

iPods are probably the most popular digital produsts. With an iPod in hand, you can listen to music, watch movies, browse your photo collections, and what else?

Some school teachers say their students are using iPods to cheat in exams, and therefore, they are banning iPods from school.

Do you think it possible or practical to cheat with iPods? Is it reasonable to ban all students from using iPods simply because some of them might use it the wrong way? Let's see.

No iPods in class, thank you.


◎ 電子報編輯公告—驚!小編棄職潛逃!


◎ 全新英語學習資源—科學人雜誌知識庫

視聽館新貨上線!視聽館購入的科學人(Scientific American)雜誌中英對照版資料庫正式上,收錄從2002年1月到2006年12月共59期的雜誌內容,歡迎大家多加利用唷!(目前只限台大校內連線使用)......我也要當科學人遠流字典通與大英簡明百科

◎ Self-Study Package自學包裹上線


◎ 使用者問題與解決方法

1.有讀者來信表示電子報字體過小,經了解是因為使用webmail收信的關係,小編試用也發現字體小到離譜,沒有放大鏡還真不能看。建議有相同問題的讀者,或是改用Outlook Express等軟體收信,或在webmail看到新報通知時,直接連到計中的視聽館英語學習報存檔區點選閱讀。


◎ 英文小老師諮詢服務(最後公告!)

本學期英文小老師的諮詢服務就到六月底結束唷,還有英文問題的同學們請把握機會,相信大家都多少有幻想自己暑假會好好讀英文,那也可以問一下小老師自修英文的方向或方法,祝大家過了夏天,英文能力一飛沖天(希望這不只是幻想而已!)...... 我要預約






史瑞克又來啦!想看史瑞克這回有何新把戲來KUSO童話名著嗎?想看是嗎?抱歉這裡沒得看,第三集正在全台各大戲院熱映中,請自行前往購票觀賞...好啦別打我,只是先吊吊大家胃口嘛!這回的網站是給沒看過史瑞克或者想要先複習先前劇情的讀者們,裡頭影音俱全,是一個娛樂兼學習的好所在喔! ...... 史瑞克我愛你!



English Pronunciation in Use

大家有沒覺得這個書名和上回介紹的那個很像啊?什麼?上回介紹什麼你忘記了?你竟然忘記了?你!!...沒關係,小編好心再提醒一下,上回的是English Phrasal Verbs in Use,想起來了吧!是的,這就是劍橋大學出版的In Use系列的同類產品,不過重點則是擺在發音方面,若是大家看過上回的介紹,想必不會太陌生了,那麼這次的書又有何特點呢?真的能幫大家練習說出一口好英文嗎?...... 來練練發音



iPod Cheating: Myth or Reality?


Apple: Hey, Ringo! Look at my new iPod! Isn’t it beautiful!

Ringo: It surely is. Where did you get it?

Apple: It’s a birthday present from my parents. I like it soooo much. I will bring it with me to school every day.

Ringo: Uh-oh, you probably can’t do that. Don’t you know that our school has enacted a ban on digital media players? They said iPods had become the latest tool for cheaters.

Apple: What the… I haven’t heard about any classmates using iPod to cheat. Where did they get this idea? I think most of the teachers are technologically illiterate, aren’t they?

Ringo: Ha, that’s probably why they are worried. People are always afraid of the unknown... But seriously, they are not worried for no reason. After all, it’s possible to download some crib notes, formulas, dictations, or even audio files to your iPod and use it for some devious ends in the exams.

Apple: That’s true. But it all seems so cumbersome, I mean, to cheat with iPods. Who’s gonna have the earbuds on when taking exams? It’s just like yelling silently at the teacher, “Hey, look at me! I am cheating with my iPod! Come get me if you can!” Besides, aren’t we asked to clear the desk and put everything down to the ground except for pencils and erasers?

Ringo: The school administration probably thinks banning these gadgets will at least stave off some cheaters.

Apple: Dream on! For as long as there have been tests and exams, there have been cheaters. It could be an abacus up the sleeve or a piece of papyrus taped to the insole of a sandal, and iPods are just the latest twist in the history of human cheating.

Ringo: Ha, I like this abacus-up-the-sleeve thing. Cheating is really an age-old problem. Cheaters always find their ways to do it. Those who cut corners as students will end up cutting corners all their lives.

Apple: So, this kind of zero-tolerance policy that regards not the students’ behavior but the technology itself is just ridiculous. Don’t you think so?

Ringo: W… wait a minute. I didn’t follow your words. What do you mean?

Apple: I say if they are banning iPods to stop cheating, they might as well ban pencils, pens, all forms of paper, watches, sleeves, pockets, water bottles, shoes, and place cameras above and below every desk because banning an iPod from school isn’t going to stop a god damn thing.

Ringo: Somehow I feel that you are saying something very different from the part I didn’t catch. Was that what you said in your previous sentence?

Apple: No, I spoke two different sentences.

Ringo: But why?

Apple: Why? Because I am angry! Originally I wanted to download some podcasts so that I can listen to them at school to help me with my Japanese. And now the plan gets all screwed up!

Ringo: It was Mr. Luddite.

Apple: What?

Ringo: Mr. Luddite, who teaches art history. I heard that he proposed this to the principal.

Apple: Did he?... Then… he is really a worthy Luddite. Glory be to Mr. Luddite, who has saved the campus from the evil hands of the machines. May his soul rest restlessly in HELL!



enact (v) 制定(法律);頒佈(法案)
abacus (n) 算盤
illiterate (adj) 不識字的;知識淺陋的
papyrus (n) 草紙
crib note (n) 作弊用的小抄
insole (n) 鞋子內底
dictation (n) 口述;聽寫記下的文字
sandal (n) 涼鞋,古羅馬人穿的帶子鞋
devious (adj) 不光明的;欺詐的
twist (n) 歪曲,扭轉
cumbersome (adj) 麻煩的;笨重的
cut corners (v ph) (不正當地)簡便行事
earbud (n) 耳機
screw up (v ph) 搞砸
eraser (n) 橡皮檫
Luddite (n) 強烈反對機械化或自動化的人
gadget (n) 科技小物
worthy (adj) 相稱的,可敬的
stave off (v ph) 擊退;趕走
restlessly (adv) 不安地,慌張地



CNN:Schools say iPods becoming tools for cheaters

Ozarks First:Preventing high-tech cheating








至於小編自己要上哪去了呢?實不相瞞,小編即將收拾行囊,踏上留美之路了。此行一去數千公里,為時數年,辛苦程度只比馬可波羅差一點點(Marco Polo是英語宅急便第一回的角色唷,請見第002期),望眾位切莫掛念,因為人的記憶很短暫,要掛念也記不住的,啊,人生!小編不是歸人,只是過客,只要大家看了學習報後,對英文的學習有所幫助就好了。畢竟走了一個編,還有千千萬萬個編啊~




初代小編 黃山耘

June 2007


English Freeway


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