


Gentlemen, imagine that you are waiting for your girlfriend at the corner of a street, and in front of you is a big TV screen, which is showing a woman wearing bikini running on a beach, then while you are enjoying this rather appealing scene, there is not a soul in your sight, not even your girl friend who is waving right in front of you.

Don't worry, it doesn't mean that you don't care about your loved one. It's just the nature.

Stop staring at me!!!


◎ 英語寫作、英文小老師諮詢服務 (重新開張囉!!!)


◎ 號外!!號外!!短期寫作課程即將招生!!!


◎ English Freeway更新

暑假中,趁大家不注意的時候,English Freeway就偷偷的更新啦。在首頁的公路圖片,大家可以找到兩個新的路牌,也就是我們加入的兩個新的區塊:一個是News Online,收集了各大網路新聞的網址。另外一個則標向新的一條岔路,也就是新開的Postgraduates研究生專區。Freeway越來越豐富了,大家暑假多來Freeway學英文吧。.....來去看新路牌!



Adult Learning Activities / Check Cashing

"Adult Learning Activites"是一個遠距英語教學的網站,這一次我們選了其中一個主題,爲各位介紹怎麼使用這個網站。而主題就是上面寫的"Check Cashing",那內容當然就是跟銀子有關啦,所以快去看看這次的介紹,看能不能增強吸金能力吧....吸金大法!!!

English Reading from Shakespeare

藉由英國文學家莎士比亞(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)的戲劇對白以及十四行詩,本校外文系周樹華教授,將引領各位進行英語口語練習及英語朗讀練習。其中包含了戲劇對白全文、名家朗讀、和精彩的影片片段,讓您在聆聽對白時,除了更能體會戲劇中英語表達情緒的方式,也能夠同時欣賞莎士比亞的經典著作,以及著名的戲劇對白。....去學莎翁講英文



新貨到!!!! 新貨到!!!! 晚來看不到!!!!!!




Stop staring at the picture! It's gonna turn you blind!!!


Wayne: Oh gosh!!! (Wayne plunged down the break, and the car stopped with a great squeaking sound)

Annie: What you are doing, honey?!!! Are you alright?!!! That's red light!!! Did you not see that?!!!

Wayne: Sorry honey. Are you alright? I was really off the track. (Wayne is still holding the steering wheel nervously)

Annie: I'm fine. Don't worry. What were you doing?

Wayne: Well....

Annie: Were you staring at other girls?

Wayne: No, I wasn't.

Annie: Then why didn't you keep your eyes on the road? What dragged your attention from the traffic light?

Wayne: I was... I was just reading at the lines on the roadside advertisement.

Annie: That one? (Annie is pointing to a gigantic billboard on the roadside, which is an advertisement of woman's underwear)

Wayne: Yeah.

Annie: Ha, you were reading the lines? I think it's more like you were gawking at the leggy pretty woman with that alluring lingerie, isn't it?

Wayne: Well, not gawking. Just a glimpse.

Annie: Yeah, just a glimpse, a LONG glimpse.

Wayne: Oh, it's green now. Back on the road. (Wayne cautiously drives the car forward)

Annie: That really proved what scientists said about "emotion-induced blindness".

Wayne: What's that?

Annie: They said it is normal that instantly after seeing something sexually explicit, men simply can't see other things, like blind people literally. But in my words, your careless driving, like what you have done just then, proved one more thing. That is, men are sexually focused, and that's how your brains are designed. So you are not to blame for this primitive instinct.

Wayne: Then how about women? What did the scientists say? Don't you get....what was that? Come again?

Annie: Emotion-induced blindness!!! Have you got "Emotion-induced amnesia" as well? Haha, that's gonna be a new case study for psychologists.

Wayne: Yeah, yeah, emotion-induced blindness. Don't women get that if they see a half naked macho man, showing his muscular figure?

Annie: No, they didn't mention that. They only took men's reaction to erotic pictures as the example.

Wayne: It's not fair. Not every man is like that.

Annie: Well then, you've still got a male brain. So just accept it. I don't blame you, honey. No worries! (Annie says it with a teasing tone.)



stare (v): 盯著看
gosh (n): 表示驚訝或意外的語助詞
plunge (v): 快速的落下
squeaking (adj): 輪胎摩擦地面發出的尖銳聲響
gigantic (adj): 巨大的
billboard (n): 廣告牌;告示牌
leggy (adj): 雙腿修長的
alluring (adj): 誘惑的
lingerie (n): 女性貼身衣物
glimpse (n): 一瞥

cautiously (adv): 謹慎地;小心翼翼地

induced (adj): 導致的
explicit (adj): 明顯的;
blame (v): 責怪
primitive (adj): 原始的
instinct (n): 本能;天性
amnesia (n): 失憶症
macho (adj): 有男子氣概的;有男人味的
muscular (adj): 強壯的;肌肉發達的
erotic (adj): 性愛的
teasing (adj): 嘲弄的; 揶揄的


steering wheel : 方向盤
gawk at :傻愣愣地盯著看



(NewScientist) Erotic images can turn you blind

(ABC News) Racy and Gory Images Cause Temporary Blindness



English Freeway

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