

Studying in the US: Where To Live?

Housing policies differ from school to school


◎ 第三十期自學包裹上線

第三十期自學包裹已經上線了,本期中級內容包含實用的生活片語以及造成有史以來死亡人數最多的海嘯的新聞報導閱讀理解。中高級則有剛上映的電影「天使與魔鬼」的原著作者Dan Brown的簡介。


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Please click on the icon to listen to the clip and answer the questions below.

Studying in the US: Where To Live?

Housing policies differ from school to school

25 March 2009

Listening comprehension:

Multiple choice questions. Note: There might be more than one answer to the question.

1. Why is March called the month of madness?
  A) Because it's the college basketball championship season.
  B) Because it's the time when the application letters should be sent to the colleges.
  C) Because the deadline of the dormitory application is in this month.
  D) Because students are informed whether they are approved to enter the college.
2. What does a “suite” in a dormitory contain?
  A) bedrooms     B) kitchen     C) restaurant     D) All of the above.
3. Which question to ask before making decisions on living in dormitories is NOT mentioned in this report?
  A) individual privacy     B) personalized diet     C) cost of living    D) room size
4. Which statement is NOT true?
  A) Normally dormitories are available for freshman students.              
  B) Male and female students usually live in the same building and on the same floor.
  C) There are no suites for students who are married couples.
  D) Living in dormitories could cost more than living outside of campus.
5. What can be inferred from this report?
  A) International students might have fewer chances on the RA application than local students.              
  B) Students who wish to cut down on their life expenses should apply for the resident assistant.
  C) Students of the same organization normally live in the same dormitory.
  D) Students beyond freshmen are very likely to find places for living outside of campus.



1. A & D

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. B & D




English Freeway


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