

If you have problems with getting ahead in love life, and talking to someone you are attracted to, you can think about going to the University Of Potsdam, Berlin, for study. The university provides a course to help students find their way to romance by using text messages. So, interested? Let's see how the two girls in our conversation think about using text messages......

Love is on the phone..


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EPA: Let's Go Swimming

美國環保署(EPA)的故事遊戲,這是一個關於兩個小朋友和叔叔一塊兒去海邊度週末的故事,故事特別的地方在於當故事裡的角色要做選擇時,你必須幫他們做決定,而故事的內容也會按照你所做的不同決定而進行到不同的場景,很有趣吧!也就是說,你也是故事的一份子喔!一起和Robert, Judy與Uncle Lars去海邊玩吧!


MyET: 會議談判交涉英語表現







Self-Access Centre: Listening Advice Sheet

香港科大語言中心提供了一系列簡短有力的聽力自我訓練講義,針對學生在面對日常生活中的真實語料(亦即非特別為教學所錄製的英文片段)所提出的教戰手則!依主題分為:如何聽新聞、如何聽課堂演講、看電影學英文、美式英語v.s.英式英語、從對話中學英文、聽歌學英文。...... 趕快來汲取教戰手則




The course of teaching you how to flirt is on the way!!!!!
Annie and Freya are postgrad classmates in the School of Communication Arts. At the commencement of the new semester, they are surfing the school's web pages for course descriptions.

Annie: Freya, look! Why on earth do they provide this course?

Freya: A flirting course. That looks interesting. Let's see what will be taught in the course?

The intent of this course is to acquaint students with fundamental ideas of holding captivating conversation with members of the opposite gender via text messages, emails and other forms of communication. The course also focuses on features and practices of seducing and flirting with a potential mate at occasions where communication between strangers is expected; at parties for instance. A module on "cool" walking is another focus of helping students cope with rejection....

Freya: I bet heaps of computer nerds will rush for the course.

Annie: Maybe the course can really do them a great help. You know, some people would feel less pressure by sending text messages to make the first move.

Freya: Yeah, it reminds me of a guy whom I met at a party. He told me he had taken the course. After the party, the guy kept sending me SMS texts to ask me out. At the beginning, I was just being polite to reply him with I was too busy. But he just kept asking, so then I simply ignored him with no responses at all. Then after a few days with no more incoming messages, just when I though he gave up, he sent me again saying...

"At night I cannot sleep, and during the day I dream of you..."

Freya: I was really fed up with him. So I replied him with..

"At night you are insomniac, and during the day you are hypersomniac. So, check with a doctor before you go for dating."

Annie: That's pretty a straight way to draw the line. Hope the guy had attended the class on "cool" walking.

Freya: Well, he seemed to have because I've not gotten messages from him anymore.



flirt (v): 調情
via = through (prep)
postgrad = postgraduate (n): 研究所的
seduce (v): 引誘
course description (n): 課程說明
mate (n): 伴侶;配偶
acquaint (v): 使認識;使瞭解
module (n): 模組
captivating (adj): 迷人的;有魅力的
insomniac (adj): 患失眠症的
gender (n): 性別
hypersomniac (adj): 患嗜睡症的


Why on earth: 到底為了什麼
cool walking: 在被拒絕後,能冷靜、理性的接受
to make the first move: 先採取行動邀約
SMS = Short Message System
to draw the line: 拒絕



(Telegraph.co.uk) University offers free 'flirting’ course

(Reuters) Computer geeks learn to flirt

(The Sydney Morning Herald) Flirting by Text


English Freeway

編輯:滕 偉

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