

Should texting while driving be banned?




"Whether it’s a light rail, whether it’s a train, or whether it’s a bus, zero tolerance for any of that [texting while driving]. These people have the lives of these passengers in their hands."



◎ 第三十一期中級、中高級自學包裹上線

第三十一期中級自學包裹已經上線了,本期中級自學包裹介紹電影"Fireproof",Fireproof電影從一個正在燃燒的大樓開始,救火隊正在搶救火勢,隊長Caleb Holt以一句救火員箴言(Never Leave Your Partner Behind)拉開了序幕...想增進英文聽力技巧,就從看電影學起。另外還有更多實用練習題,邀大家一起學習喔!

中高級本期是以讓約翰屈伏塔男扮女裝的音樂劇Hairspray(髮膠明星夢)為主題,其中也介紹在電影版中咖上一腳的美國新一代青春偶像Zac Efron最新動態,看看他是如何在影片中的1960年代還有2009年迷倒眾多女性的。


另外,由於author plus系統更新的關係,各位同學請麻煩到這邊把flash player的版本更新喔!



Feature of the Week

National Geographic Video

隨著寬頻的時代來臨,學英文真的是越來越方便了。網路上除了有無限的閱讀材料,各種可以練習聽力的機會也隨處都是。但有時候如果只有單純的談話,聽久了不僅容易分心,如果又是自己不熟悉的主題,過程中一直聽不懂,也很容易讓人放棄。跟著National Geographic專業的團隊一起上山下海,順便學英文吧!

Members Only

全民英檢係針對一般社會人士及在校學生的一個英語能力測驗,目前採用單位除了各級學校外,還包括許多公民營機構,因此,全民英檢也可算是「全民運動」了 。這次我們要來看的是English Freeway裡的Easy Test: GEPT,記得先準備好耳機或喇叭喔!

Colorado State University-Writing Processes

Writing Processes (Colorado State University )

克羅拉多州立大學所架設的寫作網站。將大學寫作的步驟清楚的條列出來。其中一項推薦的寫作步驟是做 Peer-review,也就是請同學間相互交換看文章,並挑出錯誤,給對方意見。網站中也提供了要做Peer-review時可能需要的檢查表,針對檢 查的項目看看同學的寫作有沒有問題。網站中還對不同的寫作主題做不同的探討,相當推薦的網站!



Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT

Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT



 英語宅急便 msnbc

Should texting while driving be banned?

Click to watch

Listening Power

distracted (a) 分心的;思想不集中的

Research has shown that most deadly vehicle accidents are related to distracted drivers.

casualty (n) (軍隊)傷亡的人員;(災難、事故)死者,傷者

The passage of the law banning texting while driving will effectively reduce road casualties.

prohibit (v) 禁止

法律禁止的行為,可以直接加在後面,如 prohibit smoking; prohibit texting while driving。也可以加上「對象」與「行為」並用,prohibit somebody from doing something: prohibit teenagers from smoking, to prohibit hunters from poaching(盜獵)。

Mass transit drivers will be prohibited from carrying any mobile devices on the job once the law takes effect.

tempting (a) 誘惑人的;吸引人

Carrying a cell phone right in your pocket is far too tempting for most of the drivers on the road.

the last straw (n. phr.) 最後一根稻草; 最後一擊

the last straw通常都是指帶往最壞的局面的「最後一擊」。但在本新聞裡的使用,the last straw是指因為使用手機而導致的重大交通事故。而這「最後一擊」卻不是帶往更壞的局面,而是促使通過禁帶通訊設備的法規的最後一擊。

slam into (v. phr.) 猛烈的撞擊

John was talking to his wife on the hands-free phone system while he slammed into a traffic sign.

suspended (a) 暫時停止職務

The bus driver under investigation is currently suspended after incurring a serious road accident.

outlaw (v) 宣佈...為不合法

The Department of Transportation’s attempt to outlaw texting while driving will be welcome news to most of us.

fatal (a) 致命的

Drunken driving often leads to fatal vehicle accidents, causing many casualties.


Expressions in the news

need to act 必須採取行動
ban somebody from doing something 禁止…從事…

"The Secretary of Transportation told MSNBC news the congress needs to act. He wants a law that would ban them [mass transit drivers] from even carrying a mobile device on the job."


lose focus 分心
make sure 確保

"You cannot be texting. You cannot lose focus. It’s about making sure you get your passengers to where they need to be safely and efficiently."


zero tolerance 決不寬待
in somebody’s hands 操之在…手裡

"Whether it’s a light rail, whether it’s a train, or whether it’s a bus, zero tolerance for any of that [texting while driving]. These people have the lives of these passengers in their hands."


…at best…at worst 要嘛就是…不然就是…

"We believe that texting while driving should be banned. You have to be foolish at best, or delusional at worst, to think that you can safely and effectively drive a motor vehicle and text a message at the same time."


English Freeway



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