'World's Loneliest Elephant' OK'd to Leave Zoo for New Life
VOA News|South & Central Asia
September 05, 2020 07:57 PM (source)
'World's Loneliest Elephant' OK'd to Leave Zoo for New Life
世界上最寂寞的大象允許搬離動物園 展開新生活
September 05, 2020 07:57 PM
Associated Press
An elephant who has become a cause celebre for animal rights activists around the world will be allowed to leave his Pakistani zoo and transferred to better conditions, the animal welfare group helping with the case said Saturday.
Dubbed the world's loneliest elephant by his supporters, Kaavan has languished at a zoo in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad for more than 35 years.
Martin Bauer, a spokesman for Four Paws, said the elephant has been finally given medical approval to travel, most likely to Cambodia, where he will find companionship and better conditions.
The overweight elephant Kaavan underwent a full medical examination at the zoo on Friday, Bauer said.
Zoo ordered closed.
In May, Pakistan's High Court ordered the Marghazar Zoo closed because of its abysmal conditions blamed on systemic negligence.
Rescuing Kaavan from the zoo's dire conditions attracted the attention of animal activists around the world, and celebrities including U.S. singer Cher, who lobbied for his relocation.
"Unfortunately, the rescue comes too late for two lions that died during an attempted transfer at the end of July after local animal handlers set a fire in their enclosure to force them into their transport crates," Bauer said in a statement released Saturday.
He said Four Paws was invited by the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board to safely transfer the remaining animals in the zoo. Kaavan has until now been forced to live a solitary life in a small enclosure.
Friday's medical examination showed the elephant was overweight, even as he showed signs of malnutrition. His nails were cracked and overgrown, apparently from years of living in an improper enclosure with flooring that damaged his feet.
"Following the checks, which confirmed Kaavan is strong enough, steps will now be taken to finalize his relocation to an animal sanctuary potentially in Cambodia," Bauer said.
His recovery will be a long one, said Bauer, adding that Kaavan's wounds are more than just physical. He also suffers behavioral issues.
Lonely and bored.
Kaavan, who lost his partner in 2012, has battled loneliness as well as poor living conditions. Both have taken their toll, said Bauer in an interview.
"He also developed stereotypical behavior, which means he shakes his head back and forth for hours. This is mainly because he is simply bored," Bauer said.
The Four Paws team that carried out Kaavan's physical included wildlife veterinarians and experts.
It wasn't immediately known when Kaavan would be able to travel. Rights activists have lobbied for his relocation since 2016.
週六,動物保護組織表示,一頭成為全球動物權益團體矚目焦點(cause celebre,註 1)的大象,終於可以離開巴基斯坦(Pakistani)動物園,轉送至更好的生活環境。
號稱(dub,註 2)世界上最寂寞的大象卡萬(Kaavan, 音釋),在巴基斯坦(Pakistani)首都伊斯蘭瑪巴德(Islamabad)的動物園已經遭受 35 年的煎熬(languish)。
國際動保組織四爪(Four Paws)的發言人馬丁.鮑爾(Martin Bauer)表示,這頭大象最終獲得醫療許可得以移動,最有可能搬到柬埔寨(Cambodia),在那將能找到伴(companionship),還能獲得更好的生活條件。
五月,巴基斯坦高等法院因園方系統性疏於(negligence,註 3)照料,導致極差勁的(abysmal,註 4)環境,下令關閉馬拉哈扎動物園(Marghazar Zoo)。
將卡萬從動物園糟糕的(dire)園區救出,已經受到全世界動保份子及名人的矚目,也引起美國(U.S.)歌星雪兒(Cher)出來聲援(lobby,註 5)。
鮑爾於週六發布的聲明提到:「很不幸地,七月底有兩頭獅子因為延誤救援,在轉移的過程中,當地的馴獸師在圈欄(enclosure)中放火,試圖將獅子趕進運輸箱(transport crate),之後不幸喪生。」
他說道,伊斯蘭瑪巴德野生動物管理委員會(Islamabad Wildlife Management Board)邀請四爪幫忙轉移動物園裡的其他動物。卡萬至今仍被迫孤獨(solitary)生活在一個狹小的圈欄。
週五的健檢顯示超重的卡萬,竟然還營養不良(malnutrition,註 6),他的腳趾甲因長太長而裂開,顯然長年生活在不當的空間,並踩踏在設計不良的地板上,對他足部造成傷害。
鮑爾在訪問中提到:卡萬自從 2012 年失去伴侶後,就不斷面臨孤獨感和惡劣環境的打擊,飽受身心煎熬(take their toll)。
鮑爾說:「他現在會出現「前後搖頭數小時」的固著行為(stereotypical behavior),代表他覺得很無聊。」
現在還沒辦法立即知道卡萬什麼時候能搬家。自 2016 年起動保團體就不斷為他的遷居請命。
Language Notes
註 1: cause celebre 於本文指「轟動一時的事件」,像是「引起公眾關注的訴訟案」;注意 celebre 重音在第 2 音節
註 2: dub 於本文指「稱…爲」;本字也常指「為(影視節目)配音」
註 3: negligence 於本文指「疏忽」;注意重音在第 1 音節
註 4: abysmal 於本文指「極壞的」;注意重音在第 2 音節
註 5: lobby 於本文指「遊說,試圖說服(政客、政府或官方團體)」;本字也常指「遊說團體;大廳」
註 6: malnutrition 由表示「不良」的字首 " mal- " 與表示「營養」的名詞 " nutrition " 組成,意指「營養不良」
Check your comprehension!
Choose the BEST answer to each of the questions below. After you finish, highlight the parentheses to reveal the hidden answers.
1. ( B ) For what purpose has Four Paws lobbied for Kaavan's relocation?
(A)To create an animal sanctuary in Cambodia.
(B) To save him from the zoo's bad condition.
(C) To carry out a medical treatment for his head.
(D) To rescue him from a fire set in his enclosure.
2. ( C ) Why does Kaavan shake his head back and forth for hours?
(A) Because he has been starving for days.
(B) Because he is happy with his new companionship in Cambodia.
(C) Because he simply gets bored of living in a small enclosure.
(D) Because he is anxious about the medical examination at the zoo.
3. ( C ) According to Martin Bauer, his attitude toward Kaavan’s living in Pakistan is _________.
(A) indifferent
(B) respectful
(C) concerning
(D) approving
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