

臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 283 期 發行日期 2015-10-01

  These dark, narrow, 100-meter-long streaks called recurring slope lineae flowing downhill on Mars are inferred to have been formed by contemporary flowing water. See more on VOA.

NASA: Strong Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars


NASA scientists have found strong evidence of salt water streams on Mars, at least during the red planet's summer, the space agency announced Monday.

美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA) 科學家發現強大的證據,可證明火星至少在夏季時有鹽水流。此消息於周一時由太空署公佈。

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  最新一期自學包裹,中級主題:Cats;中高級主題:Fighting Diseases。

  Feature of the Week:Guide to Grammar & Writing

  Interactive Learning Resources: Capstone Interactive Library

  English Learning Video: Perth Zoo: Confusing Words in English – English Vocabulary Lesson

  活用學術字彙: 跨出論文寫作的第一步

  NASA: Strong Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars(美國國家航空暨太空總署:火星上有液態水的證據)


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本 單元介紹常見又可愛的動物:貓咪。若要飼養寵物,貓咪應該是與狗不相上下的選擇之一,人類飼養貓咪的歷史悠久,因此衍生出與貓有關的慣用語自然也不少,這 裡會介紹其中一個「not enough room to swing a cat」,當然這個慣用語跟虐待動物無關,但想知道真正的意思是什麼,那麼就趕快點進來看吧!

中高級:104期--Fighting Diseases


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Feature of the Week

Guide to Grammar & Writing

「文法與寫作指導」 (Guide to Grammar & Writing) 這個英文寫作的學習網站提供我們各種與英文寫作相關的學習資訊:從最基本的單字、句子結構 (word & sentence level),到較高層的文章段落結構 (paragraph level),再到最高層的整篇文章、研究報告結構 (essay & research paper level);同時亦附有各種學習者在英文寫作上常遇到的文法問題與解答。只要透過檢索,各式各樣英文寫作的疑難雜症都可以獲得良方喔!此外,網站裡也提 供了互動式的文法練習題,隨時可以磨刀小試一番。有沒有很令人心動呢?讓我們一同來探索吧!
Interactive Learning Resources

Capstone Interactive Library

十 年前有誰料想到十年後的今天會是人手一機的行動世代 (M-Generation) 呢?以智慧型手機 (smartphone) 為例:有了一台智慧型手機如同帶了一部電腦在身邊,收發e-mail、上網查資訊、製作影片......都不成問題。Capstone Interactive Library 裡的 Handheld Gadgets 一書即介紹了時下琳瑯滿目的電子裝置,除了智慧型手機,還有平板電腦 (tablet computer)、電子閱讀器 (e-reader) 以及其他與電腦相關的行動裝置。想要一窺行動世代的究竟並學習相關的英文嗎?趕快來閱讀 Handheld Gadgets 吧!請看 Interactive Learning Resources --> English for Academic Purpose --> Capstone Interactive Library。 Register | Login
English Learning Video

Confusing Words in English – English Vocabulary Lesson

英文當中有許多因拼法,發音,或意思相近而容易混淆的單字。比方說下列各組單字就像同卵雙/多胞胎般,常讓我們傻傻分不清:(1) fell / felt / fallen;(2) take / bring;(3) cook / cooker;(4) lose / loose;(5) work / job;(6) study / learn;(7) bored / boring。你可曾想過如何有效而迅速地辨別它們呢?若沒有,趕快來聽聽影片中 Oli 老師的解析吧。相信聽完老師深入淺出的講解,可以幫助你字字分明,從此不再搞混囉!



在 為英文學術寫作煩惱嗎?要跨出學術寫作的第一步,便是要能掌握和活用學術字彙,了解常見學術字彙的用法。本期即向您推薦一本英文寫作學術字彙的書籍-- 「活用學術字彙:跨出論文寫作的第一步」,透過這本書的介紹,希望各位不僅增加對學術字彙的認識,更能活用此書的教學,在英文學術寫作功力上更上層樓!


NASA: Strong Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
VOA News
Last updated on: September 28, 2015 12:47 PM (source

NASA: Strong Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
美國國家航空暨太空總署:火 星上有液態水的證據

VOA News
Last updated on: September 28, 2015 12:47 PM

NASA scientists have found strong evidence of salt water streams on Mars, at least during the red planet's summer, the space agency announced Monday.

美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)科學家發現強大的證據, 可證明火星至少在夏季時有鹽水流。此消息於周一時由太空署公佈。

The lines of "hydrated" salt minerals found would require water for their creation, and where there’s liquid water, there could be life, even if it's in microbial form.

科學家們發現「含水的」(“hydrated”)鹽份 礦物質的痕跡,而這種痕跡需要有水才能產生。有水的地方可能就有生命,即使只是微生物的(microbial)型 態。

"Today we are revolutionizing our understanding of this planet," Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA Headquarters, said during a news conference releasing the findings.

「今天我們徹底改變了 (revolutionize)我們對這個星球的認知」,NASA總部(headquarters)的行星科學部主任吉姆葛林(Jim Green)在發佈新發現的記 者會(news conference)上如此表示。

Amid speculation before the announcement, Doug McCuistion, the former head of NASA’s Mars program, told the Boston Herald, "If they are announcing that they have found easily accessible, freely flowing liquid water under the surface, which is one of the theories we have been hearing for years and years, that has massive implications both for the potential for life on that planet and sustainability of humans."

在消息發佈前引起的諸多猜測之中(amid speculation),有前NASA火星計畫的主持人道格麥克奎斯遜(Doug McCuistion)刊登在《波士頓先驅報(Boston Herald)》的看法:「他們可能會公佈在火星表面下找到了容易接近(accessible)、 自由流動的液態水,這是過去好 幾年間(for years and years)不斷聽到的理論。這個消息潛藏重大的意義(massive implication),這表示火星上可能有生命,也意味著人類在火星上有持續發展和生存 (sustainability)的可能。」

Taking part in the conference were: Green; Michael Meyer, lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA Headquarters; Lujendra Ojha of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta; Mary Beth Wilhelm of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California and the Georgia Institute of Technology; and Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

與會者除葛林之外,還有NASA總部火星探索計畫的首 席科學家麥可梅爾(Michael Meyer)、亞特蘭大的喬治亞科技大學的盧金德拉歐嘉(Lujendra Ojha)、NASA於加州莫非特場的艾姆斯研究中心(Ames Research Center)與喬治亞科技大學的瑪莉貝斯威廉(Mary Beth Wihelm),與杜桑的亞利桑那大學高解析度成像科學實驗的計畫主持人(principal investigator)麥克尤恩(Alfred McEwen)。

NASA has found evidence of water on Mars in the past. In March, NASA said there was once more water on Mars than in Earth's Arctic Ocean.

NASA發現火星過去曾有水的證據。今年三月時,NASA曾 宣布火星一度有比地球北極海(Arctic Ocean)還多的水量。

NASA researchers wrote in the journal Science that they compared the ratio of two different types of water found in the Martian atmosphere to the ratio of those waters trapped in a Martian meteorite dating back 4.5 billion years.

根據NASA研究員在期刊《科學 (Science)》的文章,他們比較了火星大氣中和45億年前鎖在火星隕石(meteorite)內 的兩種型態的水的比例 (ratio)。在發表於期刊《科學 (Science)》的文章裡,NASA 研究員將兩種不同型態的水在目前火星大氣中的比例(ratio)與45 億年前它們鎖在火星隕石 (meteorite)內時的比例做比較。

They say more than 4 billion years ago, Mars was covered with water 137 meters deep and that nearly all of it has since evaporated into space.

他們認為,在40億年前,覆蓋火星的水深度達137公尺,而 從那時開始,大部分火星上的水都蒸 發(evaporate)散逸到了太空。

Language Notes

hydrated  [haɪdretɪd]  (a) 含水的   *dehydrate (v) 脫水;使乾燥

microbial  [maɪkrobɪəl]  (a) 微生物的   *microbe (n) 微生物

amid  mɪd]  (prep) 在. . .之中

accessible  [æksɛsəbl̩]  (a) 可以取得的;可以接近的

implication (n) 含意;暗示

sustainability (n) 持續性;能維持性

ratio (n) 比;比率

meteorite  [mitɪərˏaɪt]  (n) 隕星;流星

evaporate (v) 蒸發;揮發

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text above to reveal the hidden answers.

1. The sun evaporates moisture on the leaves.

2. We lost our companions amid the storm and the darkness.

3. The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1.

4. There is a church which is easily accessible from my home.

5. After you run, drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated.
