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Words and Their Stories: Mayday

The French word is a call for help.

在看英文電影時, 我們常常可以在劇情中出現危機時聽到“Mayday! Mayday!” 其實Mayday是來自法文的「救我」(m’aidez)。英文裡還有哪些是來自法文的外來字呢? 請看本期英語宅急便的介紹!




本期自學包裹介紹大家兩個今年全球矚目的活動--- 上海世博, 以及南非世足賽。

舉辦世界博覽會的目的,是透過一個國際性的展覽平台,使參與的國家在主題上得到廣泛的聯絡與交流。世界博覽會是對當時社會文明的智慧的一種記錄,和對未來的前瞻。上海世博2010年5月1日正式登場。這項令人期待已久的全球活動迎接超過兩百個展出國, 預期將吸引超過七千萬遊客造訪。

國際足球總會舉辦的「世界盃足球賽」(FIFA World Cup) 每四年舉辦一次,與奧運會足球賽交替進行。世界盃是世界足壇規模最大、水準最高的賽事。1930年為世界盃的首屆比賽,冠軍是烏拉圭隊。2010 世界盃足球賽即將在6月11日於南非揭幕, 預計在7月11日閉幕, 大家可拭目以待!

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    98學年度第二學期 台大視聽教育館MyET英語口說競賽

MyET 英語口說團體競賽」比賽期間為本學期0503日至0613止。比賽結果將於本學期0618日頒布,將選出完成所有比賽(共五場)且每場比賽皆達385分以上且總成績最高的前二十組隊伍,優勝隊伍的隊員將獲得辭典乙本作為獎勵,歡迎同學踴躍參加競賽。


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據說在靠近義大利南部的Tarento市,有一Lycosa種的蜘蛛,種蜘蛛的刺,雖然不 像毒蠍子的毒性那麼強烈,但若被牠螫刺到,不僅會痛,同時還會引發強烈的心理反應。依據15世紀到18世紀末的醫學記載,被這種Tarentule蜘蛛螫刺所引發的病症,稱為TarentalismTaventism當時有一種治癒此病的音樂,叫做塔朗泰拉Tarentelle,它包括舞曲、舞蹈及歌唱等,今天這種音樂已經融合不同種樂器、變貌各種不同的形式,對現在人而言,這種趣味活潑的舞曲,無疑是現代人心情煩悶的治療劑



Words and Their Stories: Mayday

The French word is a call for help.

Written by Shelley Gollust


We often hear the expression 'mayday' in movies.

Mayday is an emergency code word. It is used around the world in voice communications.  You might see a war movie in which an airplane has been hit by rocket fire. The pilot gets on his radio and calls “mayday, mayday, mayday” to tell that his plane is in danger of crashing to the ground.

Mayday has nothing to do with the month of May. It comes from the French expressions "venez m’aider," or "m’aidez," which mean "help me."

Frederick Stanley Mockford created the mayday call signal in the nineteen twenties. Mockford was a radio officer at Croydon Airport in London. He was asked to think of a word that could be used in an emergency. The word had to be easily understood by all pilots and airport workers. Much of the air traffic at that time was between Croydon Airport and Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France. So he proposed the word mayday.

Today, many groups use the word to mean a life-threatening emergency. The call is always given three times to prevent mistaking it for some similar sounding words.

Many other French words are commonly used in English. One of these words is even in the Special English Word Book. It is sabotage. It means to damage or destroy as an act of subversion against an organization or nation.

You may have heard the term laissez-faire to describe a kind of economic or political policy. It means to leave alone and not interfere. It was first used in France in the eighteenth century.

In the business world, entrepreneur is another French word. It means a person who starts and operates a new business and has responsibility for any risks involved.

Many French words are used in the arts. For example, a film noir is a movie about murder and other crimes. These films were popular in the nineteen forties and nineteen fifties. Anything in art, music or literature which is very modern or ahead of its time is called avant-garde.

If you are looking for a job, you must prepare your résumé.  This document lists all of your education, skills and experience.  Something that is one of a kind and like no other thing is called unique.

The French are famous for their food.  All cooks need to know how to sauté. This is frying something quickly in a small amount of oil or butter.  When you are eating at a restaurant, the server may tell you bon appétit, which means good appetite, or enjoy your meal.  And if you go away, someone may wish you bon voyage or have a good trip.



English Freeway


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