Fair enough, we all need a fair go. But I also reckon that the benefits of listening to some experienced co-workers' suggestions may far outweigh problems of not doing things in my own way. So I always tell myself that just bite the bullet and go for it because it could be very rewarding someday. As the old saying goes, no pain no gain.

Tucker: That's right, no pain no gain. That's why I spent 4 years for getting a degree. I just think that I've got a bachelor degree from a top 5 university in the country, so I deserve a job of good pay, and earn respect from my colleagues. Maybe I'll go back to school for a master degree if I can't find a decent job.

Alfie: It's good that you wanna study more, or even study for good. But who is going to afford the school fee and your living spent?

Tucker: My parents, of course. They're still working, and besides I gotta focus on my study. I don't think I would be able to do any part-time job.

Alfie: Well, no offending, Tucker, they are still working now, but someday they may not even to walk on their own. By then, who are going to put you under their wing? I'm just telling you this as your friend.

Tucker: Yeah, understood. Don't worry, mate. I know what you mean. Let's stop there....... Hey look at these juicy steaks! (a waitress is serving their orders)



bistro (n): 小酒館(有提供餐點)
pathetic (adj): 悲哀的;可悲的
doss (v) = sleep
value (v): 看重
rotten (adj) = drunk
outweigh (v): 比…為重;
neet(n): 啃老族;無業者
parasite(n): 寄生蟲
rewarding (adj): 有所得的
trade(n) = business
earn (v): 得到;取得
run (v): 經營
decent (adj): 像樣的


drop out: 休學
Holy dooley: 表示驚訝的語氣
Good on ya: 有你的;不錯喔!(稱讚的語氣)
at the end of their tether: 他們受不了了
wealth of experience: 很多的經驗
on and off: 斷斷續續地
bring out the best in me: 表現出我最好的一面
dance to someone's tune: 只聽著人家的指示做事
fair go: 公平的機會;合理的機會
fair enough: 有道理;說得也是
bite the bullet: 勉為其難地去做某件事
for good: 長期或是永久的
living spent: 生活開銷
no offending: 沒有冒犯的意思
under their wing: 在他們的羽翼下;讓他們照顧



(BBC NEWS) A 'Neet' Solution

(BBC NEWS, Nick Robinson's Newslog) A 'Neet' Problem

(Wikipedia) Neet

(Wikipedia) Parasite single


English Freeway

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