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Interest in Learning Chinese May be Growing Exponentially

Photo taken from VOA news

中國媒體報導指出,全球目前已超過4000萬人正在學習中文,中文在美國成長的速度到底有多快。根據VOA向提供電腦語言學習服務公司Rosetta Stone的調查,在08到09年銷售量中,中文以719%的成長比例,列該公司年度10大暢銷語言,美國外語教學協會也指出中文在美國擁有195% 的成長率,大家跟著VOA來一窺中文在美國受歡迎的程度吧!


Self-study package第50期中級、中高級上線囉!




本期自學包裹的主題為維基洩密(Wikileaks) 的相關報導,相信最近大家都有看到報導指出維基洩密又爆了美國政府什麼樣的機密檔案,甚至美國有些政治評論人指出維基洩密的洩密行為,其危害的程度更甚911恐怖攻擊事件。就讓我們來好好了解維基洩密網站、其創站人阿山吉(Julian Assange)、以及受到波及的澳洲前總理陸克文(Kevin  Rudd)的報導。



新的一年開始了!不論2010年有沒有偷懶,2011年1月開始認真閱讀Advanced English吧。2010年1月之後的內容,使用Author Plus系統,尚未有帳號的同學,先在E-freeway會員專區申請帳號喔(帳號同自學包裹,如已有自學包裹帳號的同學則不需再申請)。




feature of the week

Masters Academy Debating and Public Speaking Podcasts

Masters Academy Debating and Public Speaking Podcasts 網站提供學習者有關辯論以及公開演說技巧的線上廣播資源,詳細地提供給學習者辯論和演說的技巧以及注意要點,內容豐富,一定能讓各位的英語口說能力突飛猛進, 這樣的好康課程, 請不要錯過喔!

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Members Only資源介紹


透過新聞來學英語是最好的方式之一。不僅是增強進一步的聽力訓練,由於新聞的內容包羅萬象,涵蓋了生活的各個層面,你想的到的、你想要說的、你需要知道 的,新聞裡都有。新聞的時效性也可以確保你的英文字彙以及表達方式跟得上時代的潮流,而不是還在講一百年前的八股英文。這麼「好康」的資源,不使用多可惜啊!來看介紹~

An underground house in Coober Pedy, South Australia
Photo taken from wikipedia--living underfround

Living Underground

在一條泥土路上,保羅住在一座長滿青草的人造山丘裡,在屋裡,幾乎聽不到雨聲,也不用擔心颶風來襲,這種建築方式為他節省百分之四十的冷氣費用,想要一起體驗住在裡面的感受嗎? 詳情請看 Advanced English 2011 - 1月號!






Interest in Learning Chinese May be Growing Exponentially

Chinese media has come out with a report saying that more than 40 million foreigners around the world are learning Chinese. We decided to see how fast Chinese language learning is growing in the United States.

A spokesperson told us Chinese is among the top 10 languages sold with a huge increase over a one year period from 2008 to 2009 in corporate sales, an increase of 719 percent.The American Council of the Teaching Foreign Languages has just released a report that suggests also Chinese the fastest growing language, with a growth rate of 195%

中國媒體報導指出,全球目前已超過4000萬人正在學習中文,中文在美國成長的速度到底有多快。根據VOA向提供電腦語言學習服務公司Rosetta Stone的調查,在08到09年銷售量中,中文以719%的成長比例,列該公司年度10大暢銷語言,美國外語教學協會也指出中文在美國擁有195% 的成長率,大家跟著VOA來一窺中文在美國受歡迎的程度吧!


【Vocabulary and Expressions】

(Based on Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

1. have an analogy with: 與…情況類似

2. perception: a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on appearances

3. character: a letter, number or other mark or sign used in writing or printing, or the space one of these takes. EX: The address was written in Chinese/Japanese characters (= systems of writing).

4. alphabetic: = alphabetical,字母的

5. syllabic: 音節的

6. literate: able to read and write

7. realm: an area of interest or activity

8. cognitive: connected with thinking or conscious mental processes

9. PISA:The Programme for International Student Assessment


【Multiple Choice】

1. The growing popularity of Chinese is similar to the ____learning in the past.

A) French  B) Japanese  C) Russian  D) Korean


2. Which part of Chinese learning is the most difficult for English-speakers?

A) Listening  B) Speaking  C) Reading  D) Writing


3. Chinese people have great success in math and science. The reason is that ____.

A) Chinese is more logic than English

B) cognitive skills are obtained through learning Chinese characters

C) Chinese-speakers are more educable due to the tradition brought by Chinese

D) Chinese-speaking nations provide more resources than English-speaking countries


4. Learning Chinese allows English-speaking students to see things differently due to the different ____ between Chinese and English.

A) pronunciation  B) punctuation  C) lexicon  D) grammatical structures


5. Chris Livaccari thinks that Chinese is ____.

A) definitely the fastest growing language in the world

B) not the fastest growing language in the world

C) growing pretty fast only in the United States

D) highly likely to be the fastest growing language around the world


【Fill-in the Blanks】

Please listening to the talk and choose the best answer for the blanks

Chris Livaccari:"I think there are __5__ of things, but I would say one is many people have commented on the spectacular success of China in the education realm, especially if you look at math and science and if you look at the results of the PISA exams that were released last Wednesday, the spectacular success in science and math __6__ among Chinese-speaking nations, has been observed as potentially something that is __7__ by the fact that Chinese students are trained from a very early age at things like pattern recognition and memorization through their learning of Chinese characters. So I think there is a link in terms of students' cognitive skills development that is trained by learning Chinese characters."

"The other thing that is very important I think about learning Chinese and Chinese characters for American students, in terms of the benefit, is that because Chinese is such a different language, __8__, from English, it really enables students to see things from a completely different perspective. And helps them understand the idea of multiple perspectives and multiple __9__. So that, I think, for American students is the most important benefit to learn a challenging language that can build their confidence and learn a language that is quite different that can open their eyes to how language works and how multiple perspectives work."


6. A) numbers  B) a number  C) few numbers  D) number

7. A) in particular  B) is particular  C) particularly  D) particular

8. A) contributed  B) contribute to  C) contributed to  D) distributed to

9. A) structure  B) structural  C) structurally  D) construction

10. A) points  B) points of view  C) viewpoints  D) views



Select the area between the two arrows to reveal the answers:

-->1.B   2.D   3.B   4.D   5.D   6.B   7.A   8.C   9.C   10.C <--


Source: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/asia/Chinese-May-Be-Fastest-Growing-Language-Learning-111887289.html

English Freeway


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