



You have heard of the idea of driving away mosquitoes with high frequency sound, but have you ever imagined doing the same thing with teenagers? Yes, human teeangers.

Scientists have found a specific sound that annoys people under the age of 25, but is almost inaudible to people over 25. Don't believe me? Check out our English Express, and tell me whether you can hear the sound.

Interested in driving all
teenagers away from you?


◎ 英文小老師諮詢服務



◎ 電子報編輯啟事~031期英語宅急便勘誤





Reading Skills for Academic Study

相信很多同學在上了研究所後,心中都有這樣的吶喊;“文章這麼多,時間那麼少,哪看得完啊!” 一字一句地看當然看不完啊,所以其實是有方法的喔!!! 來看看這個網站要敎你哪些小撇步,讓你在看學術性文章時,跟看小說漫畫一樣輕鬆自在,越看越有趣喔!......請告訴我小撇步~

South Australia: Vulkathana – Gammom Ranges

南澳,不是我們宜蘭的南澳喔,是澳大利亞的南澳州。這個州也是在全世界氣候最乾燥的大陸中,最乾燥的州,且因為開發不多,所以人口居住不多,但也因此許多迷人的自然景觀得以不被破壞。這次介紹的這個網站取自於澳洲國家廣播電台,介紹一個大多數台灣人到澳洲旅遊都不會去,但風景迷人的一個地方,Gammom Ranges。網站中可以聽到記者與當地居民的對話,其中除了聊到當地自然生態及觀光資源外,還有不少在台灣鮮少聽見的澳式英語表達方式喔! ...... 我想當澳洲觀光客!



North Star - Building the Skills for the TOEFL® iBT

新的學期開始了,有意申請學校的高年級同學可能也開始準備各種留學考試啦。其中大家一定要考的托福,因為改了新制之後,可是把大家都考了個落花流水。話說很久很久以前,視聽館電子報第一期中,老編曾經介紹過號稱托福聖經的Longman Preparation Course for TOEFL® iBT,是本了不起的好書。不過,視聽館中,了不起的好書總是不只一本,這次要來介紹更適合提升整體英文能力的教材。如果成績一直無法提升,就快來看看小編這次介紹的書吧。...這本也是朗文口碑出版喔!



Are you young enough to be annoyed?



Siren: Ahhh!

Ulysses: Hey, Siren. What’s with that squeaky scream?

Siren: There are three mosquitoes flying towards me. They are terrifying.

Ulysses: I see. Hey, speaking of the mosquitoes, have you heard of this ultrasonic pest repelling devices that you can get from some retailers? Allegedly, the electronic device emits high frequency sound that is only heard by mosquitoes, but not human beings. The manufacturers say that you can carry them around and the mosquitoes will not come near you because they hate the sound…

Siren: Good idea. Maybe I can reproduce that with my ultrasonic shriek. AH-AHHH…!

Ulysses: (Shouting) Can you stop that?!! (Siren becomes quiet.) Much better now. The scientists have proven that it has no effect whatsoever on any insects. So you might as well save the trouble.

Siren: So why do you bring it up?

Ulysses: Well, some scientist seemed to be inspired by that and invented a “teenager repellent” with the same concept.

Siren: You mean teenagers that bite like mosquitoes? Wow, that makes them vampires - if they suck blood like mosquitoes do. So the repellent you are talking about must be Van Helsing, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or…

Ulysses: Well, I am not talking about vampires, and certainly have no idea why Van Helsing and that Buffy girl are doing in our conversation. I mean that scientists locate a specific frequency which most young people under 25 can hear while most people over 25 cannot.

Siren: Like imaginary friends?

Ulysses: Er. Not exactly. It’s more scientific than childhood fantasy. Anyways, they devise a transmitter that releases unpleasant high-pitched noise that only annoys teenagers, so that they will clear out of the vicinity where the device is set up.

Siren: But why can’t adults hear the sound?

Ulysses: You know people say that your life starts downhill once you pass 25. One’s hearing ability deteriorates in his or her early twenties as well. In a word, old people are not as sensitive to sound as young people are.

Siren: I think that device is a form of discrimination.

Ulysses: Yeah. Many people have been arguing against treating our teens as pest infestations, thinking it a violation of their human rights. However, some surly young people are prone to vandalize public property when they congregate together. The people using this device only turn it on when there are boisterous groups of young……

Siren: No. I mean it is discrimination against the old! It is even an invasion of privacy! You see, judging from my reaction, they can know whether I am older than 25 when they turn on the device.

Ulysses: It should not bother you anyways. You told me that you stay eighteen forever, right? I assume you don’t age like us mortals?

Siren: Of course not, I am a siren, the enchanting sea goddess. I stay young.

Ulysses: Ha. Liar. You must be much older than 25.

Siren: . . . Why do you say that . . .?

Ulysses: Well, I have the device on the whole time we are having this conversation, and you seem pretty unperturbed to me. The noise is even somewhat tingly for me, and I am in my mid-forties. Judging from your composure, I would say you are at least 150 years old…

Siren: Ah!!!! Please someone bring me a Ulysses repellent!!! (And a mosquito repellent, if you may!)



siren (n) 歌聲動人的女海妖; 警笛
deteriorate (v) 退化;惡化
squeaky (adj) 短促尖聲的
discrimination (n) 歧視
ultrasonic (adj) 超音波的
infestation (n) 侵擾;害蟲危害
pest (n) 害蟲;(口語)討厭的人
surly (adj) 壞脾氣的;乖戾的
repel (v) 驅除;使反感
prone (adj) 有...傾向的
retailer (n) 零售商
vandalize (v) 任意破壞
emit (v) 發出;散發
boisterous (adj) 喧鬧的
shirek (n) 尖叫
unperturbed (adj) 不受干擾的;鎮定的
save the trouble (ph) 省省吧
tingly (adj) 刺激的;有刺痛感的
clear out (ph) 離開(某處)
composure (n) 冷靜;沉著
vicinity (n) 臨近的區域



BBC:The Sound that Repels Troublemakers.
     Include a radio report, where you can actually hear the sound (or not).

NPR:Teens Turn “Repeller” into Adult-Proof Ringtone.
     Include a radio report where the inventor is interviewed.

The Manufacturer’s Website:News reports on the Mosquito Teenage Deterrent.






I like to eat sweet potatos




that's really embarassing - embarassment


a US underwear compnay




Just imagine that seal the smell for the whole day, then let it out when you get home

這個句子裡的that是指防屁內褲,而不是關係子句的主詞,所以後面的動詞應該要用ing形式,寫成Just imagine that sealing the smell for the whole day, then letting it out when you get home才是正確的喔。




English Freeway


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