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總務處營繕組  林盟凱敬上




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Rest Area – English Jokes

開學了覺得要始寫作業很煩嗎?來看點笑話開心一下吧!Rest Area裡提供了20個涵蓋生活、婚姻、宗教等英文笑話,絕對讓您不再認為閱讀英文是件痛苦的事,反而可以哈哈大笑喔!… 我要哈哈大笑


寫報告找不到合適的參考資料嗎?不曉得原文,只知道中文翻譯名稱,擔心找不到正確的資訊嗎?想知道過去一百年的大事年表嗎?這些豐富的資料都在視聽教育館購買的大英簡明百科裡喔!各種各樣您想查詢的資訊都以九大類別清楚明瞭地標示出來,此外,所查到的資料還有中英對照,方便閱讀。另外還提供了世界各國地圖與多達九種類別的圖片方便您搜尋,這麼好用的網站,現在就來逛逛吧!... 更多詳情



Great Expectations:烈愛風雲

剛開學不到一週,想必大家都還沈浸在過年的歡樂氣氛之中,哭喊著不願面對新學期又開始的事實,小編也不指望大家一開學就有精神努力學英文,那麼新學期的學習計畫就從較輕鬆的影片欣賞開始吧!這部「烈愛風雲」就是先前第009期電子報介紹過的「孤星血淚」改編電影,特別的是場景搬移到現代,是為了證明偉大的故事對人性的探索可以超越時代嗎?小編個人覺得劇情緊湊又有維持原著精神,大家有空也來看看吧!...... 再看一點介紹



Old is New: National Palace Museum Reopens


Frodo: My dear Sam, what is our next destination?

Sam: It’s the National Palace Museum, Mr. Frodo.

Frodo: Yes, I know that, too. But where on earth is it? The first time you told me about it was a month ago, and still we haven’t reached it yet! Are you sure we are on the right way?

Sam: Don’t you worry, Mr. Frodo. I am sure we are almost there. Very soon we will see the museum. It has three main buildings in elegant pale yellow and white bricks, and green-glazed roofs, too. It looks just like a traditional Chinese palace!

Frodo: But why are we going there?

Sam: It just reopened recently, after a three-year renovation that cost US$ 21 million. Can you believe that?

Frodo: I don’t like museums. They are for old people.

Sam: No, the Palace Museum is brand new after the overhaul. It’s meant to woo the young and trendy. Actually, the revamped museum has reopened under the slogan “old is new.” It’s determined to shed its staid image.

Frodo: Alright then, what can I expect to see in this “all is new” museum?

Sam: The Chinese collection there is unrivaled. It represents the finest of Chinese art.

Frodo: Wait a minute, I remember now. It has a painting called “Travelers among Mountains and Streams, by someone from the Northern Sung Dynasty, right?

Sam: Yes, it’s one of the three most precious ones in the Palace Museum.

Frodo: Ah, my precious!

Sam: Excuse me, Mr. Frodo. It seems that you have the wrong lines. “My precious!” should be Gollum’s lines.

Frodo: Did I? Guess I was beside myself upon knowing that I have a chance to see that famous painting. Let’s hurry to the museum.

Sam: Sorry, Mr. Frodo. The precious painting you would like to see belongs to the A file of the “Grand View” exhibition. But it’s the B file that is currently on display. Sorry, I wish we had walked faster.

Frodo: Well then, what else can I see there?

Sam: There is a special exhibition called “Treasure of the World’s Cultures: The British Museum after 250 Years.”

Frodo: What’s so special about that?

Sam: It shows the “Unlucky Mummy.” The curse of the mummy killed so many people that the watchmen at the British Museum refused to go near it. Sounds creepy, doesn’t it? Don’t you think so?

Frodo: Not at all. Haven’t you forgotten what I am carrying with me? It’s the RING! I can’t think of anything unluckier.

Sam: Oh, right! Exactly! You are surely the right person to see the mummy.

Frodo: Why is that?

Sam: Don’t you get it? With the ring, the curse on you surpasses whatever curse the mummy can bring on you. So you can feel extremely comfortable visiting the mummy.

Frodo: Oh, I can’t wait.



destination (n) 目的地

revamp (v) 改造 

on earth (ph) 究竟

slogan (n) 標語

pale (adj) 淡的

staid (adj) 沈穩的,不變的

glazed (adj) 上過釉的

unrivaled (adj) 無對手的 ,無敵的

renovation (n) 修理,更新

lines (n) 台詞

overhaul (n) 徹底檢修

beside oneself (ph) 極度興奮

woo (v) 爭取,追求

creepy (adj) 令人毛骨悚然的

trendy (adj) 趕時髦的



Asia News:Old is new

BBC:Taiwan's museum of treasures

Sunday Times:Taiwan's famed museum opens

Taipei Times:National Palace Museum is born again

National Palace Museum :http://www.npm.gov.tw/


English Freeway


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