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Soup Swap Adds Variety to Winter Menus

Getting more mileage out of homemade soup

For Soup Swaps, each person brings six quarts of soup. They then draw numbers and go around the room six times until everybody goes home with new soups.

(Phto from: voanews.com)

As the days in the northern hemisphere, get darker and colder, hot soup sounds pretty inviting. A homemade pot of soup can be healthy, economical and delicious. But by day four, it can also get kind of boring. So people are coming together to get more mileage out of the humble bowl of soup.




「爆紅新偶像--小賈斯汀」、「簡訊考驗中文書」寫等單元內容已經上線囉,Advanced 12月份的精彩內容,快到English Freeway線上學習吧。Advanced 2010年1月之後的內容,使用Author Plus系統,尚未有帳號的同學,先在E-freeway會員專區申請帳號喔(帳號同自學包裹,如已有自學包裹帳號的同學則不需再申請)。


Self-study paclage第45期中級、中高級都上線囉!






feature of the week

Scholastic: Virtual Forest Challenge

有面對英語考試的壓力嗎?考前抱佛腳,不知從何抱起? 英語學習教材大廠 Pearson Longmant在網頁上介紹了幾個有用的學習技巧。簡單勾勒出學習時增進學習效率的方式,也有大考前一個月與考前一個禮拜準備的秘訣。網頁上扼要的幾個學習重點,同學可以對照一下自己的學習模式,或當成學習的規劃指引。語言學習是一輩子的事,在過程中,適時的調整策略與腳步,提升學習效率與效果!

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E-Touch: TOEFL – CBT

這一期將介紹E-Touch系統 - TOEFL- CBT測驗。TOEFL(托福)的全名為 Test of English as a Foreign Language,托福是用來測驗英語不是其母語的人士對於美式英語了解程度的一項標準。CBT 為 Computer Base Test的縮寫,是以電腦測驗取代筆試的一種作法,想要去國外深造的學生,尤其是選擇美加地區的學校,都會以這項成績來判斷各位的英文能力,不過像是澳洲、紐西蘭這裡的學校,也是接受TOEFL的成績,各位如果想出國唸書,一定要努力把TOEFL考好喔。快來E-Touch練習吧!

Members Only資源介紹

【English Freeway-Writing】


美國Purdue大學相當知名的寫作中心學術網站。除了提供一般性寫作參考,也更有許 多ESP (English for Specific Purposes)的寫作資料,建議瀏覽包括留學申請信函、履歷、學術論文、商用書信等的寫作範本。網站中也有教導學生如何做簡報,和提供線上寫作咨詢服務。另外想要提升英文文法能力的同學不妨試試裡面的 Practice Exercises,對英語寫作有相當的幫助。http://efreeway.avcenter.ntu.edu.tw/freeway/writing/writing_centres.htm#3



本期推薦一部感人的印度電影--《心中的小星星》(Taare Zameen Par)。《心中的小星星》是印度寶萊塢2008年最重要的一部電影。這部電影不僅奪下「印度奧斯卡」最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳劇本等三項大獎,更代表印度角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。每個天資獨特的孩子,都需要一個懂他的老師,本片即是講述一位新任職的美術老師,如何幫助一個有學習障礙的八歲男童,發揮出意想不到的才能的感人故事。



Soup Swap Adds Variety to Winter Menus

Getting more mileage out of homemade soup

Deena Prichep | Portland, Oregon 29 October 2010


A few years ago, Seattle, Washington, technical consultant Knox Gardner made a big pot of soup, and got a little sick of eating it day after day. So he decided to get a few friends together for a trade.

"My original idea was that it would be some loud, boisterous kind of event, where you would trade three of my corn chowders, because you know I'm an awesome cook, for, you know, one of your minestrones," says Gardner.

This was the beginning of Soup Swap. As you can imagine, the math on this laissez-faire approach didn't work too well. So Gardner came up with some guidelines.

"You bring six quarts, and then draw numbers and go around the room six times until everybody gets all new soups."

In addition to a set of rules, Gardner got a website, a self-proclaimed National Soup Swap day in January, and some Internet hype from food bloggers. The idea spread across the country. There are swaps in New York with hand-foraged mushroom chowder, and swaps in Texas showcasing processed cheese soup.

In Portland, Oregon, Jon Van Oast and Megan Kelley invited a dozen friends to a Soup Swap on a chilly Sunday. People started by sharing their stories, a little ritual Gardner calls, "The Telling of the Soup." Some recipes came from the Internet, and some, like Christina Kellogg-Gratschner's fruit soup, were family traditions.

"Fruit soup is something that my mom would make out of all her home canning pears, peaches, whatever she happened to have," Christina Kellogg-Gratschner. "And she'd cook it up with a little bit of cornstarch, and pour it on whole wheat toast."

Swappers then went around the circle, choosing their six quarts. People were definitely excited about leaving with a variety of soups especially those balancing busy lives. Stacy Meyer teaches fifth grade, and scrambles to fit inexpensive and healthy meals into her schedule.

"I will admit to having the breakfast-for-dinner kind of thing, that's happened before," says Meyer. "And so being able to have a ready-made dinner in the freezer helps out quite a bit."

People are increasingly coming together for these sorts of informal swaps, says Boston University economist Juliet Schor. In her latest book, "Plenitude," Schor says the economic downturn has made more people open to the idea of swapping. And the Internet has made it easier.


I. Reading Skills

1. Why didn’t the idea of soup swapping work out in the beginning?

A) Some people’s soups were not delicious, so people did want to trade with them.

B) A great variety of soups made people hard to choose.

C) Some people did not bring their soups, but would like to have some from others.

D) The weather had been too hot to have soups.


2. The idea of soup swapping spread across America by _____.

A) setting National Soup Swap Day by the U.S. Government

B) starting a soup swapping website

C) sending free soup samples to people

D) distributing commercial on TV


3. Which of the following is NOT true about fruit soup?

A) You need some certain fruits.

B) You can use whatever fruits you want.

C) You can have fruit soup with toast.

D) Canning fruit should be all right.


4. By the rule of Gardner, how many quarts can swappers have?

A) 3    B) 4    C) 5    D) 6


5. According to Juliet Schor, what makes people open their mind for soup swapping?

A) the Internet    B) economic downturn    C) soups    D) swappers


II. Transcribing practice

  • Listen to the audio file, and fill in the blanks.

audio file 1: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntuavc/epaper/feature/feature147/soup swap--transcribing.mp3

"In the past, if you wanted to organize some kind of a neighborhood swap or sharing s __________, you'd have to go around and call the people in the neighborhood, knock on their doors, etc. So there's a lot of what economists call t____________________s costs. With the Internet, that's d ________________ly reduced."

And Schor says that once these swaps do come together, they reinforce connections between people. It's what economists and sociologists call "social c__________l." And Schor says communities with strong social c__________l work better.

"Soup may seem like a small thing, but it may turn out that your sharing network is very important to you if you lose your job, if your housing is in j____________y. You're going to have these folks to rely on."




scheme, transactions, drastically, capital, jeopardy


Source: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/people/Soup-Swap-Adds-Variety-to-Winter-Life-106311608.html

English Freeway


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