
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 323 期 發行日期 2017-07-15

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Facebook to Build Housing in Silicon Valley for First Time


The shortage of housing in California's Silicon Valley has gotten so severe that Facebook Inc. on Friday proposed taking homebuilding into its own hands for the first time with a plan to construct 1,500 units near its headquarters.

加州(California)矽谷(Silicon Valley)的住房短缺(shortage)問題日趨嚴重,Facebook公司於週五(編按:新聞時間為2017年7月7日)首次為此問題提出了親自(take . . . into one's own hands)建蓋房屋的計畫,預計在其公司總部(headquarters)附近興建1,500戶的房子。


◎ 最新一期自學包裹--中級:99期

中級:99期--Super-thin material 


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Feature of the Week

The English Blog

The English Blog 就如同標題所描述的──"Internet resources, reviews, news, tips and trivia for learners and teachers of English"──是個提供英語學習者和英語教師各種網路資源、新聞評論、英語學習技巧等的部落格。事實上,The English Blog 除了刊載可用於學習英語的文章、漫畫、影片、照片等,還匯集、整理了其他各式各樣的英語學習網路資源,包括英語學習網站、部落格和 podcast。另一方面,部落格也按照刊載內容的類別(如「文化 (culture)」、「經濟 (economics)」、「政治 (politics)」)進行分類,並依字母順序排列。進入 The English Blog,不僅可以學習英語,還可以接觸、使用更多符合自己興趣或需求的英語學習資源,就像進入一座又一座的寶山般!快來探索一下這個包羅萬象、應有盡有的部落格吧~~ 相信絕不會讓你空手而回哦!

Interactive Learning Resources
From Falling Water to Electric Car: An Energy Journey Through the World of Electricity

Capstone – From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas: Medicine

隨著現代醫學的進步、醫療制度的完善和保健知識的普及,人們愈來愈重視自身的健康;因為先進的醫學,使得許多以往可能會導致死亡的疾病,目前都能夠透過藥物或手術的方式治療;人類的平均壽命增加,亦是拜醫學發達之賜。然而,這些成果並非憑空而來,而是根基於前人的努力,積累無數失敗的經驗,從這些經驗汲取教訓並找出成功的契機!From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas: Medicine這本書介紹了 10 個醫學史上值得借鏡的案例,讓我們了解過去的醫學曾有哪些錯誤,前人又是如何導正這些錯誤,進而促成現代醫學的進步。想要一探醫學上自古至今的成與敗嗎?本書將會是很好的指南喔!請看 Interactive Learning Resources --> English for Academic Purpose --> Capstone Interactive Library。Register | Login

English Learning Video

BBC English Masterclass: Mixing Conditionals

生活中常用到假設語氣,中文的假設語氣由於不需考慮時態變化,在使用上相對簡單;英文的假設語氣需考慮到所假設之事的時間變化(「過去」、「現在」、「未來」),尤其當假設的狀態包含兩種時間(例如:「過去」和「現在」)時,更是容易產生混淆。影片中的 Dan 老師首先簡單介紹了常用的三種假設語氣第 1 類條件句 (first conditional),用於描述未來可能會發生的事情第 2 類條件句 (second conditional),用於描述不太可能發生或與現在事實相反的事情第 3 類條件句 (third conditional) 則用於描述不可能發生或與過去事實相反的事情。學過英文文法的你,對於這三種類型的條件句應不陌生吧?但如果是混合型的條件句 (mixed conditionals) ,你能夠很快地理解句中描述的是哪一種假設情況嗎?還是會感到霧煞煞呢?一起來聽聽 Dan 老師的解說吧~~ 能幫助你理解混合型的條件句,更完整地掌握英文的假設語氣喔!


新到影集介紹 – 「不一樣的婚禮,又怎樣?」、「愛妳鍾情」

你支持同性婚姻嗎?你贊成婚姻平權法案嗎?外語教學暨資源中心的新到影片「不一樣的婚禮,又怎樣」、「愛妳鍾情」是2部有關女同志伴侶的電影。看完之後你會發現,撇開「同志」的身分,他 / 她們也跟我們一樣是平凡人,只是對平凡人來說很平常的事情,例如:結婚時受到家人親友的祝福、合法的伴侶關係、周遭人的認同. . . . . .等等,對他/她們來說並非理所當然,是必須要努力去爭取的。


Facebook to Build Housing in Silicon Valley for First Time
VOA News
Last Updated:July 07, 2017 10:15 PM Reuters  (source

Facebook to Build Housing in Silicon Valley for First Time


Last Updated: July 07, 2017 10:15 PM
VOA News

The shortage of housing in California's Silicon Valley has gotten so severe that Facebook Inc. on Friday proposed taking homebuilding into its own hands for the first time with a plan to construct 1,500 units near its headquarters.

The growth of Facebook, Alphabet Inc.'s Google and other tech companies has strained neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay area that were not prepared for an influx of tens of thousands of workers during the past decade. Home prices and commute times have risen.

Tech companies have responded with measures such as internet-equipped buses for employees with long commutes.

Facebook has offered at least ,000 in incentives to workers who move closer to its offices.

Those steps, though, have not reduced complaints that tech companies are making communities unaffordable, and they have mostly failed to address the area's housing shortage.

"The problem with Silicon Valley is you don't have enough supply to keep up with the demand," said Sam Khater, deputy chief economist at real estate research firm CoreLogic.

With Facebook's construction plan, the company said it wanted to invest in Menlo Park, the city some 45 miles (72 km) south of San Francisco where it moved in 2011.

The company said it wants to build a "village" that will also have 1.75 million square feet of office space and 125,000 square feet of retail space.

"Part of our vision is to create a neighborhood center that provides long-needed community services," John Tenanes, Facebook's vice president for global facilities, said in a statement.

The 1,500 Facebook housing units would be open to anyone, not just employees, and 15 percent of them would be offered at below market rates, the company said.

Facebook said it expects the review process to take two years.

Alphabet has taken a smaller step, buying 300 modular apartment units for short-term employee housing, the Wall Street Journal reported last month.

Menlo Park Mayor Kirsten Keith said in an interview that there were concerns about whether the Facebook plan would increase traffic, a subject the city's planning department would study.

She said, though, that Facebook's plan fits with the city's own long-term plan for development, and that the city was excited about the additional housing.

Facebook's Tenanes said the density of the proposed development could also entice spending on transit projects.

"The region's failure to continue to invest in our transportation infrastructure alongside growth has led to congestion and delay," he said.

加州(California)矽谷(Silicon Valley)的住房短缺(shortage)問題日趨嚴重,Facebook公司於週五(編按:新聞時間為2017年7月7日)首次為此問題提出了親自(take . . . into one's own hands)建蓋房屋的計畫,預計在其公司總部(headquarters)附近興建1,500戶的房子。

Facebook公司、Alphabet公司旗下的Google,以及位於此區的其他科技公司的成長已對舊金山灣(San Francisco Bay)一區的房市造成壓力(strain)。此區未能因應過去十年間所湧入(influx)的數萬名員工,使得房價上漲與通勤時間(commute time)增加。




房地產(real estate)研究公司CoreLogic的副首席經濟學家山姆‧卡特爾(Sam Khater)表示:「矽谷的問題在於供應不足,跟不上需求(demand)。」

Facebook表示,將藉著這個建設計畫來投資門洛帕克市(Menlo Park)。Facebook公司於2011年時搬駐到這個位於舊金山南方約45英里(72公里)的城市。


其全球設施部門的副總裁約翰‧特南斯(John Tenanes)在一份聲明中說:「我們願景(vision)的一部分是要建立一個鄰里中心以提供(居民)長期需要的(long-needed)社區服務。」


Facebook表示,審查(review)過程預計(expect . . . to)需兩年時間。

據《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)上個月的報導,Google母公司Alphabet已踏出了一小步,購買了300戶的組合式(modular)公寓,作為員工短期住宿使用。

門洛帕克市市長克絲汀‧基斯(Kirsten Keith)接受訪問時表示,有人對於Facebook的計畫可能會增加當地的交通量感到擔心,針對此議題,該市的城市規劃部門將會再行研究。

她說,儘管有此疑慮,Facebook的計畫符合(fit with)門洛帕克市的長遠發展規畫,當地亦對新增的(additional)住房樂觀其成。

Facebook的特南斯副總裁表示,此建設提案所帶來的人口密度(density)亦可望誘發(entice)更多資金挹注於交通計畫(transit project)上。


Language Notes

shortage (n) 短缺;缺乏

headquarters (n) 總部

* 本字恆用「複數形」,即字尾一定有 "s"

strain (v)(使)承受壓力;拉緊

* 本字亦可作名詞,意即「壓力;拉力」

influx [`ɪnflʌks](n) 湧進;匯集

measure (n) 方法,措施

* 本字作「方法,措施」時常使用複數形 "measures",本字亦可作動詞,常指「測量;計量」

incentive [ɪn`sɛntɪv] (n) 激勵;刺激;鼓勵

address [ə`drɛs] (v) 對付、處理(問題)

* 注意本字在新聞中為動詞,重音在第二音節,本字亦常作名詞「地址;住址」使用

review (n) 審查;仔細審核

modular [`mɑdʒəlɚ] (a) 模組化的;模組式的;組合式的

* module [`mɑdʒul] (n) 組件;模組

entice [ɪn`taɪs] (v) 誘使;引誘

infrastructure [`ɪnfrəˏstrʌkʧɚ] (n) 基礎建設;公共建設

congestion [kən`ʤɛsʧən] (n) 擁擠;擁堵

* 本字有一常見片語 "traffic congestion"「交通堵塞」

Check your vocabulary!

A smell of coffee in the doorway enticed people to enter the shop.

The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.

Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income.

With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.

The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.

Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days.
