


If you can choose, do you want to live smarter? Before you give the answer, bear the conclusion of this research in mind, stupid flies live longer. The scientists speculated that it is probably because the smarter the flies are, the less energy can be left for life-support systems. So, if that's true as well in human beings, would you like to be smarter than anyone else, but meanwhile live a shorter life than any others do......

I'm too smart to be alive~~~


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Lonely Planet Podcast

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Clarity English:Core Skills for Business Writing - Successful Letters

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The Naked Chef: Series 1 ~ 3





Do you want live longer or live smarter?

Andres: Pete, ask me some really tough question.

Peter: Uh? Ok. Why do human beings exist? What’s the meaning of life?

Andres: Not questions like that. Something like, you know, unsolvable math problems.

Peter: Why don’t we start with solvable ones. Tell me the quotient of 11 to the 4th power divided by the square root of 121....

Andres: Wait, wait, wait… let me write it down.....11 to the 4th power divided by square root of 121…so it should be like this... ......square root? I think I have learned that. Square root… Hm…

Peter: Come on, you know math is the subject that you struggle with the most. What’s gotten into you?

Andres: You remember the movie Good Will Hunting?

Peter: Yup, a janitor at Harvard was actually an undereducated genius, who solved a super tough math problem posted for Harvard students. Come on, that’s only a movie!

Andres: No, no. I just found out that it is based on a real-life event. A doctorate student at Berkeley actually solved two math problems that were considered unsolvable at that time, by accident. He went into the class late, saw two questions on the blackboard, thought they were the assigned homework, jotted them down, and solved them at home. Isn’t that just amazing!

Peter: Charlie, but the guy was a doctorate student. And you flunk at math every semester, I mean “every” semester!

Andres: Alright, I just think it’s cool to be that smart.

Peter: Well, every cloud has a silver lining. Being too smart may be detrimental to your health.

Andres: Huh? How?

Peter: A bunch of scientists have discovered a “negative correlation between an improvement in a fly’s mental capacity and its longevity.”

Andres: Huh? What does that suppose to mean? Hmm, what is “correlation” by the way?

Peter: Sorry, I forgot that you are also bad at English. I will explain. A group of scientists trained fruit flies to learn. Using behavioral science, they boosted the flies’ intelligence. The flip side is that their life-span is much shorter than their dumber relatives. In other words, too much neural activity… um, simply, brain activity, weakens their life-support system.

Andres: Wow, so it is also beneficial to be dumb. At least I will probably live longer. Thanks, Don.

Peter: Er, that said, you probably shouldn’t content yourself with a comparison to fruit flies. They have really small brains, you know, learning may not have such a big influence on human’s lives.

Andres: Oh, Don. Stop playing smart. When you are getting old, you will just start wishing that you are as dumb as I am, so that you can live longer!


Note: There is necessary confusion caused by reading out a math equation. In good math writing, the question and solution goes like this:


quotient (n) 商數

flunk (v) 不及格;當掉

power (n) 次方

lining (n) 襯裡;襯邊

square root (n) 平方根

detrimental (adj 有害的

struggle (v) 掙扎;對抗

correlation (n) 相關性

janitor (n) 工友

longevity (n) 壽命;長壽

tough (adj)棘手的

boost (v) 提高;增加

doctorate (n) 博士學位

flip side (n) 反面的論點;(好事的)壞處

assign (v) 指派;指定

neural (adj) 神經的

jot down (v) 草草抄下

equation (n) 等式


What’s gotten into you? 你中了什麼邪?

Every cloud has a silver lining 每朵烏雲邊都有陽光閃耀;困境中總有光明



New York Times: Lots of Animals Learn, but Smarter Isn’t Better

Snopes.Com: The Unsolvable Math Problem

Richard Dawkins Net : Stupid Flies Live Longer: Study


English Freeway

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