
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 319 期 發行日期 2017-05-15

  Macron Read more on VOA.

France's Macron Joins Ranks of World's Youngest Leaders


Emmanuel Macron, 39, will join the ranks of the world's youngest leaders when he is inaugurated as president of France on Sunday.

  39歲的埃瑪紐耶爾‧馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)於週日(編按:5月7日)就職(inaugurate)法國(France)總統,加入世界上最年輕的領導人之列。



◎ 【臺灣大學 2017 英語文表達暨簡報技巧競賽】決賽結果

臺灣大學 2017 英語文表達暨簡報技巧競賽--決賽結果

2017 English Presentation Contest at NTU--Final Results~~

「2017 英語文表達暨簡報技巧競賽」在 5/18 (四) 晚間進行決賽,所有參賽者表現都相當優異,令人驚豔!各組僅能以些微差距分出高下,再次證明能夠進入決賽,實屬難得!感謝所有參賽者以及前來觀賽的本校師生與各界先進!相信無論是參賽者或觀賽者,都已從這次比賽中學習到不少英語簡報的要領,獲益良多吧。

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Feature of the Week
Culips: Learn conversational English for everyday use!

Culips: Learn conversational English for everyday use!

Culips: Learn conversational English for everyday use! 這個網站提供免費的 podcast,學習者可依個人方便隨時收聽。這些 podcast 的內容大致分為四大類:Chatterbox、Catch Word、Simplified SpeechReal TalkChatterbox 每一集是由主持人就某個主題,如 leadership、comedy、artificial intelligence 等進行討論;Catch Word 每一集會介紹英語的慣用語 (idiom)、片語 (phrase)、常見的俚語 (slang) 和有趣的字彙 (vocabulary);Simplified Speech 每一集以日常生活中的大小事,如 doing the laundry、morning routines 為主題,主持人會以較慢的速度對話,因此較適合初級或中級程度的學習者;Real Talk 每一集的內容則是以在英語系國家生活時可能遇到的各種生活情境為主,如尋找租屋 (apartment hunting)、辦理退費 (getting a refund) 等。這些主題看似平凡無奇,卻是日常生活中極有可能遇到的,因此可說是相當實用的英語,學起來保證派得上用場哦!

Interactive Learning Resources
Green Technology

Capstone: Green Technology

我們生活中的許多物品都是運用地球的自然資源製造而成,例如木材、石油等等。然而,地球上的自然資源並非源源不絕,若不珍惜,終將有耗竭的一天!缺少了這些自然資源,人類也難以繼續生存下去。此外,別以為廢物丟棄了就眼不見為淨,因為這些廢物仍存留在地球上,還會持續對地球的生態與環境造成影響。目前,「綠色科技(Green Technology)」之推行已成為維護地球自然資源與減少廢棄物對地球產生之負面影響的不二法則。Capstone 裡的有聲書 Green Technology 介紹了綠色科技在生活各層面的運用,包括「綠色能源(Green Energy)」「綠色交通(Green Transportation)」「綠色建築(Green Buildings)」等。你是否也想更進一步了解綠色科技,並為保護地球盡一份心力呢?那可別錯過本書的介紹囉!請看 Interactive Learning Resources --> English for Academic Purpose --> Capstone Interactive Library。Register | Login

English Learning Video
Speak English Fluently - How to Improve Your English Fluency

Speak English Fluently - How to Improve Your English Fluency

你常覺得英語說得卡卡的嗎?有沒有好羨慕別人英語說得很流利?會不會希望自己也能夠說得順、說得流暢?其實,說得一口流利英語並非夢事哦!影片中的 Oli 老師先從「何謂流利的英語」開始介紹,並點出幫助英語口說進步的關鍵之一即在於「多多說英語」。然而,想要多多說英語還必須先習慣可能面臨的心理壓力和恐懼;畢竟,使用非母語的語言溝通本來就不容易。Oli 老師也介紹了如何運用 speed reading(速讀)和歌唱來增進口語流利度,並強調字彙的學習方式也是重要的影響因素──以 chunk(詞組)的概念學習字彙較能提升口語的流利度。快來聽聽 Oli 老師怎麼說吧!相信可以讓你更快掌握練習的訣竅,朝著流利的英語口說的目標邁進喔。

  new arrivals




France's Macron Joins Ranks of World's Youngest Leaders
VOA News
May 08, 2017 8:00 PM (source

France's Macron Joins Ranks of World's Youngest Leaders


May 08, 2017 8:00 PM

Associated Press

Emmanuel Macron, 39, will join the ranks of the world's youngest leaders when he is inaugurated as president of France on Sunday.

Some leaders past and president who made big marks were even younger when they assumed power.

Fidel Castro

The Cuban revolutionary leader, who died last year, was 32 when his rebel forces took control of Cuba. He ruled for nearly five decades as one of the world's last communist leaders.

John F. Kennedy

Kennedy was the youngest person ever elected to the presidency of the United States. The wealthy senator and war hero was 43 when he took the oath of office in 1961. But he was not the youngest U.S. president ever — that was Theodore Roosevelt, who was 42 when he took over after the assassination of President William McKinley.

Tony Blair and David Cameron

Blair was 43 when he was elected Britain's prime minister in 1997 — the country's youngest leader since 42-year-old Lord Liverpool in 1812.

Cameron was also 43, but a few months younger than Blair, when he became Britain's leader in 2010.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Ataturk, the revered founder of the Republic of Turkey, was 42 when he became the country's first president in 1923. The revolutionary leader's last name means "Father of the Turks.''

Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson

In Iceland, Gunnlaugsson became prime minister at 38 in 2013. He resigned in 2016 after details of his offshore financial holdings were revealed in the Panama Papers leak.

Moammar Gadhafi

The late Libyan leader was 27 when he seized power in 1969. The dictator held on to power until he was ousted in 2011. He was captured and killed a few months later.

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Nasser was 38 when he became president of Egypt in 1956. He nationalized the Suez Canal and championed the pan-Arab cause, becoming one of the world's most prominent anti-imperialist figures by the time of his death in 1970.

Kim Jong Un

The North Korean ruler's age remains something of a mystery, but he is thought to be 32 or 33. Kim, the third generation in North Korea's ruling dynasty, assumed power in December 2011 upon the death of his father, Kim Jong Il.

Rajiv Gandhi

Gandhi was catapulted to India's highest office when his mother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was assassinated in 1984. He began his premiership with promises of modernizing India's creaking government. Within a few years, he was forced to resign amid allegations of taking bribes in an arms deal. He was assassinated in 1991 while campaigning to return to office.

Justin Trudeau

Trudeau was elected as Canada's prime minister in 2015, when he was 43. Like Rajiv Gandhi, he had a strong family connection to the office — his father, Pierre Trudeau, also served as prime minister.


39歲的埃瑪紐耶爾‧馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)於週日(編按:5月7日)就職(inaugurate)法國(France)總統,加入世界上最年輕的領導人之列。

而昔日的一些領袖與深具影響力(make big marks)的總統們,當他們掌握大權(assume power)時,甚至比馬克宏還更年輕。

斐代爾‧卡斯楚(Fidel Castro)

這位古巴的革命(revolutionary)領袖於去年逝世。當年在他所領導的反叛部隊掌控(take control of)古巴(Cuba)時,他僅32歲。他統治古巴近50年,是世界上最後幾位共產主義領袖之一。

約翰‧甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)

甘迺迪是美國歷年來最年輕的總統當選人。這位有錢的參議員(senator)和戰爭英雄在當年宣誓就職(take the oath of office)時才43歲。然而,甘迺迪並不是最年輕的美國總統,西奧多‧羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)才是。西奧多‧羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)在當時的美國總統威廉‧麥金利(William McKinley)被刺殺(assassination)後接掌政權,他那時才42歲。

東尼‧布萊爾(Tony Blair)與大衛‧卡麥隆(David Cameron)

布萊爾在1997年當選英國首相時是43歲,這是英國自1812年由利物浦勛爵(Lord Liverpool)出任領袖之後最年輕的一位。


穆斯塔法‧凱末爾‧阿塔圖克(Mustafa Kemal Ataturk)

備受景仰的(revered)土耳其共和國的創建者阿塔圖克,在1923年成為土耳其共和國的第一任總統,當時他42歲。這位革命領袖的姓氏意即「土耳其人(Turk)之父」。(編按:"Ataturk" 是1934年時土耳其國會授予的姓氏。土耳其語 "ata" 是「父親」之意,"Ataturks" 是「土耳其人之父(Father of the Turks)」的意思。可參閱Wikipedia中文版英文版之說明。)

西格蒙杜爾‧戴維‧貢勞格松(Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson)

貢勞格松於2013年以38歲的年紀成為冰島(Iceland)總理。但在他境外(offshore)持有股權(financial holdings)的細節被巴拿馬文件(Panama Papers)揭露後,他於2016年時辭職下台。

穆安瑪爾‧格達費(Moammar Gadhafi)

已故的利比亞(Libya)領導人格達費在1969年奪得政權(seize power)時是27歲。這位獨裁者(dictator)手握大權直到2011年被趕下台(be ousted),而於幾個月後遭逮捕(capture)並被殺害身亡。

賈邁勒‧阿卜杜勒‧納瑟(Gamal Abdel Nasser)

納瑟在1956年擔任埃及總統時是38歲。他將蘇伊士運河(Suez Canal)國有化,並擁護支持(champion)泛阿拉伯的(pan-Arab)信念。至1970年去世前,他已是當時世界上最重要(prominent)反帝國主義人物(anti-imperialist)之一。

金正恩(Kim Jong Un)

這位北韓(North Korea)統治者的年齡至今仍是一個謎,但一般認為是32或33歲。金正恩是北韓執政王朝的第三代,他在父親金正日(Kim Jong Il)去世後,於2011年12月掌權。

拉吉夫‧甘地(Rajiv Gandhi)

甘地的母親英迪拉‧甘地(Indira Gandhi)總理在1984年被暗殺後,甘地一躍而成(be catapulted to . . .)印度的最高領袖。他承諾將讓運作失靈的(creaking)印度政府現代化,以此展開了他的總理生涯。但僅在幾年之間,他受到在軍武案交易中收受賄賂(bribe)指控(allegation),被迫請辭下台。1991年時,他在重返執政(return to office)的造勢活動中被暗殺身亡。

賈斯汀‧杜魯道(Justin Trudeau)

杜魯道在2015年當選為加拿大總理,當時他43歲。與拉吉夫‧甘地一樣,他和公職間存有很深的家族淵源——他的父親皮耶‧杜魯道(Pierre Trudeau)也曾任職加國總理。

Language Notes

inaugurate [ɪn`ɔgjəˏret] (v) 使正式就職,為. . . . . .舉行就職典禮

make a mark (v)(對. . . . . .)留下深遠的影響

assume [ə`sjum] (v) 承擔,擔任


oath [oθ] (n) 誓言,誓約,宣誓

* "take the oath of office" 意思是「就任宣示」;office一字在新聞中多處出現,指的是「官職;公職;職務」

revered [rɪ`vɪrd] (a) 受尊敬的;備受景仰的

*revere [rɪ`vɪr] (v) 尊敬;崇敬;注意重音在第二音節

offshore (a)(公司或銀行)境外的,海外的

oust [aʊst] (v) 將. . . . . .趕下臺;罷免;廢黜

champion (v) 支持,聲援,捍衛(人、信仰、權利或原則)


prominent (a) 著名的;重要的

catapult [`kætəˏpʌlt] (v) 把. . . . . .射出,把. . . . . .彈出

* "be catapulted into/to . . ." 意思是「突然成為. . . . . .;一躍而成. . . . . .」

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

The president was ousted from power in a military coup in January 1987.

The new president assumes office at midnight tonight.

The award for best actress meant that almost overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.

Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance to their lord.

The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.


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