
Israel's PM to Outline Policy on Middle East Peace

Under mounting pressure from the United States, Israel's prime minister will give a major policy speech on Sunday.


Jerusalem, Dome of the rock


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  • Listening I~III: 新婚夫妻也會有睡眠問題?來聽聽看他們的對話。
  • Cloze & Vocabulary: 失眠是許多人共同的問題,來看看維基百科怎麼解釋這個惱人的症狀。
  • Reading I & II: 既然晚上睡不著,那趁白天空閒時間來小睡一下如何?來聽聽專家的說法。
  • Song: 說了這麼多還是解決不了你失眠的問題嗎?那來試試這首sleep song吧,看看這首歌是不是歌如其名,讓你可以安穩的進入夢鄉。



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Israel's PM to Outline Policy on Middle East Peace

By Robert Berger
14 June 2009


Under mounting pressure from the United States, Israel's prime minister will give a major policy speech on Sunday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his Cabinet ahead of a speech that will address two key U.S. demands: a halt to Jewish settlement activity and the creation of a Palestinian state.

Mr. Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected both, creating a rare rift between Israel and the United States.

The prime minister is keeping his cards close to his chest:He did not give his customary public remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting.

He has been walking a diplomatic tightrope.He does not want to harm Israel's all-important ties with the U.S., but his coalition partners have warned him not to cave into U.S. pressure.

Danny Denon is from Mr. Netanyahu's Likud party, which won national elections in February.

"The Likud won the election not to create a Palestinian state," Denon said."We believe it is dangerous for Israel.The coalition that we formed is a coalition of people who are against a two-state solution."

Therefore, Palestinians expect Mr. Netanyahu to set down conditions that will be an obstacle to peace.Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti.

"All the nice words that he could say will not change the real fact, and the fact that with this policy Israel is destroying the potential for (a) Palestinian state," Barghouti said.

Mr. Netanyahu's aides say he will set out his vision for peace and reconciliation.But he will say that Israel cannot make concessions alone without reciprocity from the Palestinians.



convene (v) 召集(會議)

halt (n) 暫停,停止;終止

customary (a) 習慣上的,慣常的

coalition (n) 結合,聯合

reconciliation (n) 調解,調停

reciprocity (n) 對等;互惠


Words and Phrases in Use

under pressure 在壓力之下

She’s unwilling to cooperate with the police even under such great pressure.

create a rift between A and B 在A與B之間產生不合

Her decision of marrying a man half of her age creates a deep rift between her and her parents.

keep/play one’s cards close to one’s chest 深藏不露;不輕易表露

We never know what he’s going to say or do because he always plays his cards close to his chest.

walk a tightrope 走鋼索(比喻面對很困難的局面或選擇,必須在其中步步為營)
新聞裡指出以色列首相走的是一條「外交場上的鋼索」(a diplomatic tightrope)。一方面以色列不能讓與美方的重要夥伴關係受損(not to harm the all-important ties),另一方面以色列內部的政治同盟(coalition partners)又要他不對美方壓力屈服。

She sometimes felt she was walking a tightrope between being friends with the students and keeping an appropriate distance as a teacher.

cave in (to) 屈服於

He finally caved in and confessed to all his misdeeds when the police told him that his friends had all betrayed him.

be an obstacle to 對. . . 成為阻礙

Most of us have not realized that computer technology could be such an obstacle to today’s interpersonal relationships and intimacy.

make concessions 讓步

The blind fortune-teller warned me that I would need to make concessions in order to enjoy a more fulfilling love life.




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