


Which shirt do you choose to make you look slimmer? ......



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穿直條紋的衣服看起來會比較瘦喔! 這是真的嗎? 有誰比較過?
How to dress to make you look slimmer is really a scientific question!
It's two weeks before the New Year holidays. Wayne and Annie were thinking about where to go on Saturday afternoon.

Annie: Let's go shopping today. Most department stores and shopping centres are having New Year clearance sales, so the price of most stuff must have hit rock bottom. So, without being ripped off, I can buy all the things I need, and I want!

Wayne: Do we really have to go today? It surely will be crowded everywhere. You know I've still got crow phobia.

Annie: That's ochlophobia.

Wayne: Speak English please.

Annie: Come on, don't be silly. You'll be fine. And I also need to take the stuff that I got a rain check couple days ago, as well as to return the blender we bought last week before the cooling-off period expires.

Wayne: But Shopping centres never try to cool off customers. They are surely gonna make a killing on us.

Wayne finally caved, and then an hour later, they were in a shopping centre. As Wayne expected, it's so crowded there as if half of the city's citizens were jammed into the centre. Then they went to the men's clothing section.

Annie: How about that turtleneck pullover with horizontal stripes? Do you like it?

Wayne: It looks good. The horizontal stripes look pretty leisure and simple, as well as a bit of metropolitan, but they are also more fattening. I'm already fat. I don't want to look much fatter.

Annie: Woo, when did you start to speak all those fashion languages? And where did you get the idea that horizontal stripes are fattening?

Wayne: Everyone says that. That's the most basic fashion advice.

Annie: That in fact is just an orthodox concept of fashion which has never been questioned by most people. Wearing horizontal stripes doesn't make you look wider; it in contrast makes you look slimmer and taller.

Wayne: Really?

Annie: You don't believe me. Alright, go to the fitting room and try this on, and I'll fetch another pullover with vertical stripes for you.

After Wayne had tried on both pullovers...

Wayne: It's amazing. The horizontal one really makes me slimmer and taller. That can really disguise my gluttony. Bravo! Now I look young, fresh and fit!

Annie: Yeah, you're right; you are such a tall, slender and skinny handsome mate! But remember you've still got a smallish pot belly under the disguising garment.

Wayne: Come on, at least I don't see it now.



phobia (n): 恐懼症
horizontal (adj): 水平的
ochlophobia (n): 人群恐懼症
metropolitan (adj): 都會的
blender (n): 調理機(可打蔬果汁等等..)

orthodox (n): 傳統的;教條的

expire (v): 過期
vertical (adj): 垂直的
cave (v): 放棄反對
disguise (v): 掩飾
turtleneck (n): 高領的衣服

gluttony (n): 貪食;暴食

pullover (n): 套衫  


clearance sales: 出清拍賣
hit rock bottom: 達到可能的最低點
rip off: 敲竹槓
rain check (n): 因故須下次才可領取的商品;因故延期而可下次才使用的票根
cooling-off period: 冷卻期;鑑賞期
make a killing on: 大賺...的錢
be jammed into: 被塞進...
fitting room: 試衣間



(BBC) Vertical stripes 'less slimming'

(Telegraph.co.uk) Horizontal stripes make you look thinner


English Freeway

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