

Seeing this title, does anyone think that we are going to talk about "Tinky Winky" of the Teletubbies, who is called "DINDIN" in Chinese?

No, sorry. Our big shot for this issue is "Tintin." He may not be that famous in Taiwan, but throughout the world there are certainly a lot of Tintin fans.

Let's see how Tintin lovers around the world celebrate the centennial of his creator, Herge.

Do you know Tintin?


◎ 電子報編輯公告——好孩子不暗摃電子報!


◎ 英文小老師諮詢服務(廣告詞換新)

英文小老師服務推出就快要滿兩學期了,最近同學們也不再害羞,來找小老師問問題的人越來越多囉,對於英語學習還有問題的讀者們,請放下內心的矜持,有問題就是要問人才能解決唷!...... 我要預約諮詢



BBC Learning English: Quiznet




6月10號就是台大學生考全民英檢的日子囉!就算你平時沒有準備,現在也應該是臨時抱佛腳的時候啦,同學!English Freeway網站裡提供了10回EasyTest的全民英檢中高級模擬測驗,練習完後絕對讓你進考場不再「皮皮剉」,就算實力不足,也是信心十足!English Freeway的會員請登入,非會員請先免費加入唷~ ...... 我要抱佛腳!



BBC — The Secret Life of Geisha

藝伎這個詞語想必大家都不陌生,但若要說有多了解其實也談不上,就算看過《藝伎回藝錄》,大也還是霧煞煞。那麼你一定要來看看這部BBC製作的《藝伎的真實生活》,聽來是否很有八卦狗仔的感覺?不必擔心被「踢爆」的痛楚(小編每次聽到張雅琴用這個詞都覺得好痛),本片只是試著呈現藝伎在舞台之外那鮮為人知的生活,讓大家對這日本文化不可或缺的一環,有更深入的認識...... 哈日不如知日,小編如是(亂)說



"My only international rival is Tintin," said Charles de Gaulle.



Otaku: Hello A-Zhai! Have you heard that Tintin is going to Hollywood? It's wonderful!

A-Zhai: What? Tintin to Hollywood?

Otaku: Yes! Stephen Spielberg and Peter Jackson are going to make a movie trilogy of Tintin's adventures.

A-Zhai: Unbelievable! I think YOYO-TV is the farthest he can go…

Otaku: What do you mean? Tintin is amazingly fabulous! People all around the world love him!

A-Zhai: You're exaggerating. Yeah, I admit he's been a big shot recently. Everybody has heard about "Tintin is a genius." But seriously, YOYO-TV is just the place for the Teletubbies, not Hollywood.

Otaku: Hey, you are totally mistaken! I am not talking about "Tinky Winky"of the Teletubbies. It's Tintin! TIN-TIN! He's the protagonist of a comic series created by Belgian cartoonist Herge.

A-Zhai: Never heard of that.

Otaku: Oh my, I know you are ignorant, but mistaking Tintin for Tinky Winky is too deplorably ignorant. You should go out more often, instead of just being a no-life geek and spending all your time building Gundam models at home and …

A-Zhai: Hey, don't talk as if you'd never played with your huge collection of housemaid figurines. Oh, and don't forget Mermaid Melody. I remember your favorite is the Mermaid Princess Nanami Lucia, right? Last time at the cosplay fair you won much applause in her costume. Didn't you like it, boy?

Otaku: Yeah, but don't tell my mom about that. She thought I was going to put on the Naruto ninja suit… Alright, but it's still surprising that you know nothing about Tintin.

A-Zhai: Why should I know anything about this Tintin? You can ask all our classmates. I bet 90 percent of them won't know who that Tintin is. And you kept Tintin this and Tintin that, but you haven't told me who on earth this fabulous Tintin is!

Otaku: Calm down, calm down! Tintin was created by Herge in 1929. He first appeared in a Belgian newspaper making an anti-communist journey to the Soviet Union. From that on, Herge had drawn 23 books of Tintin's adventures throughout the world. He's been to Egypt, Tibet, China, the Arctic, and even the Moon, years before Neil Armstrong set his foot there. Isn't Herge's prescience admirable?

A-Zhai: … Sure …

Otaku: You don't seem interested. That's only because you've never read Tintin's adventures yourself. The 23 booklets are translated into 70 languages and sell about 3 million copies each year. So far it has sold 200 million copies worldwide.

A-Zhai: … I wonder how many copies Dragon Ball has sold as yet.

Otaku: This year is the centenary of the birth of Herge. Tintin fans around the world are celebrating it with all kinds of activities. Spielberg and Jackson's new film plan is but part of the celebrations. There will be two Tintin musicals, a Tintin museum, an exhibition at the Pompidou center in Paris. There will also be commemorative stamps, coins, chocolates, and even learned academic seminars!

A-Zhai: Very good. It's undeniable that there are quite a lot of Tintin fans like you around the world. But still, I don't get it. I don’t know where his charm lies. Wait till I see Tintin's adventures myself.

Otaku: You'll definitely love him!

A-Zhai: I will, if this Tintin is also a genius.



trilogy (n) 三部曲
housemaid figurine (n) 女傭公仔
fabulous (adj) 極好的,驚人的
Mermaid Melody (n) 真珠美人魚
exaggerate (v) 誇大
on earth (adv ph) 竟究
big shot (n) 大人物
the Arctic (n) 北冰洋,北極
Teletubbies (n) 天線寶寶
prescience (n) 先見
protagonist (n) 主角
Dragon Ball (n) 七龍珠
deplorably (adv) 可嘆地
centenary (n) 百年紀念
Gundam (n) 鋼彈
commemorative (adj) 紀念的


BBC:Belgium Honors Tintin's Creator

TIME:Tintin Travels to Tinseltown

Taipei Times :Centennial of Tintin's Herge Noted

abc7:Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson direct "Tintin"

Wikipedia:The Adventures of Tintin


English Freeway


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