


These friendly, cute looking creatures are considered as one of the most intelligent animals on Earth. Though how intelligent they are is still a quesiton to be answered in the future, it is for sure from some reports around the world that they do occasionally save people from sharks' lunch plates.

Let's have a look at a dialogue, to see a lucky lad describing his experiences of getting away from sharks' bite.

Take a dive with dolphins; get away from sharks.


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BBC Videos — Human Senses




-----HELP! HELP! I don't want my legs to be the drumsticks for sharks!-----


Rachell: Hey, how're you doing? It's good to see you coming home safe and sound.

Irwin: Hi, Rachell. Yeah,it was really close.

Rachell: I believe so. But such an encounter of being saved by dophins from sharks' bites is a million dollar chance of a lifetime! Come on, tell me the story again, I wanna hear it with my own ears.

Irwin: I thought you've heard it on TV news for heaps of times. Give me a break, please.

Rachell: Pleeeeeeeeease.......tell me the story.....pleeeeeeese.

Irwin: Ok,ok. Don't be such a drama queen. I'll tell the story. Well, that day, Percy and I and other 3 mates from the diving club. We went to Port Lincoln for scuba diving, as you may have heard from the news. We'd been there a couple of times before. So, we did everything as usual, and we knew what we were doing.

Rachell: Then what happend?!!!

Irwin: Why are you so excited, my "queen"? You know what happened.

Rachell:Ok, I'm cool. Keep going! Keep going!

Irwin: Then, after we dived into the water, only about half an hour later, we saw a pod of bottlenose dolphins. I can't recall how many of them came steaming at us.

Rachell: Why didn't you just try to give way to them?

Irwin: Do I look like a dophin or any other marine creatures? Or do you see any webs growing between my fingers and toes?

Rachell: No? Though your hair sometimes does look a lionfish.

Irwin: Yeah, thanks for the praise. But it still didn't make me swim faster than they did under the water.

Rachell: Yeah, that's fair enough. Then, did you get hit by them? Or did you try to catch one of them?

Irwin: Yeah, I tried to catch one and ride on it's back. Like the movie, "Whale Rider", I wanted to be the first wild dolphin rider on the south hemisphere.

Rachell: Haha, that'll be ludicrous though, you'll definitely hit the headlines on newspapers, and the title could be "Maniac Young Lad on Misfortunate Dolphin"

Irwin: And the title can be attached with a comic picture of me lunatically riding on a dolphin with a miserable look.

Rachell: What a selling point, isn't it.

Irwin: Yeah, absolutely it is. Can we be serious now, back onto the track?

Rachell: Hey, you started it by telling me riding on a dolphin. Anyway, I'll read the news myself if I wanna know more details. HAHA!

Irwin: Good on ya. Just want to make fun of me.



drumstick (n): 雞腿,不是鼓棒喔
hemisphere (n): 半球 (地球)
close (adj): 驚險的
ludicrous (adj): 可笑的;荒唐的
cool (adj): 冷靜的
maniac (adj): 發狂的
recall (v): 記得
lad (n): 年輕男子 (英)
pod (n): 鯨、豚的一群
misfortunate (adj): 不幸的
marine (adj): 海洋的
lunatically (adv): 瘋癲的;精神錯亂的
web (n): 蹼
miserable (adj): 痛苦的
lionfish (n): 獅子魚


safe and sound: 安然無恙
a million dollar chance: 千載難逢的機會
give me a break: 饒了我吧
a drama queen: 愛演戲、無理取鬧的人;愛假仙(台語)的人
come steaming at: 對著....直直衝來
give way to: 讓路給.....
back onto the track: 回到正題
good on ya = good on you: 好樣的;幹得好 (英)



(BBC) Dolphins protect swimmers from shark

(Guardian) Dolphins save swimmers from shark


Dolphins and Man.....Equals?


English Freeway

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