

It's Sunday morning. Ben and Wayne were driving their way to play basketball for the first day in their plan to lose 5 kilograms in one month. When Ben was driving, he took a glance at Wayne on the front passenger's seat, who was bending forward to tie the shoes with extraordinary struggle because Wayne's little pot-belly was no more a little pot, but a huge wok. When seeing Wayne's struggling and face turning red, Ben then laughed and said...



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Beat the Keeper: Business expressions

BBC Learning English最新海底足球遊戲,測試你的商業英語字彙夠不夠強,遊戲方法是判斷圖上方的句子裡應該填入哪個字、詞,再把化身為河豚的球踢到正確的網子裡就可以了,有趣吧!還可以選擇難易度與速度喔!來邊運動邊練習英文吧!


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Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

你正在找尋適合你程度的聽力練習嗎? 不如進來Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab這個網站瞧瞧吧! 內容相當豐富並分有六大類 、三個程度,美語發音,是個很棒的英聽練習網站。




相信大家對《哈姆雷特》這齣劇名都是耳熟能詳,但是曾經真正看過它的實在少之又少,是吧?那麼不如就到視聽館來看看新進的BBC版影片吧!如果不敢一下子口味吃得太重,也可以先來一點小品,看看片長半小時的《哈姆雷特》劇評,也算是跟莎士比亞有點接觸,不但能學點英文,與人閒聊時也多了點料,可以扯些莎劇,好像肚中也有那麼些墨水,也是不錯的唷!...... ......再看一點介紹




It's Sunday morning. Ben and Wayne were driving their way to play basketball for the first day in their plan to lose 5 kilograms in one month. When Ben was driving, he took a glance at Wayne on the front passenger's seat, who was bending forward to tie the shoes with extraordinary struggle because Wayne's little pot-belly was no more a little pot, but a huge wok. When seeing Wayne's struggling and face turning red, Ben then laughed and said...

Ben: What are you doing down there?

Wayne: I'm tying the shoes!

Ben: I thought you're putting on make-up.

Wayne: Yeah, I've got a date later.

Ben: Alright, that's funny. You know what? We're driving our way to obesity.

Wayne: What do you mean? We're going to work up a sweat playing basketball until we are completely exhausted and our muscles are saturated with lactic acid.

Ben: No, what I mean is, instead of driving, we should walk or run to the court, and to anywhere a stone's throw from our place.

Wayne: You're right though, but if we have to be up with the birds like this morning, the time spent on walking will be at the expense of the time spent on sleeping.

Ben: That's fine! Don't sleep so much! We need to do stay awake, and to be flat out doing exercises all day long when we're still on holidays! That's how we can burn the fat off our bodies at a lightning pace! Do you know how long I sleep per day?

Wayne: 6 hours?

Ben: I would feel guilty if I slept for 6 hours every night. So, 4 hours, that'll be enough! How about you?

Wayne: Me? Well, usually 8 or 9 hours, but sometimes 12 hours or longer.

Ben: 12 hours! Do you know what kind of species you are? Human, not koala!

Wayne: Koalas sleep even longer! They can sleep for up to 20 hours per day!

Ben: Alright, alright, I got it. But 12 hours and even longer! That's too long! Don't you think so?

Wayne: Well actually, I mean to sleep for that long because to sleep more is also included in my diet plan. And well, I read a piece of news saying the lack of sleep could have great influence on the secretion of the two types of hormones involved in regulating appetite and energy expenditure, and the result could be that the less we slept, the more often we felt hunger. So, after reading the news, I decided to sleep more everyday to see if I could really reduce appetite. And the way things are looking it really works.

Ben: So, you've begun to work on diet way before you bet me that you would lose more kilos than I would in one month.

Wayne: At least I'm telling you here and now, and you've still got one month to go.

Ben: Yeah, what a righteous person you are! So regarding the cancellation of the bet, I believe you also will not be of any opposition.

Wayne: Hey, it's not fair!



pot-belly (n): 啤酒肚的樣子
secretion (n): 分泌
wok (n): 中式炒菜鍋
appetite (n): 食慾
make-up (n): 化粧
expenditure (n): 消耗
saturate (v): 使飽和;使浸透
way (adv) = extremely
lactic acid (n): 乳酸
righteous (adj): 正直的
court (n): 球場(籃球、網球)


work up a sweat: 從事很消耗體力還會弄得滿身大汗的運動、活動
a stone's throw: 很短的距離
up with the birds = get up very early
at the expense of: 犧牲掉...
be flat out: 忙到一直沒時間停下來
lightning pace = really fast speed
bet me: 跟我賭...



(BBC News) Obesity linked to lack of sleep

(Science Daily) Does The Lack Of Sleep Make You Fat?


English Freeway


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