

挺個大蘋果 麻煩跟著走

It is known among average people that being fat is at risk of a great variety of health problems, such as high blood pressure related diseases and neurological diseases. Then just how heavy a person is can be regarded as being overweight or fat? Well, BMI is way to figure out our fitness. Yet, some recent medical researches have reported a more reliable "sign" for predicting people's risk of getting serious diseases in their later life. That "sign" is laid on our bellies.....

"You look so like an apple' Is that a compliment? Or what?


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Peanuts Museum: A Tribute to Charles M. Schul

相信大家一定對史努比、查理.布朗、以及花生家族所有成員不陌生,可是你知道作者是誰嗎?他就是創造出美國報紙連環漫畫的大師:Charles M. Schulz。


E-Touch: TOEIC

TOEIC考試除了英文能力,還得具備耐力、專注力、記憶力、邏輯分析能力及臨危不亂等特質,而E-Touch主打的多益訓練課程,提供多回的模擬測驗,並告知詳細的操作方式,,相信必能夠提昇自己的實力,輕鬆攻克TOEIC!...... 我要變成TOEIC達人!

HEINLE'S: The Core of English Language Learnin

想要增強自己的英文字彙又想要挑戰腦力嗎?這個網站提供給各位縱橫填字謎的遊戲練習,不但依主題來分類,且內容豐富,請挑戰HEINLE'S: The Core of English Language Learning!...... 浩瀚網海學單字!



Breaking The Da Vinci Code




How many of you have got an apple-like body shape, and think "I'm not fat, just have a big belly"?

Wayne: Oh my! I'm so stuffed.

Annie: Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. The meal is really far more than enough.

Wayne: I have to loosen my belt.................Yes, it's much better.

Annie: What's that! Your food baby has grown up! You're bloated!

Wayne: Yeah. But it's strange that after gulping down all these sturdy lasagna and wedgies, I still feel like having something to drink, and a lumpy chocolate cake would be even better.

Annie: Yeah, for the baby, right?

Wayne: Kids always love sweets.

Annie: Be aware of your weight. Remember that day, when we went shopping for your trousers? Your waist circumference has got two inches bigger. Have you checked your weight yet, this week?

Wayne: Yeah, I have, and it's just a bit of overweight.

Annie: What's the BMI then?

Wayne: BMI? Do you mean Body Mass Index?

Annie: Yup.

Wayne: I don't know. Probably it's also just a bit above the normal level. Does that make big differences?

Annie: Anyway, the waistline is more reliable.

Wayne: Reliable for what?

Annie: For predicting the chances of getting diabetes, dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.

Wayne: No kidding? But I'm not fat, actually. Except the little pot on my belly, I don't have huge thighs, big hips and a big bum. I'm rather slim in someway.

Annie: Yeah. Just like a big apple with two toothpicks-like legs.

Wayne: Ha! That's funny. But hey, that's my body shape. Don't make it so cartoonic, and that's just a small apple, not grown up yet.

Annie: Yeah when it's grown up, we probably can sue the restaurants who feed you too much.

Wayne: Yeah, we then can use the money we won in court to join those fancy gym clubs! That's so cool.

Annie: And so fool! So, come on, let's go jogging tonight. I'm serious. People with large waist size are at risk of getting a variety of chronic diseases in their later life.

Wayne: I know you're serious. I'm not fool. But go jogging tonight? It's just that I'm so full now! I don't want to chunder.

Annie: What are you talking about? You're fool and you're not full? Anyway, come on, you won't vomit. I promise you.



stuffed (adj): 飽了
diabetes (n): 糖尿病
bloated (adj): 肚子鼓鼓大大的
dementia (n): 癡呆症
sturdy (adj): 口味重的
Alzheimer's Disease (n): 阿滋海默症
lasagna (n) = lasagne: 義大利千層麵
thigh (n): 大腿
wedgies (n): 楔型的薯條
hips (n): 身體兩側腰以下、大腿以上的部位
lumpy (adj): 一大塊的
bum (n): 臀部;屁股
sweets (n): 甜食
toothpick (n): 牙籤
trousers (n) [英] = pants
cartoonic (adj): 像卡通一樣的
waistline (n): 腰圍
chronic (adj): 慢性的
BMI = Body Mass Index (n): 身體質量指數
chunder (v) = vomit


Your eyes are bigger than your stomach: 貪心不足蛇吞象
food baby: 肚子因為吃太多而看起來鼓鼓大大的像懷孕一樣
gulp down: 吃下
waist circumference: 腰圍



(BBC News) Large waist 'an Alzheimer's risk'

(inthenews.co.uk) Men unaware of large waist size 'at risk of diabetes'

(BBC News) Court dismisses McDonald's obesity case



已經有眼尖的讀者注意到,在上一期的電子報中,小編手指抽筋把"wreak havoc on"這個片語中的"wreak",打成了"wreck havoc on",因而在此對各位讀者表達歉意。

然而,小編在懊惱這樣一個拼字錯誤之時,仍不信邪地想著,難道不能用"wreck"嗎?於是在Google上搜尋了這個片語是不是有兩種不同的拼法,而搜尋結果顯示字典上查得到的"wreak havoc on"有較多的搜尋結果,而且有許多的新聞網站,或政府網站採用這樣的說法,例如ABC News 的Floods wreak havoc on farms in England;而小編打錯的"wreck havoc on"則有相對較少的搜尋結果,但是卻也同樣在許多新聞網站看到這樣說法,例如BBC的Chaotic world of climate truth一文,各位讀者可在報導中搜尋(ctrl+F鍵) "wreck",也可看到這樣的說法。小編覺得這樣的結果很有趣,好像在見證語言的轉變和不同,所以也在這裡一起提供給各位讀者參考。


English Freeway

編輯:滕 偉

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