

Isn't it unfair that some people just don't get fat? No matter how they unlimitedly indulge themselves with chocolate bars, chips, cheese burgers, milk shake, and all the high calorie food, they just gain no weight, while others (like myself) just can't help but increase the waist line simply by drinking plain water. For fatty to get skinny, is it really a fat chance?

Oh, Oh, Oh, I don't get fat at all!!!


◎ Academic Wordlist

English Freeway中,Postgraduates專區的全新網頁,除了畫面優美,看了讓人心曠神怡外,還簡單清楚地分出四個主題連結:聽與說、讀、寫、字彙;畫面的右上角還有"What's new"提供最新上傳線上練習的連結喔!.....快來一賭為快吧

◎ Academic Wordlist

Academic Word List是國際學界公認的一份英文學術常用字彙,在我們的學習網頁中,同學可以下載完整的字彙表,連結到國外的AWL網站,還有小編們細心編寫的主題練習與學習題組,快來學學這些超級有用的字彙吧......Words of Academic World


Postgraduates專區中,"Listening and Speaking"日前上傳了一系列,以動態簡報搭配影音解說的方式,介紹如何利用MIT WORLD網站來訓練學術英文聽力。這個優秀的網站開放讓使用者免費觀看麻省理工學院的各演講活動的錄影,對各位想聽學術演講,學習學術場合中英語聽力的同學們,真是一大福音......我要聽福音

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Postgraduates專區中,"Listening and Speaking"除了有MIT WORLD外,另一個首推的就是EASE Listening to Lecture英語聽講訓練系統,而且現在已經全面上線囉。想要訓練自己學術英文聽力的同學,快快去看看吧。......Listen with EASE!

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BBC: Life Blood

從前在分娩之後往往就被丟棄的胎盤與臍帶,現在卻成為炙手可熱的寶物。其實臍帶血移植,只是移植臍帶血中的造血幹細胞,可移植用於組織或器官的修補。本片中Matthew Farrow是世界上第一個靠著移植臍帶血,而挽救他寶貴生命的案例。想知道本片中Matthew更多的故事嗎?請趕快進入BBC網站吧!


Advanced English: Chile's Constantly Changing Torres del Paine

位在智利巴塔哥尼雅地區上的百內國家公園,特色是「沒有一件事是尋常的」,或許正因為它是如此的難捉摸,所以這裡的美景極其壯觀。想要一覽這座國家公園的美景,順便學一學用英語讚嘆大自然美景的用語嗎?請進入Advanced English網站吧!(如果還不是English Freeway會員的話,就快按這裡加入會員吧!)




How To Write A Winning Personal Statement




Who can enjoy that juicy steak, and forget about fatty hips?


Fatty: Skinny, can you cover me for a minute? I need to have a fix.

Skinny: Cover you? How? You're too big.

Fatty: Oh come on, you know what I mean. Just look after my parts while I'm away.

Skinny: OK, I am just kidding. Not a problem. And what fix, by the way?

Fatty: Ah nothing. I just want to find something to feed myself.

Skinny: Feed yourself? What time is it now?

Fatty: About a quarter to two o'clock. Why?

Skinny: You have just finished your lunch less than an hour ago, haven't you?

Fatty: Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Skinny: Are you a food junkie?

Fatty: Oh come on! Don't rabbit on. I just want to eat something. Are you going to cover me or not?

Skinny: OK...OK...go... take your time.

(About 15 minutes later, Fatty gets back with a bunch of meal boxes)

Skinny: Wooo, what a feast! Are we going to have a party this afternoon? What have you got there, delivery boy?

Fatty: A double-cheese steak burger, schnitzel with gravy, fish and chips, and a diet Coke.

Skinny: All for yourself?

Fatty: I can share them with you if you need something to occupy your quick mouth. (Fatty is unwrapping the burger while saying this.) Woo, it looks so yummy! Look at this juicy meat!

Skinny: Mhh!!! The schnitzel smells great as well. Can I have some?

Fatty: Go ahead. Help yourself.

Skinny: You know what? I don't know why I often feel craving for food when I got stressed out or stuck in a rut at work. Or when I simply feel bored and have nothing to do, I just eat, and eat a lot. (Skinny said this between munches on the schnitzel.)

Fatty: Especially craving for sweet sugary things, or a sturdy and lard-laden meal, right?

Skinny: Yeah. You have the same craving as well?

Fatty: Yeah. As you can tell from my huge body, it seems to tell everyone that this roly-poly definitely is a binger, and never gets enough fat to clog his blood vessels.

Skinny: Hey come on, no need to be so saucy to yourself.

Fatty: Anyway, that's fine. So you often eat a lot as well. Then how come you don't get fat? You don't even have a little pot there. (Fatty is pointing at Skinny's belly)

Skinny: I don't know why. Probably I don't have that much the kind of proteins to drive up my cholesterol, which is called by the scientists that.....eh....I can't recall actually.......anyway, a kind of enzymes, I reckon. So it could be a "fat" chance for me to get arteriosclerosis or other obesity related diseases.

Fatty: Lucky you then, skinny binger.

Skinny: Ha, that means I've got the ticket to spoil myself with whatever gourmet I want.



juicy (adj): 多汁的
roly-poly (n): 胖胖的人
hip (n): 臀部
binger (n): 有嗜吃症的人
bunch (n): 一堆
clog (v): 堵塞;栓塞
feast (n): 大餐
blood vessels (n): 血管
schnitzel (n):炸肉排 (通常是牛肉或雞肉)
saucy (adj): 無禮、戲謔的
gravy (n): 調味的濃稠肉汁、肉湯
cholesterol (n): 膽固醇
unwrap (v): 打開包裝
enzyme (n): 酵素

crave (v): 渴望

arteriosclerosis (n): 動脈硬化
munch (n;v): 咀嚼
obesity (n): 肥胖
sturdy (adj): 味道濃郁的
spoil (v): 寵壞;溺愛
lard (n) = fat
gourmet (n): 美食


cover me for a minute: 頂替我一下
have a fix: 解個饞,可以用在食物、吸煙等等
find something to feed myself: 找點東西吃
food junkie: 對食物上癮的人
rabbit on: 叨叨念
quick mouth: 講話口無遮攔
Help yourself: 自己來
stressed out: 精神很緊繃
stuck in a rut: 陷入膠著的情況
fat chance: 微乎其微的機會



(BBC News) Fast Food 'as addictive as heroin'

(ABC News) An End to Bad Fats? Maybe You Can Enjoy That Steak


English Freeway

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