


North Korea Admits Rocket Failed Shortly After Launch


"Multistage rocket" on Wikipedia

North Korea has acknowledged a multi-stage rocket it launched early Friday failed to reach orbit.



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April 13, 2012

Steve Herman | Seoul

An announcer on North Korean television - interrupting programming four hours after the launch, which was not broadcast - says the Kwangmyongsong-3 earth observation satellite did not succeed in reaching orbit and scientific experts are investigating the cause of the failure.

Officials in Seoul, Tokyo and Washington say North Korea's rocket indeed blasted off from the launch pad but failed to get very far.

U.S. military officials called it a Taepo Dong-2 missile. They say it was tracked by satellite on a southern trajectory where the first stage fell into the Yellow Sea. The North American Aerospace Defense Command says the other two stages failed to continue in flight and never posed a threat.

South Korean army major general Shin Won-sik, speaking to reporters at the defense ministry, says the missile began tumbling back to Earth at an altitude of 151 kilometers, separating into about 20 pieces and harmlessly falling into the Yellow Sea 100 to 150 kilometers offshore.

The general says the launch clearly violates UN resolutions 1718 and 1874 and was a test-firing of a long-rang missile disguised as a satellite launch. He adds this is a grave provocation and a serious military threat to international society and the Republic of Korea.

Japan's defense forces, along with the South Korean and U.S. militaries in the region, had deployed anti-missile batteries on land and at sea to possibly shoot down the object if it flew over Japanese or South Korean territories.

Authorities in Japan's southern Okinawan islands, which are close to the intended flight path, activated public address loudspeakers soon after the launch.

Citizens were advised that there was nothing to worry about from the North Korean missile launch while newspaper vendors handed out copies of extra editions.

The incident prompted emergency security meetings both in Seoul and in Tokyo.

The U.N. Security Council is to add an agenda item about North Korea to its already scheduled Friday session.

The Group of Eight nations - composed of the United States, Russia, Japan, Germany, the France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Canada - are calling for the United Nations to make an appropriate response to Pyongyang's action.

South Korea's foreign minister, Kim Sung-hwan, strongly condemns the North going ahead with the launch.

Kim says it is truly regrettable that North Korea spends huge financial resources on developing nuclear weapons and missiles while its citizens are experiencing such hardships.

Japan is echoing similar sentiments, adding it is considering additional financial sanctions on North Korea.

This marks North Korea's third failed attempt at a claimed satellite launch.

There is growing speculation in the intelligence community that North Korea will soon conduct a third nuclear test. Such underground explosions of nuclear devices followed its two previous attempted launches of multi-stage missiles.

Language Notes

interrupt (v) 中斷;遮斷

observation satellite (n phr) 觀察用衛星

blast (v) 噴出,爆發出 * blast off 發射

launch pad (n phr) (火箭)發射台

trajectory (n) 軌道;彈道

pose (v) 造成,引起

我們照像時要擺 pose,那時候作「擺姿勢」解;本字作「造成,引起」一解時,後面加的字是「威脅、問題」等,如文中的 pose a threat (造成威脅)

首爾、東京與華盛頓的官員確實北韓的火箭 (rocket) 已從發射台 (launch pad) 發射 (blast off),但行進距離不遠。美國軍方官員稱此火箭為大浦洞二型導彈(Taepo Dong-2 missile),在衛星上追蹤到其第一節墜入黃海的南向行進軌道 (on a southern trajectory)。北美防空司令部 (North American Aerospace Defense Command) 指出,火箭其餘的兩節都未能繼續推進飛行,並未造成任何威脅 (never posed a threat)。

major general (n phr) 少將

altitude (n) 高,高度

表達「在某種高度」,前面介詞要使用at,如文中 at an altitude of 151 kilometer (在151公里的高度);本字複數時可泛指「高海拔處、高地」,例:at high altitudes (在高海拔之地)

violate (v) 違犯;違背

resolution (n) (會議等的)正式決定,決議

本字還有兩個常見的意思:「決心、決意」跟「解決;解答」,都是跟動詞 resolve 來的

provocation (n) 挑釁;挑撥

deploy (v) 展開,部署

battery (n) 砲台,排砲


南韓一名將領 (general) 表示,火箭發射行為明顯違反了聯合國1718與1814號決議 (clearly violates UN resolutions 1718 and 1874),此舉事實是把長程飛彈試射 (a test-firing of a long-rang missile) 偽裝成衛星發射 (disguised as a satellite launch)。他認為這是重大的挑釁行為 (grave provocation),也是對國際社會與大韓民國嚴重的軍事威脅 (a serious military threat)。日本自衛隊 (defense forces) 與在區域的南韓和美軍在陸地和海面都部屬了反導彈炮台 (had deployed anti-missile batteries on land and at sea),如火箭飛越了日本與南韓領土 (territories) 時可將之擊毀。

prompt (v) 引起,激起

agenda (n) 待議事項,議程

condemn (v) 責難,責備

echo (v) 發出回聲,產生回響

sentiment (n) 意見,觀點

sanction (n) 國際制裁

經濟制裁是 economic sanctions 或 financial sanctions

speculation (n) 推測

intelligence (n) 情報;情報工作

這個字常見的意思是「智能,智慧」;文中 intelligence community 指的是「情報圈」

首爾與東京都為此事件 (incident) 召開緊急安全會議 (emergency security meetings)。聯合國安全理事會(the U.N. Security Council) 也在已排定的周五會議 (already scheduled Friday session) 中加入對北韓的議程事項 (agenda item)。南韓外交部長 (foreign minister) 強烈的譴責 (strongly condemns) 北韓一意孤行的火箭發射行動 (going ahead with the launch)。他感到非常遺憾的是 (regrettable),當北韓人民 (citizens) 正經歷如此苦難(experiencing such hardships) 之際,北韓還花費大筆經濟資源 (financial resources) 在發展核武與導彈。日本也聲明相同觀點 (echoing similar sentiments),並表示會考慮對北韓採取進一步的經濟制裁 (additional financial sanctions)。

Source: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/asia/North-Korea-Admits-Rocket-Fails-Shortly-After-Launch-147283565.htm

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