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Most people in Taiwan don't celebrate Thanksgiving, though we usually have a curious enthusiasm for things foreign, holidays not the least.

In addition to the turkey meal, what else do you know about Thanksgiving? What's the origin of this holiday? "Thanks" given to whom? How do people express their "thanks"?

In this issue's English Express, we offer a somewhat unconventional version of the "first Thanksgiving" story.

Yet, whatever the true story is, always remember to be thankful, all the time.


President Bush looked very excited for being able to save lives that are decidedly not human lives. (Photo from Reuters)


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Pronunciation Tips 發音小撇步(長短母音)

覺得自己的英文發音不佳嗎?老是傻傻分不清楚是ship還是sheep嗎?發音是語言學習的重要項目,但你不需像九官鳥一樣模仿,也不必像新聞主播一樣字正腔圓,只要可以說的像Received Pronunciation,也就是大部分英語使用者可以瞭解的英文就可以了。英國BBC網站特別提供相似母音的聽力對比練習,裡頭舉出很多例子,幫助你分辨容易混淆的長母音與短母音。內容簡單易懂,使用介面也超級容易,適合所有學習英語的學生喔! ... 我不是九官鳥!



相信大部分的人都吃過焗烤,也有很多人愛吃焗烤,但你知道焗烤的作法嗎?快來看看澳洲CBS電視台的線上烹飪節目,創意美食達人Chris Kimball示範簡易的美式焗烤,並教你如何分辨起司和培根的好壞。進入後記得點選右方的視訊視窗連線觀賞影片,左方則是完整的焗烤操作步驟。學習英語也是可以更貼近日常生活的!進入前先來學個焗烤的英文:casserole,這是名詞,也是道菜名,另外也可單指那個鍋子,中文譯為『砂鍋』或『烤盤』。所有利用砂鍋去燉煮、以及用烤盤去焗烤的菜就統稱為casserole dish! ... 我流口水了



Lecture Ready 2:

Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-taking, and Discussion

英文聽講對你來說就像是一萬公里障礙賽嗎?那麼你真的要好好鍛鍊一下自己的聽講能力囉!Small Lectures可以說是各種英語能力檢定考中必考的聽力題型,而對於要出國深造的同學們,英文聽講亳無疑問地更是一項求生必備的能力。這回我們介紹的這本Lecture Ready 2,不但傳授大家學術聽講的秘招,並且兼談如何記下重點筆記,及課堂討論的實戰守則,最吸引人的是,還有一片全真實境、真槍實彈演出的英文演講DVD,讓你可以模擬聽講的實況,聽力練習不再有聲無影 ... 再看一點介紹


英語宅急便Pardoned Turkeys Thankful


Wampanoag: Yo, how was your Thanksgiving last Wednesday?

Pilgrim: You idiot! It was Thursday. The fourth Thursday of November!

Wampanoag: But I think the real Thanksgiving should begin on Wednesday, when the poor turkeys are killed. They sacrifice themselves for our showing of gratitude, holy turkeys.

Pilgrim: Whatever you think, turkeys keep dying for gratitude's sake every year. And every year we have family gatherings, solemn prayers, traditional holiday dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, gravy and cranberry sauce. What else can we have? And you, what about your holiday?

Wampanoag: Much the same as yours, lavish festival dinner, watching football, and things like that. Yet I went to a lecture about the origin of Thanksgiving.

Pilgrim: What! Haven't you attended primary school? Everyone knows where this holiday comes from. In what is now Massachusetts in 1621, a group of about 50 English settlers at Plimouth Plantation held a feast to thank the Native people for helping them survive their first winter in the New World.

Wampanoag: Sure I know all about that, but I was told in the lecture that the traditional Thanksgiving story is laced with myth and exaggeration. It’s true that 90 native men of the Wampanoag Indian tribe participated in the harvest festival, but they were probably not "invited" by the Pilgrim settlers.

Pilgrim: Then why did they come?

Wampanoag: The Wampanoag and the Pilgrims had signed a treaty, but there was still mistrust between them. When the English got too excited during their celebration, they began firing off their muskets, and this made the Wampanoag concerned.

Pilgrim: Oh, the Pilgrims sometimes get rowdy, though they are usually believed to be a starchy, pious lot.

Wampanoag: Then a delegation of 90 Indian men went to Plimouth to check things out and ensure that the treaty was still in effect. Since they outnumbered the settlers, it was difficult to turn their unexpected visitors away, and so they were invited to join the celebration.

Pilgrim: Uh, that must have been a tense time overall, eating with potential enemies.

Wampanoag: And there are still other misconceptions about Thanksgiving, such as ...

Pilgrim: Enough, please. You are on the verge of spoiling the fun with your "true Thanksgiving story." Can we have something light and interesting?

Wampanoag: Alright, then what about Flyer and Fryer Turkey?

Pilgrim: Who are they?

Wampanoag: They are two turkeys.

Pilgrim: W…well, and then?

Wampanoag: They were spared the chopping block and pardoned by President Bush, who announced that “I am granting a full presidential pardon so they can live out their lives as safe as can be.”

Pilgrim: Mercy! Let the turkey live! I bet they must be the most grateful in this year’s Thanksgiving.



sacrifice (v) 犧牲
treaty (n) 條約,協定
gratitude (n) 感謝,感激之情
musket (n) 毛瑟槍
solemn (adj) 莊嚴隆重的
Pilgrim (n) 1620年搭乘Mayflower移居美國
mashed potatoes (n) 馬鈴薯泥
pumpkin pie (n) 南瓜派
rowdy (adj) 喧鬧的
gravy (n) 肉汁
starchy (adj) 刻板的
cranberry sauce (n) 蔓越莓醬
pious (adj) 虔誠的
lavish (adj) 極豐富的,浪費的
lot (n) 某一類的人
settlers (n) 開拓者,殖民者
delegation (n) 代表團
plantation (n) 殖民地,新開墾地
misconception (n) 誤解
be laced with (ph) 以...裝飾,點綴
on the verge of (ph) 將要...
myth (n) 虛構的人(事),神話
spare (v) 饒恕,免除
exaggeration (n) 誇大
chopping block (n) 砧板
tribe (n) 部落
pardon (v) 赦免,原諒


VOA:Bush Pardons Thanksgiving Turkeys

American Indians 'Gate Crashers' at First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Springs from Beloved Traditions, Myths


ETtoday:布希特赦感恩節火雞 火雞急著想落跑!



English Freeway



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