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Despite Talks in Egypt, Protests Continue

Photo taken from VOA news

埃及為世界文明古都,以上千年的世界遺產聞名,每年埃及人民靠著觀光收入就高達上百億美金,但是今天卻陷入了政治動盪的危機,我國外交部目前建議人民非必要不要前往埃及。埃及總統穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak) 與反對派之間的協談並未停止街頭示威遊行,群眾仍高聲要求總統下台。


Self-study package第51期中高級上線囉!



非洲南蘇丹日前舉行公民投票,決定南蘇丹的獨立建國之路。雖然以投票結果以極高的比例 (近99%) 同意通過獨立,各界駐南蘇丹的觀察組織表示,南蘇丹的建國之路並非此後就一帆風順,還有很多急需面對的內部基礎建設與民兵衝突等的棘手議題。本期中高級自學包裹以151期VOA文章作為材料,設計有字彙、閱讀理解、克漏字、聽寫四種練習題。透過這些練習,不僅關心國際政治局勢,也學習許多關於選舉、政治與社會的英文字彙與表達。



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Despite Talks in Egypt, Protests Continue

Retrieved from VOA news of Feb. 7, 2011

埃及為世界文明古都,以上千年的世界遺產聞名,每年埃及人民靠著觀光收入就高達上百億美金,但是今天卻陷入了政治動盪的危機,我國外交部目前建議人民非必要不要前往埃及。埃及總統穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak) 與反對派之間的協談並未停止街頭示威遊行,群眾仍高聲要求總統下台。

Key Players in Egypt's Crisis

  • President Hosni Mubarak: The 82-year-old has ruled Egypt for 30 years as leader of the National Democratic Party. Egypt's longest-serving president came to power after the assassination of his predecessor, Anwar Sadat.
  • Mohamed ElBaradei: The Nobel Peace laureate and former Egyptian diplomat has gained international attention as a vocal critic of Mr. Mubarak and his government. Until recently he headed the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency, and he has lived outside Egypt for years. ElBaradei founded the nonpartisan movement National Association for Change, and has offered to lead a transitional administration in Egypt if Mr. Mubarak steps down.
  • Vice President Omar Suleiman: The new Egyptian vice president has served as head of intelligence and is a close ally of President Mubarak. He earned international respect for his role as a mediator in Middle East affairs and for curbing Islamic extremism.
  • Ayman Nour: The political dissident founded the Al Ghad or "tomorrow" party. Nour ran against Mr. Mubarak in the 2005 election and was later jailed on corruption charges. The government released him in 2009 under pressure from the United States and other members of the international community.
  • Muslim Brotherhood: The Islamic fundamentalist organization is outlawed in Egypt, but remains the largest opposition group. Its members previously held 20 percent of the seats in parliament, but lost them after a disputed election in late 2010. The group leads a peaceful political and social movement aimed at forming an Islamic state.


【I. Multiple choice】

Read the article, listen to the talk, and then choose the best answer

1. What is the main demand of the opposition in Egypt?
A) new government                                                B) lower gasoline price
C) more job opportunities                                       D) dialogue with the government

2. Who is the main supporter of the protest in Egypt?
A) Ayman Nour                                                   B) Mohamed ElBaradei
C) Muslim Brotherhood                                        D) Omar Suleiman

3. What did President Hosni Mubarak do so far for responding the protest?
A) He resigned and stepped down.
B) President Mubarak fled to other country when the protest broke out.
C) The banks and stock market were closed by his order.
D) He appointed a new Vice President for his government.

4. Whose political stance is NOT against President Hosni Mubarak?
A) Ayman Nour                                                   B) Mohamed ElBaradei
C) Muslim Brotherhood                                        D) Omar Suleiman

5. Which statement is TRUE?
A) All the Egyptian people want President Mubarak to step down.
B) Some people like the stability that President Mubarak brought to Egypt.
C) The U.S. Government wants the Muslim Brotherhood to take over the power.
D) Most people cried out for the trial against President Mubarak for his tyranny.


【II. Fill-in the Blanks】

Listen to the short talk and fill in the blanks

The Egyptian capital appeared to be desperate to get back to a normal routine. Traffic was snarled during commute times, with drivers sometimes having to go around army tanks and burned out vehicles - reminders of violent demonstrations.

Banks opened for a second day, but there was still no trading on the stock exchange.
Just as some people want things to return to normal, the demonstrators want to ensure that pressure is__6__ on Mr. Mubarak to go, and that their efforts do not fade away.

On day 14, they continued to __7__into Tahrir Square.

The opposition, like the protesters, says it is not satisfied with the outcome of talks between opposition groups and Mr. Mubarak's government. Those groups include the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been banned for decades.

One of the key leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood group told VOA dialogue can continue only if the government responds to the opposition's demands for deep political reform.

Earlier, another group spokesman, Isaam Eryan, met with reporters.  He said no __8__ person or politician can reject dialogue, but he said this dialogue must be serious, representative and productive.

The Muslim Brotherhood is one the main__9__ of the demonstrations.

Pressure during the past 14 days has forced Mr. Mubarak to make __10__. He has named a Vice President, announced he will not seek reelection this year, and his party has seen the resignation of its top leaders.



I. 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 

II.6.sustained 7.stream 8.sane 9.backers 10.concessions


【Source】: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/Despite-Talks-in-Egypt-Protests-Continue-115482209.html

English Freeway


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