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When human beings misbehave, the society has legal systems to punish them. They are thrown in jail. What do we do when animals get bad? Withhold food from them? Or shout at them?

In Mexico, they decide to treat them exactly like human. A donkey is locked up in jail for being bad. Yes, it is true. Read on!

Can you lock up such a "lovely" animal?


◎ 寫作諮詢服務持續廣告中~


◎ 大一英文小老師諮詢服務新辦法


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KCET Online - Life & Times

KCET Online - Life & Times 包含了人文、健康、科學、政治、日常生活等議題,提供影音檔案以及所有對話內容的文字檔,帶同學深入探討每一個主題!想學英文的同學們,可不要錯過了這個豐富又有趣的網站呀! ......衝啊!KCET Online

Clarity English: Study Skills Success - Speaking

這次要介紹的是大家的老朋友Clarity English系統中,Study Skills Success的口說單元。想要能夠流利的說出英文,不但要注意流暢還要切合題意,文法以及時態甚至是輕重音,真是很困難呢。這時候好教材就很重要啦!這套教材在教同學怎麼回答各種問題的同時,還提供各種不同的回答範例,所以同學可以清楚地觀摩口說的回答技巧跟策略。有這麼棒的教材,同學還在等什麼呢? !...... 馬上登入Clarity English來使用吧!

Just Kelp Yourself

想要治療滿臉的青春痘嗎?想要減少你的魚尾紋嗎?還是想要改善缺水脫皮的肌膚嗎?那就不妨用海藻保養自己吧!現今市場出了一系列海藻商品如化妝水、磨砂膠、洗面乳和日霜等,不過,線上醫學資料庫認為,目前並無可靠的人體實驗研究,顯示利用海藻可有校或安全無虞地改善以上諸多病症,到底是否真有其功效,還是一些宣傳噱頭呢?請看Freeway會員區Advanced English 5月號!......學英文順便學保養!



Crossroads, USA





Donkey in jail


Shrek: Donkey, come look at this video. Is this your cousin or something? Haha.

Donkey: Uh? What are you talking about? I am getting ready to go out and trot about, showing off my status as a valiant steed…. You know the princess is considering giving me a title - The Royal Noble Steed? And then I can canter, and then I can gallop

Shrek: Stop being such a chatterbox, would you? Just come over here and take a look.

Donkey: Alright. But you forgot to say “please.”

Shrek: Please?

Donkey: Very well. Wow! What is this! A donkey is doing time in southern Mexico for assault and battery? You mean in jail, like behind prison bars? Wow, man, this donkey is a bad ass!

Shrek: As all donkeys are asses too. Ha ha.

Donkey: Shrek, that’s not very nice. You don’t know what it is like to grow up with all those donkey puns. It makes one feel very lonely. (sobbing)

Shrek: Alright, alright. I am sorry.

Donkey: You know what? I think I know this guy.

Shrek: This inmate donkey? How?

Donkey: I am thinking hard, I am trying to remember….

Shrek: Donkey? Have you been in the slammer before, too? Maybe this guy was your cellmate?

Donkey: Shrek, do I look like I have the courage to be in a gang, lashing out at people, go berserk and assault people, or anything that can land me in prison?

Shrek: Hm, you’re right. You are not the type.

Donkey: So what did this guy do?

Shrek: Well, he bit one man in the chest, and then kicked another man, fracturing his ankle. According to the victims, the donkey was rabid.

Donkey: Rabbit? I can understand if you call us asses, but calling a donkey “rabbit” is too far-fetched. We do have long ears, but we do not hop around. But, come to think of it, we do eat carrots too…

Shrek: RABID, not RABBIT. It just means that the donkey was kind of crazy. The news says that it took six men to control the burro.

Donkey: Hey, I do have a crazy cousin from back home. Maybe this guy is he! Hm... no, no… I think my crazy cousin is dead.

Shrek: Donkey, never mind. I don’t think you really know this donkey.

Donkey: Yeah, I guess not. But it would be cool if I can carry that newspaper around and talk to people about my friend in jail. Hey, Shrek, maybe I can write to him and make friends with him. Lend me a pen and a piece of paper.

Shrek: Donkey, you are a donkey. You can’t write.

Donkey: I am a talking donkey. How do you know that I am not a writing donkey, too?



trot (v) (馬的)小跑,快步
inmate (n) 囚犯
status (n) 地位,身分
slammer (n) [口]監獄
valiant (adj) 英勇的
cellmate (n) 同牢房的人
steed (n) 駿馬
gang (n) 幫派
canter (v) (馬的)慢跑
lash out (v) 猛烈攻擊
gallop (v) (馬的)疾馳,飛跑
berserk (adv) 狂暴
chatterbox (n) 喋喋不休的人
fracture (v) 使斷裂
doing time (v) 坐牢
ankle (n) 足踝
battery (n) 毆打
rabid (adj) 猛烈的;患狂犬病的
bar (n) 條狀物,欄杆
far-fetched (adj) 很扯的;牽強的
bad ass (n) [俗] 狠腳色
hop (v) 齊步跳
ass (n) 驢子;[俚]笨蛋;[俚] 屁股
burro (n) 驢子
sob (v) 啜泣



Associated Press: Mexican Donkey Jailed for Ornery Behavior

Associated Press: Mexican Donkey Freed From Jail After Assault

Guardian: Donkey Jailed in Mexico for Violent Behavior



English Freeway



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