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Words and Their Stories: Proverbs About How to Live





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MyET 英語口說團體競賽 (MyET English Recitation Group Competition)

視聽教育館將舉行「MyET 英語口說團體競賽」,以鼓勵台大修習大一英文課程的班級學生,藉由「MyET-My English Tutor」學習軟體,增進英語口說能力,已準備有最新「朗文當代英英辭典」「英語寫作活用辭典」, 及「Longman Exam Dictionary(三擇一)或小說作為成績表現優異的獎品。請鼓勵班上同學參加99學年度的競賽。競賽時間如下:

MyET Competition II: 2011/03/21~2011/05/01 (6 weeks)

MyET Competition III: 2011/05/09 ~2011/06/12 (5 weeks)

比賽資訊: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntuavc/myet_contest_result/myet_contest_99.htm

為了將更多得獎機會留給其他同學,故99-1 得獎的同學,原則上可以參加,但是若是成績在前20名,則無法領許獎狀及獎品,將由之後的組別遞補。

◎ E-freeway Orientation






99學年度第二學期視聽教育館寫作工作室開放諮詢日期為:100年3月1日起至6月17日止, 諮詢週數共16週,每週一至週五各開放五個時段提供本校教職員生諮詢英語寫作或英語學習相關問題, 歡迎多加利用。視聽教育館寫作工作坊網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~avwrite/consultation/consultation.htm

中級Self-study package 51, 52期上線囉!

第51期:一條微博信息能否成為一個經典的浪漫之舉;看英國女星伊莉莎白赫莉(Elizabeth Hurley)與澳洲板球明星夏恩沃恩(Shane Warne)在網上調情;看歐普拉和披頭四成員之一 Paul,領取終生成就獎;還有一位愛爾蘭搖滾之星盡其所能的協助非洲人民;就讓自學包裹成為您最放鬆的英語學習環境!

第52期:兔年能帶給你才運和幸福嗎? 葛萊美獎最新報導;以及美國名人的小道消息;更多的詳細有趣的內容,請看本期自學包裹的介紹!




feature of the week


本期Feature of the Week要介紹一個可以使用最新時事新文學習英語聽力的網站,我們身在地球村的年代,有許多常常出現在英語報紙描述時事的單字或表達法你必須要知道,使用本網站正是一個不錯的選擇。

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Members Only資源介紹

MyET—My English Tutor

下個月就要面試了,卻找不到「阿豆仔」陪你一起練習面試英語?想參加國際研討會,但不曉得該如何表達才得體?沒關係,視聽教育館提供了MyET線上互動英文口語教材,幫助您加強您的英文口說能力,改善英文發音及腔調,讓您道地說英文!... 我要練習看看!

feature of the week

       Grammar Dicussion Board

這是一個專為英語文法、英語使用以及其他英語相關討論所設的留言版。網頁中另外設有ESL討論區,可以讓以英語為第二語言的學習者或對ESL有興趣的人在此討論。 討論區中文章很多,上此留言版討論的網友也不少,因次會定期的刪文,是更新速度很快的網站。



本期為各位介紹一套深具權威性的托福準備書籍--NorthStar-Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT。此套書籍分為Intermediate、High Intermediate、Advanced三個等級,每一個等級皆有聽/說/讀/寫的個別訓練,並且獨家收錄托福研發單位ETS提供的模擬題組與解答。多元豐富的題材,加上來自ETS的標準模擬試題,提供您最精準的模擬練習!


Words and Their Stories: Proverbs About How to Live




I. Matching: listen to the talk and match the phrases with their definitions.

A) The early birds catches the worm.

B) Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

C) Do not put all your eggs in one basket.

D) Haste makes waste.

E) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


1. _____: Don’t worry too much about things that haven’t happened yet.

2. _____: Spread the risks instead of putting all the resources together.

3. _____: People who take actions early are more likely to succeed.

4. _____: Think twice before you act.

5. _____: It is inappropriate that children work all the time and don’t have fun.


II. Fill in the blanks: complete the following sentences with the phrases introduced in the talk.

1. You really should stay on a healthy diet. After all, you are ______________________.


2. A: Did you see the guy who was flirting with me? He’s totally hot!

B: I thought you have a commitment with your boyfriend?

A: Well, it’s not like we’re married or something...

B: Mind this, “A bird _____________________.” If you keep playing games, you’ll end up losing your boyfriend, too!


3. A: Henry seems to be fond of luxury stuff. Almost everything he has is a branded product!

B: Right! Just look at the car he drives, clothes he wears, even the girlfriends he picks!

A: Although it seems to be fancy to have all that stuff, I really think he should use his money wisely. You know, a fool ______________________________.


4. A: Do you agree with the proverb that children _________________________?

B: Well, I think that’s quite an old-fashioned idea for teaching kids disciplines. I mean, it’s no doubt that children should obey whatever their parents tell them to do and not argue with them. But sometimes it is communication that helps to build a good relationship of trust between parents and kids.


5. A: Oh, how I hate my job! I really regret not taking the chance to join the working holiday program when I graduated from university!

B: I understand. But there’s really no point crying ________________________. You should suck it up and live with what you have.


6. A: Do you know the new exchange student, Jenny? I heard that she’s not a neat person. Her room is always a mess. Her roommate is thinking about moving out!

B: Hey, I don’t think you get to talk about her like that. People who ________________________________________. I’ve been to your room a couple of times. It’s not one of the tidy types, either.



II. Matching

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. E

II. Fill in the blanks

1. what you eat

2. in the hand is worth two in the bush

3. and his money are soon parted

4. should be seen and not heard

5. over spilled milk

6. live in glass houses should not throw stones


Source: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/american-life/Words-and-Their-Stories-Proverbs-About-How-to-Live-118716419.html


English Freeway


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