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Hunting can be dangerous. You know, if hunting involves waving a gun around and shooting at anything that moves, something bad is bound to happen one day.

Recently, something bad did happen, but it was not just bad, it was also very strange. A dog shot a hunter with a rifle. What? How could that happen?! Well, read on!

So who is hunting who today?


◎ English Freeway研究生專區繼續更新中-OpenLearn網站介紹!!

上回大肆更新的English Freeway研究生專區,同學應該已經開始使用了吧!除了上次介紹的EASEMITAcademic Word List之外,這次又新加入了Reading區的網路資源介紹喔。新加入的是英國開放大學的線上學習網站介紹,從首頁右上角的What's New點進去就可以啦......快到研究生專區來看看新東西吧!

◎ 英語寫作、英文小老師諮詢服務 (繼續廣告中~)


◎ 視聽館新進館藏公告





The Personal Statement

繼上一期電子報的館藏介紹“How To Write A Winning Personal Statement”,這一次要再為各位介紹一個有關撰寫Personal Statement的網站,希望能為有心申請國外學校,卻又無奈沒辦法在百忙中抽空到我們視聽教育館走一趟、看看相關書籍的同學們提供一點協助。這個網站的篇幅不大,但內容簡易明瞭,除了直接點出一篇好的Personal Statement具備的內容、架構、起稿前的準備及完稿後的修整,還利用範例來說明好與不好之間的差別.... 出國第一步

Listening to Lectures

如果各位的母語不是英語,可是想到英語系國家進修或是上課時得用英語聽講的話,那麼增進自己在學術方面的英語聽力能力當然是一定要的啊。所以各位千萬不要錯過視聽教育館日前當新上線的"Listening to Lectures"! 這是一套完整的英語聽講學習系統,使用真實課堂錄影範例,完善的課程,帶領同學一步步增進課堂上英語的聽力能力,讓大家以後在英語授課的課堂上不再鴨子聽雷喔.... 我不要當鴨子!!!

The Speech Accent Archive

這個網站非常有趣。它收集了七百多段錄音,邀請從全世紀各地來的人用英文閱讀同一段文章。從網站首頁選擇Browse,然後選擇atlas/region來用地圖選擇想聽的地區,網站就會播放從當地來的人所錄製的一段英文。這個詳盡的網站當然也包括了台灣,而且還是台北一個高雄一個。用同一段文章來跟母語人士比對,對於想要改善發音的同學們,會很有幫助喔... 我的英文好不好啊?



Jazz Chant - Rhythms of American English for Students of English

想要學習美國英語的發音語腔調嗎?話說一天到晚看Friends好像也沒有對腔調有太大的幫助耶,可是背發音書也太無聊了吧~同學們,看這裡!這裡有個新的學習方法唷。這本Jazz Chant把日常英語編寫成有爵士節奏的韻文,讓你重複跟著節奏,練習常用的句型。各個單元都有不同的情境以及學習重點。想要說感情豐沛強而有力的美式英文嗎?快來視聽館用用看這本吧!......快來聽一下什麼是爵士英文!



Hunting Accidents


Lassie: (Laughing) Bambi, come and watch this. This is hilarious. Dick Cheney, the Vice President of America, shot a 78-year-old lawyer in the face during a hunting trip. Apparently, Cheney mistook his fellow hunter for a covey of quails. Hahahaha.

Bambi: Lassie, calm down. That accident happened more than a year ago, and the uproar over it has pretty much died down by now. Why do you mention it now?

Lassie: That’s perplexing. This talk show host is still cracking jokes about it as if it happened just yesterday.

Bambi: (glancing at the TV) Oh, that’s a rerun. You know, the writers for television and films in America are having a strike. They stopped writing scripts for shows and took up picketing the big studios instead. Without writers, most channels play reruns to fill the hours for the time being.

Lassie: Oh-oh, that’s too bad. I was hoping that this news will remind people how dangerous hunting is, but if the news is already a year old, and people are still hunting. Well…

Bambi: Hey, Lassie. You know, my mom is killed by hunters, and that’s why I hate people that hunt for recreation. But do you have any reasons to hate hunters? Nobody hunts dogs.

Lassie: Yeah, but the hunters like to bring hunting dogs with them. Do you know that hunters wake you up at 2 o’clock in the morning, and ask you to retrieve dead birds all the time?

Bambi: Lassie, you are a sheepdog, nobody brings a sheepdog on hunting trips.

Lassie: Yeah, but I have friends who suffered from chronic fatigue and severe psychological trauma because of those hunting trips!

Bambi: (Reading the newspaper) Hey, here is some interesting news to remind people of the danger of hunting. A few days ago, another hunter was shot accidentally. But it’s not by a fellow hunter this time, it’s by his hunting dog. That dog is probably one of your friends.

Lassie: Might be! That’s cool. How did the dog do that, pull the trigger with its ear or something? I do know a Golden Retriever with freakishly strong ears…

Bambi: It appears that the dog simply stepped on the guy’s gun and tripped the trigger. And then up to 120 pellets hit the hunter in the calf at short range.

Lassie: Ouch, sounds painful. Hey, that would be a good topic for a new movie in support of animal rights… Oh, right, the script writers are on strike… Bambi, maybe I can write the script and star in it!

Bambi: Seriously, Lassie, I doubt that your paws are dexterous enough to trigger a gun, let along typing a whole movie script on a keyboard.



hilarious (adj) 爆笑的
retrieve (v) 收回;(獵狗)銜回(獵物)
covey (n) 群 (esp. 鵪鶉的)
sheepdog (n) 牧羊犬
quail (n) 鵪鶉
chronic (adj) 長期的;慢性的
uproar (n) 騷動;喧囂
fatigue (n) 疲勞
perplexing (adj) 令人費解的
severe (adj) 嚴重的;嚴厲的
talk show host (n) 脫口秀主持人
trauma (n) 創傷
crack a joke (v ph) [口語]說笑話
trigger (n) 扳機
glance (v) 快速的看一下
Golden Retriever (n) 黃金獵犬
rerun (n) 重播
freakishly (adv) 反常地
strike (n) 罷工
step on (v ph) 踩
script (n) 劇本
trip (v) 絆到;絆倒
picket (v) 包圍;設置警戒哨
pellet (n) 彈丸;小球
studio (n) 製片廠;攝影棚
calf (n) 小腿

for the time being (ph) 眼下;暫時

paw (n) 爪子
recreation (n) 休閒;消遣
dexterous (adj) 靈巧的;敏捷的(esp. 手)



CNN: Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter

BBC: Strike set to silence talk shows

BBC: Dog shoots Iowa man during hunt


English Freeway


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