

Ever heard of "Dracula"? This vampire count from Transylvania has paralyzed the world for more than a century, though he is but a fictional figure.

Now, Dracula's Castle—officially the Bran Castle—is on the market for sale. As the castle is one of the top tourist attractions in Romania, the local government is very keen to get it. It even managed to secure a loan to buy the castle.

Next time you go to Romania, do visit this place and see if any traces of Dracula could be found.

Don't you think this castle looks ghastly even in the daytime?


◎  電子報編輯公告


好消息!好消息!各位讀者,本電子報慶祝出刊六個月,特別推出讀者意見調查問卷,請大家告訴大家,一定要踴躍填答唷!...... 我要做問卷

2.四月份的Self-Study Package自學包裹已經上線囉!本次有關於中國大陸一胎化政策造成的男女比例不均問題,全球暖化對生態造成的影響等等,歡迎大家來看做練習學英文唷!...... 我要做練習

3.本期電子報於最下方新增「小編啟事」一欄,回應讀者來信意見,之後將會配合需要不定期刊出。...... 看看有何名堂

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英文小老師服務線上預約系統已經啟用,時間地點和諮詢的內容在網頁上也都可以看到喔,歡迎大家多多利用。...... 我要預約




一份好的履歷表,是求職的關鍵,問題是履歷到底該怎麼寫呢?這可能是即將成為職場新鮮人的你,目前的一大難題。不如就到專門替人撰寫與修改履歷的ResumeEdge網站,來看看專業的寫作要領以及範本吧!裡頭不但教你寫作時要注意的原則,也有各種領域行業用的不同範例唷!至於是否購買他們的服務,純屬讀者個人行為,與本電子報無關...... 我想要學寫履歷


Lord of the Rings in CBBC

還記得幾年前襲捲電影市場的魔戒三部曲嗎?氣勢磅礡場面浩大不說,帥哥美女如雲又拿下了那麼幾座小金人,也算影史一奇,尤其是一口氣拍完三片的勇勁,也非一般的續集片首集賣座才續拍可以比擬,不過當然有人喜歡就有人討厭,尤其是每部片那爆膀胱的長度,實在對人體不大友善。那麼,若你是位魔戒迷,你對魔戒到底知多少呢?BBC的兒童網站裡,有個魔戒專區,有小遊戲,投票,魔戓知多少的測驗等等,內容簡單易懂,娛樂之餘可以順便學英文唷!...... 小編,魔戒早就退流行啦!



 EasyTest_GEPT Part 2

上期電子報介紹了EasyTest線上英檢模擬試題的初試部份,這次當然是要來看複試的部份囉!全民英檢的複試想必是大家頭痛的難題,說實在的,說與寫這兩項技能,側重語言能力的output層面,而且通常需要有人帶領教導,是較不容易自學的能力。不過,在不花錢上課自我訓練的前提之下,還是有些事是可以靠自己辦到的。小編也在介紹中提供大家看起來講了好像等於沒講但其實十分中肯的準備方向唷!...... 全民拼英檢,人人不得閒



A final (?) chapter newly added to Dracula

一講到吸血鬼,馬上就會想到「卓古拉伯爵」這號人物,但吸血鬼為何就要叫卓古拉呢?其實是愛爾蘭作家Bram Stoker在1893年寫了本名為《卓古拉》的小說,當中的卓古拉伯爵嗜血邪惡還專挑年經美女下手,後來改編成無數電影,卓古拉也惡名彰昭,順理成章成為吸血鬼代言人。倘若真有這號人物,大概作夢也想不到他的城堡有一天也會被拍賣吧!卓古拉地下有知,恐怕也會氣急攻心,吐血身亡(當然,吐的也還是吸來的血)...

Chapter XXVIII

Jonathan Harker's Journal

10 Jan— It's been more than a century since the last time I wrote my journal. Yet this event today is so extraordinary that I feel the urge to take out my dust-covered, moth-eaten dear journal to put it down. Yes, this dear booklet reminds me of the horrible memory, the days when I was imprisoned by the evil Count, by the name of Dracula, whom we together, Dr. Van Helsing, Dr. Seward, Arthur, poor Quincey, dear Mina and I, had destroyed. After my encounter with the Count and his fellow vampires, after our struggle to put these undead to death, I thought nothing would ever sound "extraordinary" to me. Why? I've seen the most unusual, the most mysterious, and the most unbelievable, have I not? Then, what is it now that is so extraordinary? Regrettably, it still has to do with the devilish Count. No, not only devilish. He was the devil himself. He was the horror!

Cutting from Telegraph, 10 Jan 2007
(Pasted in Jonathan Harker's Journal)

From a correspondent.

Romanian officials were embroiled in a battle yesterday over who has the right to buy the country's most popular tourist site, known as Dracula's Castle, after it went on the market late last year.

Bran Castle, briefly home to Prince Vlad Tepes III, known as Vlad the Impaler and the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Count Dracula, was returned to the Habsburg family last year after being seized by the Communists in 1956. Within months, Dominic von Habsburg put the castle up for sale for £40 million. ……

Vlad gained his grisly reputation because of his habit of executing opponents by impaling them on spikes and watching as they slowly bled to death.

Jonathan Harker's Journal

Continued—Dracula's castle, the top tourist attraction? Ignorant people. Were it not for our secret effort, you would all be ruled by the undead wretch. If that being the case, no garlic, nor wooden stakes, would ever save you people from his evil teeth. People's fascination with Dracula is deplorable, not knowing what they are worshipping. Vlad the impaler is nothing compared to Count Dracula, who im-paled with his very own teeth, or fangs! Sharp, evil, merciless fangs. Why? With virtually no blood left in the body, his victims died with pale faces. He was the im-paler, indeed. Fortunately, this ultra-impaler is no more. And the castle that was once so abominated has become a tacky symbol for the "Dracula industry"......

How soon has time! The world has changed! Yet I change not much, only more ghastly I become. Poor I, if only I had been killed as poor brave Quincey! No, it's not possible. By that time we brought the Count to his end, I must have been already undead. It must have happened when I was in the castle, so stealthily so that it remained unknown to me until all my beloved had gone. One day I felt I could no longer stand the sunlight; another day I felt the most damnable thirst for… for blood. Ah, damn this torturous, prolonged life! Curse you, Dracula! The horror! The horror!


moth-eaten (adj) 陳舊的,破爛的
spike (n) 牆頭釘,尖鐵
imprison (v) 監禁
ignorant (adj) 無知的
count (n) 伯爵
stake (n) 木樁
correspondent (n) 通訊記者,特派員
deplorable (adj) 可嘆的,可悲的
embroil (v) 使捲入糾紛
worship (v) 崇拜
inspiration (n) 靈感
virtually (adv) 差不多,實際上
seize (v) 沒收,扣押
ultra- (prefix) 表示"極端","超"的字首
Communist (n) 共產黨員
abominate (v) 厭惡,痛恨
grisly (adj) 可怕的,厲害的
ghastly (adj) 可怕的,恐怖的,死人般的
reputation (n) 名聲
stealthily (adv) 偷偷摸摸地
execute (v) 處決
torturous (adj) 折磨人的
impale (v) 把...釘在尖樁上
prolonged (adj) 特別長的,延長的


Telegraph:Blood is up over sale of Dracula's Castle

abcNews:A house tour of Dracula's Castle
(有影片可觀賞,請按頁面左方「Video: Click to Watch」即會彈出影片視窗,有時需等待廣告片播完才會有新聞影片)

Bran Castle Museum:http://www.brancastlemuseum.ro/indexfrm_en.htm(英文版頁面)

Literature.org:Full text of Bram Stoker's Dracula (很值得一看的經典小說唷)

Wikipedia:Dracula and Vlad III the Impaler













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