
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 329 期 發行日期 2017-11-01

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New York Opens Sexual Harassment Probe of Weinstein Company

性騷擾案件持續發酵 紐約州檢方徹查溫斯坦影業

NEW YORK — The New York attorney general has opened an investigation into sexual harassment and possible violations of civil rights laws at the Weinstein Company, the movie studio co-founded by Harvey Weinstein, and sent the company a subpoena Monday, a source familiar with the investigation said.

知情人士透露,紐約州檢方已針對電影公司溫斯坦影業(Weinstein Company)的性騷擾(sexual harassment)事件及涉嫌違反民權法(civil rights laws)展開調查,並於週一(編按:2017 10 月 23 日)對溫斯坦影業發出傳票(subpoena)。哈維‧溫斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)為溫斯坦影業的共同創辦人。


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◎ 106-1 E-freeway Workshop

臺大 外語教學暨資源中心106-1 E-freeway Workshop!!

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106-1 English Corner 熱烈推出!!


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◎ 106-1 說說角英語口語訓練工作坊

106-1 說說角英語口語訓練工作坊 熱烈推出!!






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Feature of the Week
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All Ears English

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Apps for Learning English

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English Learning Video
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周樹華老師英語學習 Q&A


常聽人說:「英語說不好,因為沒有機會跟母語人士對話。」「作文寫不好,因為找不到人改。」這種被動的想法,使我們在相當不錯的英語基礎上,原地踏步無法向前走。練習會話不一定需要跟真人對話,你可以給自己一個題目,用手機錄下你的回答,說錯了沒關係,不要因為沒人聽,就不開口,白白浪費了許多寶貴的時光。在這裡提供同學們一個可以開口說英語,有效又不求人的好方法:跟讀練習(Shadow Reading)。



2017諾貝爾文學獎頒給英國籍日裔的小說家,石黑一雄。獲獎理由:「石黑一雄小說中呈現出的強烈情感,揭露我們內心的虛幻深淵與所處的現實世界之間的連結。」(“ who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world外語教學暨資源中心館藏電影《別讓我走》(Never Let Me Go)」、「《長日將盡》(The Remains of the Day)皆改編自石黑一雄的同名小說,並獲得多項獎項與提名。在秋意漸濃的季節裡,不妨沉靜下來,觀賞這兩部電影,體會石黑一雄所揭露的「現實世界與虛幻深淵的連結


New York Opens Sexual Harassment Probe of Weinstein Company
VOA News
October 23, 2017 6:57 PM  (source

New York Opens Sexual Harassment Probe of Weinstein Company

性騷擾案件持續發酵 紐約州檢方徹查溫斯坦影業

October 23, 2017 6:57 PM

NEW YORK — The New York attorney general has opened an investigation into sexual harassment and possible violations of civil rights laws at the Weinstein Company, the movie studio co-founded by Harvey Weinstein, and sent the company a subpoena Monday, a source familiar with the investigation said.

The subpoena, which has not been made public, requests information regarding how each complaint related to sexual harassment or other discrimination was handled by the Weinstein Company, the person familiar with the probe said.

It also asks for management's criteria for hiring, promoting, casting, rejecting or terminating applicants or employees, the person said. The source added that the New York subpoena is part of an investigation into whether executives at the company violated state civil rights or New York City human rights laws.

Harvey Weinstein was fired from the company earlier this month in the wake of media reports that he sexually harassed or assaulted women in incidents dating back to the 1980s.

Weinstein has denied having non-consensual sex with anyone. Reuters has been unable to independently confirm any of the allegations.

Representatives for the Weinstein Company did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In response to a request for comment on the investigation, the attorney general's office emailed a statement from New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman that said, "No New Yorker should be forced to walk into a workplace ruled by sexual intimidation, harassment, or fear.

"If sexual harassment or discrimination is pervasive at a company, we want to know."

The New York Times reported earlier this month that Weinstein, 65, had reached eight previously undisclosed settlements with women who accused him of sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact. The New Yorker magazine reported that 13 women had claimed that Weinstein sexually harassed or assaulted them.

The New York City Police Department has said it is investigating an allegation of sexual assault by Weinstein in 2004. The Los Angeles Police Department also said earlier this month that it is investigating a 2013 sexual assault allegation against movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

知情人士透露,紐約州檢方已針對電影公司溫斯坦影業(Weinstein Company)的性騷擾(sexual harassment)事件及涉嫌違反民權法(civil rights laws)展開調查,並於週一(編按:2017 10 月 23 日)對溫斯坦影業發出傳票(subpoena)。哈維‧溫斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)為溫斯坦影業的共同創辦人。



本月初(編按:2017 年 10月)陸續有媒體披露,從1980年代起,哈維溫斯坦多次性騷擾或性侵害(sexually harassed or assaulted)數名女性。媒體報導之後(in the wake of media reports),哈維‧溫斯坦隨即遭溫斯坦影業解職。

哈維‧溫斯坦否認曾和任何人發生非合意性行為(non-consensual sex)。路透社(Reuters)目前尚無法證實(confirm)任何一項指控(allegation)


針對這項調查,紐約州總檢察長辦公室透過電子郵件發表聲明,總檢察長(New York Attorney General)史樹德(Eric Schneiderman)表示,「任何紐約人都不該被迫在由性恐嚇(sexual intimidation)、性騷擾或恐懼所支配的職場工作」。


《紐約時報》(The New York Times)本月初披露,65 歲的溫斯坦曾遭 8 名女性指控性騷擾與不當身體接觸(unwanted physical contact),但皆已私下達成和解(settlement)。《紐約客》(The New Yorker)雜誌也報導,13 名女性表明曾受溫斯坦性騷擾或性侵害。

紐約市警察局(New York Police Department)表示,目前正調查一起指控溫斯坦 2004 年性侵的案件。洛杉磯警察局(Los Angeles Police Department)本月初也透露,現在正調查一起針對電影製作人(movie producer)哈維‧溫斯坦於 2013 年性侵的指控。

Language Notes

 harassment (n) 煩擾,騷擾

* harass [hə`ræs] (v) 使煩惱,煩擾;不斷騷擾

* sexual harassment (n phr) 性騷擾

subpoena [səb`pinə] (n) 傳票

probe [prob] (n) 調查

* 本字亦常作動詞,常見的動詞片語為 “probe into. . .”,意即「調查、探究. . . . . .;(用工具)探查,探測. . . . . .」。

in the wake of (prep phr) 繼. . . . . .之後、緊接著

assault [ə`sɔlt] (v) 襲擊,攻擊

* "to sexually assault someone" 即「性侵害」之意

non-consensual sex (n) 性侵害、非合意性行為

* consensus [kən`sɛnsəs] (n) 一致意見,合意 

* consensual [kən`sɛnsjʊəl] (a) 一致同意的;兩廂情願的

allegation [͵ælə`geʃən] (n) 指控

*  allege (v) [ə`lɛdʒ] 指控、宣稱

intimidation (n) 恐嚇;脅迫

* intimidate [ɪn`tɪmə͵det] (v) 威嚇;脅迫

pervasive [pɚ`vesɪv] (a) 普遍的,瀰漫著的,充斥的

settlement [`sɛtḷmənt] (n) 和解

Check your vocabulary!

Problems followed in the wake of the earthquake.

Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.

The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books.

The police are working on a probe into suspected drug dealing in Florida.

The actor accepted a settlement of 0,000 from the magazine.



