Dictionary Helps Nigerians Decode Their Names
VOA News
Last updated on: February 25, 2016 5:00 PM (source)
Online Dictionary
Helps Nigerians Decode Their Names
Chris Stein
February 25, 2016 5:00 PM
The names given to a child
by southwest Nigeria’s Yoruba people come with a certain meaning, which
may be related to something
like the time of year or to the circumstances of the child’s birth.
While linguist Kola Tubosun
knows the meaning of his name, many of the other Yorubas he has met do
not. So, he decided to do something about it.
Launched earlier this month, is an online dictionary of
traditional Yoruba names, aimed at
Yoruba people who might have forgotten their name’s meaning or never
learned it in the first place.
“The whole idea is to provide a central place where people can find
all, hopefully all of the Yoruba names, be able to find its meaning,”
said Dadepo Aderemi, the site’s head developer.
Yorubas are among the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria and have
significant populations in neighboring
Benin. Large numbers of Yorubas also live in Brazil and the Caribbean,
as a result of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
While the Yoruba language is widely heard across Nigeria’s populous southwest, Tubosun says
educators undervalue it and other local languages.
Some parents would rather their children learn English as a way to […]
get an advantage over other students in the competition for jobs and
opportunities, he says. In a country where two-thirds of the population
live in poverty,
both are in short supply.
“Over time, parents bought into
this idea that if you don’t learn English, or don’t learn in English,
or you don’t learn any other language other than English, then you are
denying yourself a chance for a good future filled with opportunities,”
Tubosun said.
That emphasis on learning English ends
up harming local traditions, he says.
“I realized that something is going to get lost over time if we didn’t
find a way to document these
things,” said Tubosun, whose first name is given to males who are born
into a newly-purchased house.
The dictionary is a work in progress, Tubosun said. He anticipates adding many more names
to the site, along with a tool for people to hear the pronunciation of
individual names.
Tubosun started the dictionary because he is Yoruba, but, he doesn’t
plan to stop there; many cultures in Africa give names that have
meanings, and he intends to expand the dictionary to other languages in
Nigeria and across the continent.
With some 500 local languages in Nigeria, he has his work cut out for him.
(linguist)科拉‧土巴桑(Kola Tubosun)知道他自己名字的意義,但許多他所認識的約魯巴人卻不知道他們自身名字的意義。因此,他決定做些什麼。
網站是一個蒐集傳統約魯巴名字的網路字典,其鎖定的對象是(be aimed at)已經忘了或從一開始(in the first place)壓根就不知道自己名字意義的約魯巴人。
網站的主要開發人員達迪波‧阿德瑞密(Dadepo Aderemi)表示:「這整體的構想在於提供一個集中地(網站),希望所有約魯巴的名字及其意義都能在這網站上找到。」
約魯巴人是奈及利亞最大的種族族群(ethic group)之一,在鄰國貝南(Benin)也有可觀的人口。因昔日的跨大西洋奴隸買賣,為數不少的約魯巴人現也居住在巴西和加勒比一帶(the Caribbean)。
他說,有些家長寧可自己的孩子學習英語,藉此在工作和機會的競爭中,比其他學生占有更多優勢(get an
advantage over . . .)。在一個全國有三分之二的人民處於貧困(in poverty)的國家裡,工作和機會都是缺乏的(in short supply)。
土巴桑說:「漸漸地,父母親們認同(buy into)了這個看法,也就是如果不學英語、不用英語來學習,或不學英語以外的其他語言,那你就是自己否定了原本可能充滿機會的未來。」
他表示,對英語學習如此程度的重視最終會(end up)傷害了當地的傳統文化。
(編按:新聞裡的語言學家土巴桑的名字(first name)是Kola,譯者實際上了YorubaName.com這個網站搜尋後發現,Kola是由Kọ́láwọlé這個名字簡化而來,網站上所提供的意思與新聞中的說法相似:
“It's a name usually given to the first boy born in a new house built
by the parents.”。)
土巴桑說,這個字典是一項持續進行中的工程(a work in progress)。他預計(anticipate)在網站上加入更多的名字,搭配(along with)一個能讓大家聽到各個名字發音的工具。
奈及利亞約有五百多種方言,這表示土巴桑還有很多艱困的工作在等著他(have one’s
work cut for oneself)。
Language Notes
related (a)
(n) 語言學家
aimed at (v phr) 目標是……;為了要達成……的目標
(a) 鄰近的
(a) 人口眾多的,人口稠密的
in poverty (v phr) 處於貧困中,過貧困的生活
short supply (prep phr) 補給、供應不足
into (phr) 接受了某種說法、想法或觀念
up . . . (v phr) 結果是……;最終以……結局作收
*這個片語後常接三種結構:(1)形容詞 (2)介系詞片語 (3)動名詞。例句:He ended up dead/in
prison/marrying that girl. 他最後死了/坐牢了/跟那女孩結婚了。
(v) (透過書寫、攝影等方式)留下……紀錄
(v) 預期,期望;預料
one’s work cut out (for oneself) (v phr) 尚有困難的工作要完成;面臨艱鉅的任務
Check your vocabulary!
in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary
changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden
1. His research documents how the crisis occurred.
2. The team will have their work cut out
if they are to win the competition.
3. I never bought into this idea
that you have to be thin to be attractive.
4. She'll end up penniless if she
carries on spending like that.
5. Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area
are directly related to the new
nuclear power station.
6. The fair attracted thousands of people from neighboring areas.