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People just don't follow the simplest travel advice: keep an eye on your personal belongings.

Even an American president with all his secret service men may suffer the possibility of getting robbed. See what happened to George W. Bush and American millionaire Robert Kraft, and be very careful next time you travel.

Do they want more than just to shake his hand?


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◎ EASE英語聽講訓練系統全面上線!!

前日更新的English Freeway研究生專區,同學不知道有沒有上去看過。其中首推的EASE Listening to Lecture英語聽講訓練系統目前已經全面上線囉。想要訓練自己學術英文聽力的同學快快去看看吧。(因為登入系統剛剛建立,同學如果一時無法登入,請過幾天再試試看喔)......Listen with EASE!

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LiveABC – 全民英檢

English Freeway裡針對全民英檢的資源可說是相當豐富,這次介紹的是LiveABC裡的全民英檢中高級初試,也就是閱讀與聽力。擔心正式考試考不好嗎?或是全民英檢的書買一堆卻都沒看?沒關係,這裡提供了10回模擬試題,而且還是免費的喔!不管你是打算考前臨時抱佛腳,還是自我測試英文能力,都來試試看吧!若您還不是會員,請加入會員,若您已是會員,那就直接進入試場吧!.... LiveABC - 全民英檢。


What happened to Spike? 

這是Animal Planet的寵物偵探遊戲。人見人愛的寵物龜Spike不見了!到底是誰如此狠心?三個嫌疑犯都說自己是無辜的,身為寵物偵探的你必須詢問每位嫌犯問題來找出蛛絲馬跡,將線索拼湊起來後就可以逮捕真正的兇手囉!... 趕快去救阿龜!




Morning Edition - Matering Reading and Language Skills with the Newspaepr

同學們是否曾經想要用英文報紙學英文,卻不得其門而入呢?英文報紙的寫作慣例跟用詞都跟一般的閱讀材料不太一樣,要怎麼樣才能夠把英文報紙讀得淋漓盡致,發揮最大的學習功效呢?小編這回介紹的Morning Edition正是教你如何使用英文報紙學習英文閱讀的最大利器。Morning Edition使用International Herald Tribune的報導為教材,要學英語報紙閱讀,就是看這本啦。......快快聽小編介紹!



"Bushie! Bushie!" "Oh, my watch!"

旅遊的時候最重要的就是看好自己的東西啦~ 但是美國總統布希先生到了阿爾巴尼亞一趟 ,卻傳出布希的手錶在光天化日之下遭竊了。網路柯南們看了YouTube的影片之後,對於傳言的真假眾說紛紜!怎麼會有那麼大膽的小偷呢?到底是不是真的被偷呢?

Pudding: Hey, you know that Bush visited Albania a few months ago.

Bushy: Dunno.

Pudding: Anyways, rumor has it that his watch was robbed when he was deeply mired in the rapturous crowd. Come and watch this video. His watch vanishes within moments.

Bushy: (Looking at Pudding's computer screen.) Wow, that watch is indeed elusive. Maybe it is some secret service gadget that has a Mission Impossible feature: "This watch will self-destruct in ten seconds.”

Pudding: You know, you really are not as funny as you may wish.

Bushy: Alright. So it was swiped by one of the Albanians, maybe it is now sold on eBay, let me check.

Pudding: According to the White House, it was not lifted. They said that Bush took it off himself, and that it was put away safely. Bush wore it the other day to confirm that statement. But it does not prove anything. It’s only a fifty-dollar Timex, they might have just replaced it. No sweat.

Bushy: Hmm… (looking at the screen), maybe it’s this one. An austere Timex Indiglo sold from Albania, with an opening price of five dollars. That’s cheap… (placing a bid).

Pudding: Hey, check whether you can find a Super Bowl ring dubbed with 5 carats of diamonds.

Bushy: Ugh, I don’t want a gaudy bauble like that. Did Bush lose that one as well?

Pudding: No, the president of Russia, Valdimir Putin, pilfered it from Robert Kraft in 2005. Kraft owns the New England Patriots, the football team that won Super Bowl in 2004.

Bushy: Putin stole it! That's a smart move! The ring sounds like good stuff.

Pudding: Sure is. You can easily sell it on eBay at the cost of a small yacht.

Bushy: How did Putin pull it off? Weren’t there many journalists around when Putin and Kraft met?

Pudding: You bet, they even took pictures of Putin trying on that ring. Kraft only wanted to show off his glitzy ring when he gave the ring to Putin for a closer look. Unfortunately, Putin was too impressed. He thought it was a parting gift from the friendly American millionaire. After trying it on with a broad smile, he pocketed it and left.

Kraft's, oh no, Putin's
Super Bowl ring

Bushy: That’s smooth. And Kraft could not retrieve it because he did not want to be blamed for starting a World War by embarrassing Putin.

Pudding: Yes, he had to pretend to be exceptionally generous while he was agonizing inside.

Bushy: That’s the result of ignoring the standard advice for travelers: “Keep an eye on your personal belongings,” especially if you are a world leader or about to meet one.




mire (v) 陷入泥淖;陷入困境
bauble (n) 小玩意兒 ,小裝飾品
raptuous (adj) 歡天喜地的;欣喜若狂的
pilfer (v) 偷竊(通常是少量的東西)
elusive (adj) 無法捉摸的
yacht (n) 遊艇
swipe (v) 擦過;[俚語]扒竊
pull off (v) 搞定(某事)
lift (v) [口語] 偷竊
glitzy (adj) [俚語] 炫燿的
austere (adj) 樸素的
impressed (adj) 印象深刻;受到感動
place a bid (v ph) 下標
pocket (v) 裝入口袋;侵占(款項等)
dub (v) 置入;配入
exceptionally (adv) 例外的;異常的
gaudy (adj) 華麗而俗氣的
agonize (v) 感到極度痛苦



The characters in this conversation are fictional. They are not neutral speakers. They are created as prejudiced and ignorant for the sake of entertainment. Their opinions do not stand for the stance of this newsletter.

The White House officially denies any theft during President Bush's visit in Albania. Robert Kraft have also openly stated that the ring is his gift to Putin.



The YouTube footage: Is Bush's watch really stolen? See for your self.

Times Online: Mystery of President Bush's watch in Albania

The Lede News Blog: Bush’s Watch Theft: Debunked

The New York Sun: Putin Pockets Patriots Ring

Boston Globe: For Putin, it's a gem of a cultural exchange


English Freeway


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