

It is difficult to break up, isn't it? Not any more!

With a fee ranging from $25 to $65 , you can hire a "Separation Agent " to do the unpleasant task for you if, well, you don't think this to be a bit irresponsible.

"Just think about it," said the agent, "A new world needs new ways of living, new ways of love, and then new ways of ending a relationship..... "

According to his clients, our Spearation Agent has done a good job so far, and made some good money, too.

Cupid: ......


◎ 視聽館新進館藏公告


◎ 寫作中心公告——短期寫作班開課招生


◎ 電子報編輯公告——問卷持續進行中


◎ 英文小老師諮詢服務(長期公告)

英文小老師服務線上預約系統已經啟用,時間地點和諮詢的內容在網頁上也都可以看到喔,觀迎大家多多利用。...... 我要預約



Hong Kong Education City

"什麼!要我寫文章!還得用英文寫!!!! 拜託幫幫忙好嗎?用中文有時候都還會搞不清楚要從何下手了,更何況是用英文……”你碰過這樣的情境嗎?別怕!這一次跟大家介紹一個與寫作相關的網站,雖然是英文網站(哪次介紹的不是英文網站...),但是各位放心,內容不會很難,而且有些資料還可以下載成word檔,讓你列印出來慢慢看個夠本喔。......我要看夠本!


Antarctic Trip

每年都有許多的澳洲科學家搭船到南極洲,而行程大多在兩個禮拜左右。這些科學家為什麼要到冷得要命的地方去做研究呢?這裡有一個澳洲的網站,介紹了南極對於澳洲的重要性。進入網站後只需點選左側瀏覽器的選項,影片就會自動播放,網站影片對話的完整內容及解說都可以在網頁中讀到,是個可以學到很多東西的地方喔。...... 會不會很冷?...



BBC Video—Days That Shook the World, Part I

這次介紹的,是視聽館剛進來的新鮮貨,由BBC製作的「驚世一刻」系列影片。收錄了二十世紀歷史上很多值得紀念的事件,以模擬劇情配上記錄影片的敘事手法,呈現事件發生的那一天的經過。收錄的題材十分廣泛,一套共有四片DVD,本次介紹的第一片,內容包括英女王伊莉莎白二世登基大典、希特勒的最終時刻、及馬丁路德遇刺事件等等,無一不在歷史舞台上有其重要角色,小編剛好趁著英女王訪美,布希鬧笑話的新聞熱潮,帶大家看看當年女王登基時的盛大場面!...... 驚世一刻,嚇得我屁滾尿流失了魂



"What's the problem with this guy," said Mr. Cupid.


Angelina: Hey, Jennifer. What happened? You don't look well today.

Jennifer: It's Brad. He broke up with me. But don't worry. I am not as bad as I may look.

Angelina: Really? Why? What did he say? Didn't he give you any reasons?

Jennifer: No, he didn't say anything. He gave no reasons, either.

Angelina: But how could you two break up without any words from his part? I mean, if he said nothing, how did you even know he wanted to leave you?

Jennifer: He hired a "separation specialist" to speak for him.

Angelina: A what? Separation specialist?

Jennifer: Yes, Brad paid him to break the bad news.

Angelina: That's very, very irresponsible. He should at least have the courtesy to end your relationship in person.

Jennifer: Better than just sending me a text message. A separation specialist cost him much more. That mister said some people nicknamed him "the Terminator." He charged from $25 to $65 for his service. I got the 25-dollar package called "Let's just be friends."

Angelina: What was that?

Jennifer: The Terminator called me and caught me off-guard, telling me that Brad no longer wished to continue our relationship but we could still be friends. Whatever he said, I had been dumped.

Angelina: Oh my god, this is so heartrending.

Jennifer: Better than the harsher "Leave me alone" approach. Or the 65-dollar full package, which includes having the Terminator pay a visit to the dumpee’s place and take back all the jilter's belongings.

Angelina: How can you say these things so calmly? I thought you loved him very much, didn't you?

Jennifer: Yes, I did. I almost got crazy upon knowing that Brad jilted me, and in such a callous manner. But soon I came to accept the fact. It's like pulling off a Band-Aid: painful as it rips off, but over in a jiffy and with no permanent scar in the long term.

Angelina: Don't you think it better that Brad did it himself?

Jennifer: No, if he had called or came to tell me in person, I guess things would have been worse. At least I won't argue with the Terminator. He is just a neutral messenger.

Angelina: Did you cry?

Jennifer: Of course. But it's over now. I have asked the Terminator about his services. Next time I may seek for his help myself.

Angelina: Yeah, I am thinking about this, too. Recently, I feel like ending my quick fling with Brad…

Jennifer: You what? You and Brad?

Angelina: No, don't be mistaken. It's not your Brad. It's B-r-e-a-d, Bread. He doesn't seem to like my enthusiasm for charity. And I think it's time to get rid of him….



separation (n) 分手,分居,分離
dumpee (n) 被拋棄的人(但不指垃圾)
sepcialist (n) 專家
jilt (v) 拋棄情人(但不用於丟垃圾)
courtesy (n) 禮貌
callous (adj) 冷酷無情的
relationship (n) 戀愛關係
Band-Aid (n) OK繃,亦為品牌名
terminator (n) 終結者
rip off (v) 扯掉
off-guard (adv) 無預警地,未提防的
jiffy (n) 瞬間
dump (v) 拋棄 (垃圾與舊情人)
neutral (adj) 中立的
heartrending (adj) 令人心碎的
fling (n) 隨意的嘗試 ,一時的放縱



abcNews:Breaking up? Not so hard to do

Reuters:Oh, I am supposed to take the ring back, too...

BBC:Agency makes breaking up easier


English Freeway


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