Lassie: (Laughing) Bambi, come and watch this. This is hilarious. Dick Cheney, the Vice President of America, shot a 78-year-old lawyer in the face during a hunting trip. Apparently, Cheney mistook his fellow hunter for a covey of quails. Hahahaha.
Bambi: Lassie, calm down. That accident happened more than a year ago, and the uproar over it has pretty much died down by now. Why do you mention it now?
Lassie: That’s perplexing. This talk show host is still cracking jokes about it as if it happened just yesterday.
Bambi: (glancing at the TV) Oh, that’s a rerun. You know, the writers for television and films in America are having a strike. They stopped writing scripts for shows and took up picketing the big studios instead. Without writers, most channels play reruns to fill the hours for the time being.
Lassie: Oh-oh, that’s too bad. I was hoping that this news will remind people how dangerous hunting is, but if the news is already a year old, and people are still hunting. Well…
Bambi: Hey, Lassie. You know, my mom is killed by hunters, and that’s why I hate people that hunt for recreation. But do you have any reasons to hate hunters? Nobody hunts dogs.
Lassie: Yeah, but the hunters like to bring hunting dogs with them. Do you know that hunters wake you up at 2 o’clock in the morning, and ask you to retrieve dead birds all the time?
Bambi: Lassie, you are a sheepdog, nobody brings a sheepdog on hunting trips.
Lassie: Yeah, but I have friends who suffered from chronic fatigue and severe psychological trauma because of those hunting trips!
Bambi: (Reading the newspaper) Hey, here is some interesting news to remind people of the danger of hunting. A few days ago, another hunter was shot accidentally. But it’s not by a fellow hunter this time, it’s by his hunting dog. That dog is probably one of your friends.
Lassie: Might be! That’s cool. How did the dog do that, pull the trigger with its ear or something? I do know a Golden Retriever with freakishly strong ears…
Bambi: It appears that the dog simply stepped on the guy’s gun and tripped the trigger. And then up to 120 pellets hit the hunter in the calf at short range.
Lassie: Ouch, sounds painful. Hey, that would be a good topic for a new movie in support of animal rights… Oh, right, the script writers are on strike… Bambi, maybe I can write the script and star in it!
Bambi: Seriously, Lassie, I doubt that your paws are dexterous enough to trigger a gun, let along typing a whole movie script on a keyboard.