

In 2009, what plans have you got for self-improvement? Study harder for a better achievement, lose 10 kilograms by spring, give up smoking by May, cut down on alcohol intake week by week, work less, stay at home more often, and what have you. No matter what your plan is, forget about it or them. Believe it or not, making plans for self-improvement is bad for your health......

Except money, what else do you want?


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BBC 1 Scott Mills Daily

想要了解什麼是英式幽默嗎?那同學一定不能錯過BBC radio 1 的Scott Mills Daily。這個節目不斷推陳出新,常有脫序無厘頭的演出,像是亂打電話(making prank calls),或是邀請南方公園捧紅的華裔阿嬤Wing在節目演唱,還有一個叫做"Oh, what's occurring?"的單元,出一堆莫名其妙的題目來讓助理主持們來比賽。想訓練聽力,也像讓生活多點樂趣的同學,就一定要來聽聽看啊!


LiveABC: CNN 新聞英語












Don't make plans for self-improvement. It's not good !!!!!
It's the first school day after the New Year Holiday. While on the way to the next lecture, Adam and Lynn are talking about their plan for this New Year.

Adam: You know, I still can't make up my mind which courses to take. It's darn difficult to make the right decision.

Lynn: Why? What's up?

Adam: In the run-up to every New Year, I always promise the earth to start something, quit something or otherwise change something in the new year. And last year, the promises that I made to myself was to start exercising, and to achieve Distinction in all the subjects. But I guess I was too focused on working up a sweat, so after the mid-term exam, three of my teachers told me that the assignments I handed in and the results of my exam were not up to scratch, so chances were that I could have been expelled if I hadn't really got stuck into the work in the last two months. So, by the end of the year, I only got Pass in the three subjects, and during that two months, I gave up exercising and so did the waistline increase again. So you know, I did everything in vain.

Lynn: Well, you know, five years ago, I made the greatest New Year's resolution in my whole life. And so far, I haven't broken it.

Adam: Really! What's that?

Lynn: The resolution was to stop making New Year's resolutions because it's a vicious circle to make New Year's resolutions.

Adam: What are you saying? Is that a tongue twister?

Lynn: No, a tongue twister is like this one:

One smart fellow, he felt smart.
Two smart fellows, they felt smart.
Three smart fellows, they felt smart.
And they all felt smart together.

Try it. It's an easy one.

Adam: That's funny. Alright...

One smart fellow, he felt smart.
Two smart fellows, they smelt fart.
Three fart fellows, they felt fart....

It's confusing! I didn't mean to say "fart"!

Lynn: Yeah, just like we normally don't mean to break wind in front of other fellows.

Adam: Alright, you got me. Come on, you haven't told me why it's a vicious circle to make New Year's resolution?

Lynn: Making resolution is another turn of the screw when I am already struggling with feelings of failure and inadequacy. And if I fail the resolution, the negative feeling can be even worse, and lead me to feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem. And with feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem, I definitely will lose confidence when making any plans. So, that's why making resolution is vicious circle, and instead of making resolutions, the best alternative is to take each day as it comes.

Adam: That's it?

Lynn: Yeah, or what else?

Adam: No wonder you never worry about anything.

Lynn: Why should I? Just take the courses I'm interested, eat the food I love, and do exercises when I want to. Carpe diem, that is!

Adam: Ok, carpe diem. Do you know today is last day to add and withdraw from courses?

Lynn: Oh, really! I've not yet been to any lectures, except the one we just went! My goodness! I'm gonna be in trouble.

Adam: Yeah, you're already in trouble, but carpe diem, my friend!



darn (adj): "damn"比較文雅的說法
tongue twister (n): 繞口令
Distinction (n): 卓著,澳洲大學成績分級的一個等級
inadequacy (n): 不足
expel (v): 退學
self-esteem (n): 自尊心
New Year's resolution (n): 新年新展(希)望
withdraw (n): 退選(課程)


in the run-up to = before
promise the earth: 再三的保證
work up a sweat: 從事很消耗體力還會弄得滿身大汗的運動、活動
up to scratch = up to the standard: 達到標準
get stuck into: 完全的投入去作...
chances are = it's likely
in vain = useless
a vicious circle: 惡性循環
break wind = fart
turn of the screw / turn the screw: 火上加油;雪上加霜
take each day as it comes: 隨遇而安;逆來順受
carpe diem: 及時行樂



(BBC News) Resolutions 'bad for your health'

(BBC News) Made a resolution? Here's how to stick to it


English Freeway

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