
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 409 期 發行日期 2021-06-01

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Vatican Museums Reopen After 2-Month Lockdown


With COVID-19 restrictions easing as new infections decrease in Italy, the Vatican has reopened the majestic doors of its art-filled museums this week to the public.

隨著義大利新冠病毒感染病例減少,當局也逐漸鬆綁疫情限制,梵蒂岡於本週(編按: 2021 年 5 月 4 日)向大眾重新敞開其藝術館藏的雄偉大門。


◎ 防疫三步驟

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◎ 外語教學暨資源中心 110 年 8 月 22 日「進階英語課程免修自訂測驗」公告

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四、測驗日期:110 年 8 月 22 日星期日。
五、測驗結果公告日期:110 年 8 月 30 日星期一


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Vatican Museums Reopen After 2-Month Lockdown
VOA News|Europe
May 04, 2021 09:24 AM(source)

Vatican Museums Reopen After 2-Month Lockdown


May 04, 2021 09:24 AM

Sabina Castelfranco

  VOA News 搶先看 


With COVID-19 restrictions easing as new infections decrease in Italy, the Vatican has reopened the majestic doors of its art-filled museums this week to the public.

The relaxation of restrictions in place since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy last year has brought good news to the museums and to art lovers who are now able to return after a two-month lockdown.

But the museums will not be seeing the crowds of the past for some time.

For now, all access to the museums will strictly require booking a specific time slot. Limited numbers will be allowed in for all time slots available and all those who enter the museums will have their temperature checked at the entrance. All staff working at the Vatican Museums have been vaccinated.

A maximum number of 400 visitors will be allowed into the museums every 30 minutes so as to maintain social distancing. Masks are mandatory both inside and in the Vatican gardens.

Barbara Jatta, Director of the Vatican Museums, is enthusiastic about the re-opening and eager to welcome visitors back to enjoy the masterpieces that have found a home here. She said that museums are a way to nourish people's souls.

She said this is the time to come to the Vatican Museums, because they are totally safe to visit and without that flow of people that existed in previous years.

With limited foreign travel still and few tourists in the Eternal City, it is mainly Italians at this time who are booking to visit.

Antonio, a Rome resident, said he has been wanting to come for a long time and so immediately seized the opportunity. He added that he is delighted and looks forward to the visit.

During the closures caused by the pandemic, the only way to see the works in the museums was through free virtual online tours on the museums' website. During the closure, staff used the opportunity to carry out maintenance work and improve both its digital services and security.

As Italy this year marks 700 years of the death of its famous 14-th century poet, the museums are featuring a special exhibit on Dante Alighieri titled "Dante in the Vatican Museums."

Pre-pandemic, close to an estimated seven million visitors a year visit the Vatican Museums with their magnificent frescoed ceiling of "The Last Judgement" by Renaissance artist Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, its passageway and galleries and the Vatican Gardens.

Language Notes

註 1: majestic 為形容詞,意指雄偉的;壯麗的;威嚴的

註 2: slot 為名詞,本文意指(爲某活動安排的)時段

註 3: mandatory 為形容詞,意指強制的;必須履行的;法定的

註 4: nourish 為動詞,意指養育;滋養

註 5: seize the opportunity 意指抓住機會

註 6: frescoed ceiling 意指天頂濕壁畫


Check your comprehension!

Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.

1. ( C ) What is the main idea of the article?
            (A) The restoration of artwork destroyed during the lock-down and pandemic  
            (B) The digitization of Vatican museums' latest exhibition and guided tours
            (C) The reopening of Vatican museums after Italy's two-month lock-down  
            (D) The discovery of precious artwork related to Dante by the Vatican museums
2. ( B )  According to the article, the following are the museums' COVID related safety restrictions EXCEPT...
            (A) Visitors are required to wear a mask at all times.  
            (B) Foreign tourists are banned from visiting.  
            (C) A limited set number of visitors are allowed in.   
            (D) All visitors have to go through temperature checks.
3. ( C ) What does the pronoun its in paragraph 11 refer to?
            (A) The museum     
            (B) The world                                 
            (C) The nation Italy  
            (D) The Renaissance               

編譯:外語教學暨資源中心 編輯小組


