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The mayor of a village in southwestern France has forbidden the residents from dying, because there is no room to bury them.

Well, but how can you “forbid” people from dying? What does he plan to do if they really decide to die against his order? In the Express today, we will show you a famous couple whose planned death is seriously threatened by this new decree.

Read on!

It does look fairly crowded...


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BBC Skillwise: Vocabulary

知名的BBC不只是專業英文新聞以及豐富廣播節目的龍頭,更製作了各種英文學習資源給廣大的英語學習人口參考使用。這次要介紹的字彙單元是BBC Learning做過調查、根據民意所製作的最實用五大領域日常單字喔!除了運用生動的教材和介面介紹單字和用法以外,也提示了一些可以廣泛套用至各種英文字彙的準則,非常值得一讀哪!......BBC快教我英文字彙!

E-Touch: Reading

E-Touch除了主打的多益、全民英檢以及托福CBT以外,也提供了一些其他的訓練課程喔!其中「閱讀訓練」跟總是要閱讀大量的課本文章和課外讀物的我們最為密切相關啦。E-Touch所準備的這個課程分為幾大重點,運用簡單明瞭的文字提示重點並輔以切中要點的簡單練習讓你熟悉這些閱讀技巧!...... 閱讀神人快上身吧!


在這個講究數位化、資源共享的年代,網路上處處有寶庫已經不是什麼新聞啦,可是你知道到底要去哪裡尋寶、找到寶藏後要怎麼使用嗎?你知道就連網路字典也都不僅只是讓你查詢字義的方便工具,更是英文學習的寶貴資源嗎?今天我們就來看看財團法人語言訓練中心特別針對使用網路免費資源有效學習英文單字所做的介紹專輯!...... 浩瀚網海學單字!



William Shakespeare's Romeo+Juliet



衝著大家對於羅密歐與茱麗葉的故事比較熟悉,這部片子又拍得絢爛華麗,加上本期宅急便剛好拿這兩位苦情鴛鴦來搞笑,且讓小編推薦這部電影,做為同學接觸莎士比亞戲劇的入門電影吧!....Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?



Sorry, you cannot die here.


Romeo: O, here, will I set up my everlasting rest. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! (Drinks the poison) O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die…

Juliet: Stop right there!

Romeo: Huh? Hey, I thought you’re dead.

Juliet: I can’t and neither can you.

Romeo: Because you love me so much? Oh, I am so moved! Are you suggesting that we discard Shakespeare’s plot1 and live happily ever after instead?

Juliet: Well, I don’t care about that too much, actually. All I know is that the mayor of our village has banned the residents from dying.

Romeo: You mean that he issued an edict that forbids the villagers to die?

Juliet: Exactly. It goes: “all persons not having a plot2 in the cemetery and wishing to be buried are forbidden from dying in the parish.”

Romeo: Why would he do that?! I can understand if he disapproves of suicide, because we can choose not to die. But, unlike us, some old people have no choice. Sometimes they cannot help it!

Juliet: I know, but the mayor says that our cemetery is overcrowded. He cannot fit any more dead people in the church graveyard.

Romeo: Er. That would be a problem. You don’t really want to see dead people reposing on the concrete floor by the road.

Juliet: Nope. But the court has ruled that the acquisition of adjoining private land to extend the cemetery is not justified. So the mayor cannot really expand the cemetery.

Romeo: Maybe he can try put in some double-deck tombs. You know, like in some of the parking garages, where there are some mechanical devises that move the parked car underneath another car.

Juliet: Sounds like a good idea. Maybe you should go and tell the mayor.

Romeo: But we are supposed to die in the story. I cannot just stand up and walk out well and alive.

Juliet: Well, you must. The mayor says that the offenders of his decree will be severely punished.

Romeo: You mean people who die will be punished? By what?!

Juliet: By some fate worse than death. You go figure.



everlasting (adj) 永久的
graveyard (n) 墓地
apothecary (n) 藥劑師
repose (v) 安眠;長眠
discard (v) 摒棄;丟棄
concrete (adj) 混凝土的
plot 1(n) (小說、戲劇等的)情節
rule (v) 裁定
mayor (n) 市長;這裡是指村長
acquisition (n) 取得
ban (v) 禁止
adjoining (adj) 毗鄰的
issue (v) 發佈
justified (adj) 有正當理由的;情有可原的
edict (n) 官方命令
double-deck (adj) 兩層的
plot 2 (n) 小塊土地
offender (n) 違法者;犯規的人
cemetery(n) 公墓;墓地
decree (n) 政令;命令
parish (adj) 教區;[英]地方行政區
severely (adv) 嚴厲地
suicide (n) 自殺
figure (v) 估計;認為;料到
overcrowded (adj) 過度擁擠的



Reuters: Cemetery Full, Mayor Tells Locals Not To Die

Sky News: French Mayor Bans Villagers From Dying


English Freeway



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