

How can people make new friends? Blind dates? Online chatrooms? Social networking? And what else?

How about "Posting your cell phone number on YouTube"?

Sounds crazy and dangerous, eh? But could it actually be a way both exciting and effective?

If you are still hesitant about this, see what happened to a young man in America after his brave attempt on YouTube.

Feel like talking to some strangers?


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◎ 電子報編輯公告——讀者問題回應,必看!


◎ 英文小老師諮詢服務(長期公告)

英文小老師服務線上預約系統已經啟用,時間地點和諮詢的內容在網頁上也都可以看到喔,觀迎大家多多利用。...... 我要預約



PBS Online NewsHour: Entertainment

PBS Online NewsHour Entertainment提供大家有關於從美國的藝術、詩歌、到流行文化、作家、舞者、電影等相關的最新消息內容,另外還有針對當代詩人、詩歌,甚至是中東的詩歌作深入的探討與分析,最棒的是提供mp3下載,也可線上觀看影片內容,讓您可以一窺究竟、探索美國文化及娛樂。......來窺探一下!


English Freeway

English Freeway

相信本報讀者都知道English Freeway指的是什麼,應該大多數也都連進去使用過一些線上的英語學習資源,但你知道Freeway裡頭每一個區塊到底裝了什麼寶嗎?當高速公路上的招牌變成了英語學習專用的招牌,你是否對於這條Freeway上每個招牌都很熟悉呢?這次我們將針對Freeway網站作詳細的介紹,讓你不會在這學習英文的高速公路上迷失了方向。 ...... 我不要迷失人生的方向!



BBC Video—Days That Shook the World, Part II

上回介紹的「驚世一刻」系列第一集,不知道大家有沒到視聽館來觀賞過了啊?如果沒有的話,沒關係,小編自己認錯就是了,想必是介紹得太馬虎隨便了,引不起大家的興趣,無法打死棲息在各位內心深處的千年懶惰蟲....不過,這次不一樣了!(大概吧~) 這回介紹的第二片,裡頭的歷史事件全都是空前絕後的大事啊 !小編覺得看了以後,對世界和人生的了解都增加了何止千百倍那麼多(茶~)!言歸正傳,本回內容有:廣島原子彈、沙皇慘案/柏林圍牆倒下、反猶太集會/以色列建國,配上小編觀後感與真心推薦,想必「驚」彩可期啊!...... 驚世一刻,再度嚇得我屁滾尿流失了魂



"Just call and talk to me. I am here for everyone!"


Luna: Ay, this is really a world where bizarre things are considered normal. You know what? A young man, unemployed, by the way, has become all the rage recently because of his posting on YouTube.

Tick: But there are tens of thousands of young people posting their videos on YouTube everyday. That site is simply loaded with videos of people acting stupid. Believe it or not, I have seen dozens of videos of people launching bottle rockets from their rear ends. So what's so special about this latest one?

Luna: This young man, named Ryan Fitzgerald, has posted his own cell phone number for everyone to call and talk to him.

Tick: Wow! That's really something creepy. It's no less silly than the rocket-from-rear-end thing. In fact, it could be very dangerous to have your phone numbers posted on the Internet. You never know who will call, or what those with malicious intentions can make of your phone numbers. Why did he do this? Was he nuts?

Luna: He said he wanted to "be there" for anyone who needed to talk. Lonely people, depressed people, poor people, etc. He wanted to establish some genuine human interaction via cell phones.

Tick: So, is he an apostle of universal LOVE? Love loves to love love. Callers call to call callers. Callers love to call lovers. …

Luna: Excuse me, what are you talking about?

Tick: Can't you see that I was elaborating on the spirit of universal love and its relationship with the telephone?

Luna: I see another lunatic in you. You can post what you just said on YouTube too, and get famous ……

Tick: Alright, forget it. So, did anyone actually call Ryan?

Luna: Yes, he was swamped with phone calls and text messages. He got more than 5,000 of them the weekend he first posted his phone number.

Tick: Just in two days? That is ridiculous… I haven't got 5,000 calls and text messages all my life. I wonder what these callers talked about. I would have nothing to say to those totally unknown to me. Just the thought of this makes me uneasy.

Luna: Apparently that's your case, not their problem. They talked about light topics like plans of the day, and serious ones as well, such as 9/11 conspiracy theories, or how hard it can be to be gay. Maybe also Greek Philosophy, I guess.

Tick: Or rather, GEEK philosophy. That's to be sure.

Luna: And this Ryan said he was inspired by Juan Mann, an Australian who offered "Free Hugs" to strangers in the streets. Juan said his free hugs can fulfill people's need for an anonymous place to dump their guilt, their suffering, and their anguish.

Tick: Amazing! This one is just the master of Ryan, the oracle of universal love that has successfully passed his spirit on to the apostle. Love hugs to hug love!

Luna: Hey, stop being cynical. I think Juan's campaign of "Free Hugs" is truly meaningful and inspirational. And he's much smarter than Ryan, too.

Tick: Fine, no more love loves to love love. But how is Juan smarter? Is it only because he didn't offer his cell phone numbers? For Hugging strangers in the streets may also be very risky. What if the one you put your arms around happens to be a psycho?

Luna: That, regrettably, cannot be prevented. But at least Juan clings tighter to his anonymity. "Juan Mann" is actually a pseudonym. And his charitable deeds cost himself nothing, unlike Ryan's.

Tick: I don't think that posting a video clip on YouTube costs anything. It's supposed to be free, isn't it?

Luna: Yes, it's free. But I was talking about his cell phone bill. Ryan did have free minutes on weekends, but in weekdays he must pay for every phone call he receives, not to mention the fees for his outgoing calls and messages. All these together will definitely cost him a great deal.

Tick: That's true. He'd better stop this talking-to-everyone enterprise, if not for sanity's sake, just for money's.

Luna: But he pledges to keep it up for as long as he can, despite the expense.

Tick: I remember you mentioned that he's unemployed, right? It won't be long before he realizes that he must give up. Let's see.



bizarre (adj) 奇異的
conspiracy theory (n) 陰謀論
launch (v) 發射(火箭)
geek (n) 怪胎,怪咖
rear end (n) 臀部
anonymous (adj) 匿名的
malicious (adj) 惡意的
anguish (n) 極度的痛苦
nuts (adj) 發瘋的,傻的
cynical (adj) 挖苦的,嘲瘋的
genuine (adj) 真誠的
psycho (n) 精神異常的人,精神病患
apostle (n) 使徒
cling to (v) 緊握不放,堅持
elaborate (v) 詳盡闡述
pseudonym (n) 假名
lunatic (n) 瘋子
sanity (n) 理智
be swamped with (ph) 被...淹沒
pledge (v) 保證



CNN:Man posts cell number on YouTube, gets 5,000 calls

Philadelphia Inquirer:Only connect—till the free minutes run out

YouTube:I'm here for Everyone! Give me a call! 7742531962

Mail Guardian: Free hugs bring "Juan Mann" global fame






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