


Renting cars, buying tickets, reading news, doing homework, making new friends, chatting with old friends, and all sorts of other things, you name it, can be done through the internet. The internet surely is a must in our daily life. But like we getting sick, computers getting viruses is also an inevitable reluctance in our life. For avoiding that reluctance, there is something we can do, or indeed, there is something can't do.....

Warning! Stop looking for bugs!


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◎ 請大家來填自學包裹問卷!


◎ 044期勘誤公告




BBC Learning English: Business English - Ten Days in Manchester

這個網頁是來自好用的BBC Learning English網站商用英語的部分,是一個很完整的互動式學習課程,整個課程敘述兩個同事到Machester出差十天發生的種種事情,所以同學們也可以分為十天,當作連續劇來學每日英文。每天都會專注在一個特定的主題,讓學生集中學習相關的會話技巧。 這個課程的資源相當豐富!認真在"Manchester"這麼玩上十天,把BBC製作的豐富資源都玩過一遍,一定會有很大的收穫!......快來看小編介紹精彩內容!

Clarity English: Study Skills Success- Listening

同學已經使用過我們大力推薦的「史上最強英語學習軟體」 - Clarity English了嗎?使用過的同學應該知道我們不是隨便吹噓的吧,更何況他是免費提供給台大教職員生使用的唷!這次小編介紹其中一套軟體Study Skill Success其中的聽力訓練課程。這套課程融合了練習題目、音檔、教學講解,帶領同學熟悉聽力的技巧。小編也順便介紹了使用的介面,讓同學更容易上手唷。......快來看小編介紹吧!

Heating Plastics




The Planets

"一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星,掛在天上..."這首兒歌真是歷久不衰啊。抬頭看看星空(在台北就想像一下星空吧)會發現,地球不過是天上那一顆顆閃閃發亮的小點中的其中一點。在浩瀚的宇宙中,何其渺小、微不足道,卻孕育出人類文明。BBC The Planets運用先進的電腦動畫技術,呈現星際探險的新發現,以及從太陽系神秘的過去與未來,我們能看出什麼端倪、能做些什麼,又或是意識到我們現階段的科技文明,其實什麼的都做不了.....星星知我心、我不知星星



Are you surfing on the internet, or suffering from the internet?

(Wayne is surfing on the internet with his laptop in the lounge room, who rarely knows anything about computer stuffs. Literally, he is PC-retarded. On the contrary, Annie is a PC lover. You can ask her about PC stuffs from A to Z.)

Wayne: What's going on here? "Scan Type: Auto-Protect Scan. Event: Threat Found! Threat......" What threat is found? Babe, can you lend me a hand with my laptop here?

Annie: In a minute, I've only got two hands, and I need them both now, so just a minute, ok?..........(Annie answered in the bedroom)

Wayne: OK...(then, Wayne is murmuring to himself) Both of my hands are free now, but neither of them can do me anything good. "Risk detected. You must take action to remove a risk from your computer." What on earth is that? A risk of what? What have I done wrong?

Annie: What are you murmuring about? Pass me the laptop; let me take a Captain Cook at what is so boggling my honey. (Few seconds later) Um..hm... Your anti-virus software has detected a virus embedded in a web site, and the software is flagging a warning.

Wayne: So, is my laptop infected, captain?

Annie: No, not yet, soldier. I've terminated the ferocious virus. Don't worry.

Wayne: Thank you, sir.

Annie: No worries, and let's stop this fake and silly military talking.

Wayne: Understood, sir!

Annie: Stop it! Tell me what you were searching for. Did you visit a porn site?

Wayne: No!!! I was googling screensavers and wallpapers. Then after I opened a web site, it was redirected to a porn site with heaps of ads popping up.

Annie: You don't have to download those things from the internet. You've taken some great scenic photos, haven't you. You can use them as your screensaver and wallpaper. You know what, terms like "screensavers", "wallpapers", "ringtones" and most porn words, and even some celebrities' names, like "Anna Kournikova" or "Tom Cruise", are risky searches for getting viruses or spyware. Though the chance of getting a virus from those searches is really low, only about 4%, you have to keep a close eye on what you're googling.

Wayne: Um..hm..., then I'd better not to download anything from the internet, Is that right?

Annie: Just look before you leap, and make sure that you've set up a restore point before you download or install any software.

Wayne: What's a restore point?

Annie: By setting up a restore point, you can undo the changes you've done to your system, and make it back to the way it was if any problems occur.

Wayne: Umm...so it's like turn back the time of my system, isn't it?

Annie: That's right. But it doesn't mean that you can blithely click around whatever you want, especially don't you go to any porn site. Got it?

Wayne: Yeah, got it. I won't, I told you. I'll ask my friends to get them.

Annie: Yeah, how brilliant you are. Then don't come to me for help when you get viruses from your friends.

Wayne: Hey, come on, I was just joking.



laptop (n) = notebook: 筆記型電腦

screensaver (n): 螢幕保護程式
murmur (v): 喃喃自語
wallpaper (n): 桌面 (電腦螢幕)
boggle (v) = confuse
porn (adj) = pornographic: 色情的
embed (v): 埋藏;嵌入
ads (n) = advertisement: 廣告
flag (v): 指出;告知
ringtone (n): 鈴聲 (手機)
terminate (v): 終結
spyware (n): 間諜軟體
ferocious (adj): 殘忍的
celebrity (n): 名人
fake (adj): 假的
undo (v): 復原
google (v): 在網路上搜尋
blithely (adv): 快活無憂慮地


PC-retarded: 對電腦ㄧ竅不通的 (電腦白癡)
from A to Z: 重頭到尾
lend me a hand: 幫我個忙
In a minute: 等一下
What on earth: 到底.....;究竟.....
pop up: 突然跳出來
take a Captain Cook at = take a look at
keep a close eye on: 留心;注意
look before you leap: 看清楚才進行下一步
restore point: 還原點 (電腦)
Got it?(尾音上揚) / Got it. (尾音下降): 懂嗎;知道嗎 / 知道了



(ABC NEWS) The Most Dangerous Words on the Web

(McAfee SiteAdvisor) The State of Searching Engine Safety





Newtoon: Liebneez! I failed calculus again.

Liebneez: Phew, is this like, the forth time?



English Freeway

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