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英文學術會議口語表達 |
索書號:805.188/1057/2012 (附CD一片) 本書的最大特色在於,其依照學術場合中不同的角色提供豐富的英文句庫,部分單元更細分為正式、口語及幽默說法,像是: 句句為你的英文學術口語能力加分! |
Sarah Williams August 25, 2014 1:35 PM
The addiction problem, and China's attempts to treat it, has attracted the attention of Israeli filmmakers Shosh Shlam and Hilla Medalia, who released the documentary Web Junkie earlier this month.
Gaming appears to be the most addictive Internet behavior, with some gamers donning diapers so as to avoid bathroom breaks.
The trend has Chinese parents worried. “I think China and especially Chinese parents take education very seriously,” said Eric Harwit, professor of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii. “They saw a lot of teenagers, especially young male students, start to lose interest in school and devote much of their time to Internet gaming.”
“They look to [the camps] as a kind of last resort for reforming their children, especially if it’s one child, the only child that they have, and giving them a chance to break their addiction to Internet games and hopefully then return to school and become more academically capable,” he said.
The military-style camps are situated throughout China, and are designed to force the country’s youth away from obsessive Internet surfing and video gaming. Typically, kids can spend three to four months at a camp receiving treatment. Filmmakers Shlam and Hilla Medalia were granted access to the Daxing Boot Camp in Beijing, the first Internet addiction camp, which opened in 2005.
Once there, the patients are required to participate in rigorous exercises, medication and therapy. Sometimes patients are also placed in isolation for as long as 10 days. The living conditions are Spartan, according to Medalia.
“There are no showers, and they wake up very early in the morning, it’s like a boot camp in many ways and they’re doing military training,” she said. “In the winter it’s extremely cold in Beijing, and in the summer it’s extremely hot.”
But some of the disciplinary measures at the camps have become overly harsh, and deaths have been reported. According to a 2012 Xinhua story, “instructors who resort to violence while treating addicts at Internet addiction rehabilitation centers will be disqualified from continuing their job.” That same report said that in 2010 two camp instructors beat a 15-year-old to death. The two received “up to” 10 years in prison, according to the report.
And the deaths continue. In June, a 19-year-old girl died after being repeatedly dropped on the ground by instructors at a camp in Henan province. Another girl apparently died after being forced to do extreme exercises on a cold floor for two hours.
“Once they return to society, they’re not supposed to then play games, but they still have to use the Internet,” said Harwit, noting that much academic research is now done online. “How do you say this part of the Internet is good, but this part you should avoid?”
China is not the only country grappling with Internet addiction. The New York Times reported that “up to 30 percent of South Koreans under 18, or about 2.4 million people, are at risk of Internet addiction.” South Korea also has opened well over 100 rehabilitation centers for those suffering from addiction. Vocabulary
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Check your vocabulary! Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text below to reveal the hidden answers. 1. She's regularly looked to for advice. 2. I don't have enough self-discipline to save money. 3. New technology has spawned new business opportunities. 4. Pains in the head were among the many afflictions she suffered. 5. Officials fear that extremists may resort to violence. 6. Her killer was finally put behind bars. 編譯:簡嘉呈 |