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Christmas is perhaps the most heart-warming holiday in western traditions. However, when all the excitement builts up and the holiday approaches, office workers may start to pay less attention to their work, and minor accidents may happen now and then.

Among the busy workers, Santa Claus and his elves are perhaps the busiest. Do they encounter more disasters than others? Well, let's see how this Christmas goes for our Santa Claus.

HOHOHO! Is Santa always happy?


◎ 第十四期自學包裹上線啦!


◎ E-touch線上模擬試題~持續廣告中


◎ Advanced雜誌更新




Discovery: Holiday House Game




CNN新聞是相當好的英語學習資源,但是在看新聞時常常會覺得鴨子聽雷,或是說話速度太快,讓人措手不及。現在藉由LiveABC的練習題與英文腳本的幫助,讓你反覆聆聽英語新聞,不知不覺中輕鬆地聽懂英語新聞。...... 來看看該如何使用吧!


Get that Job – BBC Virtual Interview

這是BBC的虛擬工作面試遊戲。在這個面試裡,你必須選擇適合面試的服裝面對兩位嚴格的面試主考官,面試問題包羅萬象,包括你過去的經驗與你對未來的期望,面試結束時,兩位主考官會幫你打分數,看你是否獲得這份工作機會唷!...... 準備好去面試囉!



Breaking the Da Vinci Code

如果同學沒有看過Da Vinci Code達文西密碼這本書,應該也看過電影吧?如果沒有看過電影,應該也聽過這本書吧?好啦,小編知道這已經是兩年前的事了,電影都已經在電視上播了,如果小編想騙大家千辛萬苦的騎腳踏車到視聽館看電影,就太天真了。




HOHOHO, Merry Christmas!


Santa: Rudolf, I am so troubled.

Rudolf: Why? It’s Christmas! It’s the time of the year when you get to travel around the world and escape Mrs. Claus’s incessant nagging.

Santa: Well, that’s true. But Christmas is coming, and all my elves are slacking off at work. I think they all secretly skip work to do Christmas shopping.

Rudolf: But, Santa, why do they need to buy gifts? They are Christmas elves, they make the gifts.

Santa: Then they must be spending all their time gossiping, or surveying holiday locations on-line. Don’t you know that Christmas is a notorious time when work productivity takes a nosedive all over the world.

Rudolf: Santa, the elves are really not as sluggish as you think. After all, they only work in the run-up to Christmas, and vacation for the rest of the year. See, they are all busy working away there in the workshop.

Santa: hmm…I guess that’s true. I must be influenced by all those news reports on office workers bunking off work and pulling a sickie around Christmas time. Sorry, I guess I was being a bit paranoid.

Rudolf: (quietly) … and old.

Santa: What? I didn’t hear you clearly.

Rudolf: Nothing.

Christmas Elf 1: Mr. Claus! Mr. Claus! One of your post elves is out of control!

Rudolf: Santa, I don’t know that we have post elves.

Santa: Of course we do. They are actually volunteers from Canada Post. Kids all over the world can write to me at a special Canadian postal code “HOH OHO.” Because, you know, I always do that HOHOHO laugh all the time. HOHOHO. HOHOHO. HOHOHO…

Christmas Elf 1: Mr. Claus, calm yourself. We are having an emergency here.

Santa: Oh, right. So, Rudolf, anyways, the nice people at Canada Post reply letters to the kids on my behalf, and they are called my post elves. And it seems that one of them is out of control now, according to this little fellow. HOHOHO.

Christmas Elf 1: This is no laughing matter, Mr. Claus. One of those volunteers wrote nasty letters to the kids.

Santa: Well. Sometimes the kids can be pretty greedy and pert in their letters, I can understand why someone may not want to be a nice jolly man all the time.

Christmas Elf 1: No, sir, you wouldn’t possibly approve of this. They are really inappropriate…

Christmas Elf 2: Mr. Claus! Mr. Claus! There is a fire broken out in one of the malls and burned down a 35-foot Christmas tree!

Santa: Er…

Christmas Elf 2: As well as the plastic reindeer and the fake gifts beside the tree!!

Santa: I…

Christmas Elf 3: Mr. Claus, sir! Sir! A drunk man hit a Christmas tree with his car!

Christmas Elves: Mr. Claus! Mr. Claus!! @##$%%*^(*)@$@#%^%*^@#%

Santa: Rudolf, I feel dizzy. What do you say if we skip Christmas? You know, skiving off to some warm seaside resort?

Rudolph: Sounds terrific, Santa. Just follow my glowing red nose and off we go!

Santa: HOHOHO! Merry Christmas!



incessant (adj) 不停的
pull a sickie (ph) [口]請病假(通常是假的)
nag (v) 嘮叨;挑毛病
paranoid (adj) 偏執;被害妄想
slack off (v ph) 鬆懈;怠惰
post (n) 郵政

skip (v) 翹(課、班);故意不出席

volunteer (n) 自願者
gossip (v) 八卦
postal code (n) 郵遞區號
survey (v) (全面性的)調查; 考察
on sb's behalf (adj ph) 代表(某人)
notorious (adj) 惡名昭彰的
fellow (n) 傢伙;夥伴
nosedive (n) 俯衝,暴跌
nasty (adj) 卑鄙的;下流的
sluggish (n) 懶散
pert (adj) 無禮;傲慢
run-up (n) 助跑;某事發生前累積的期間
reindeer (n) 麋鹿
vacation (v)度假
skive off (v) 逃避責任;匆匆離去
bunk off (v ph) [口] 翹(課、班)
resort (n) 度假去處;名勝



Telegraph: Millions to Start the Christmas 'non-work week'

AFP: Police Hunt for Rogue Santa Elf Who Sent Kids Filthy Letters

Chicago Tribune : Christmas Tree Fire Shuts Mall in Suburb






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The picture of the lovely Santa is by Megandavid, distributed under a Creative Commons license.