In the second half of 2020, two important constructions are either completed or under construction on schedule. The Civil Engineering Department receives the donation of "Additional Construction of National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)" from Ruentex Group (潤泰集團), and the construction has been completed...
Donation and Opening Ceremony of NCREE Additional Construction
2020 TSUNG Cho-Chang Chair Award Ceremony
Ten Professors Awarded “2019 Academic Award of College of Engineering”
Prof. Sung-Jan Lin (林頌然), Deputy Director of NTU’s Research Center of Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine & Attending Physician at the Department of Dermatology, NTU Hospital. An international research team led by...
Prof. Wen‐Chang Chen (陳文章) of Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University has cooperated with Prof. Toshifumi Satoh (佐藤敏文) of Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University for a long time, succeeding in developing...
Names of the universities taking part in the project, UTokyo and NTU, are spelled out with perovskites using advanced lithography technology. Director of NTU’s International Graduate Program of Molecular Science and Technolog...
In critical moments, such as when a patient is bleeding profusely or unresponsive, medical staff members need to be able to quickly determine the patient’s blood type. However, for some patients, the low expression of A and B antigens on ...
Dr. Y.A. Liu (劉裔安), the former visiting professor and alumni of Chemical Engineering Department is awarded “2020 ...