Understanding complex adaptive systems requires a marriage of population dynamics with adaptive dynamics. Adaptation in living systems cannot be understood without accounting for the rich embedding of populations. Conversely, predicting the future of populations, especially when exposed to strong anthropogenic impacts, requires accounting for the prospect of rapid adaptation. This presentation provides an integrative overview of modeling approaches linking ecological and evolutionary dynamics, ranging from evolutionary games, adaptive dynamics, and evolutionary reaction-diffusion systems to agent-based models tackling the complexities arising from the genetic, spatial, and demographic structure of real-world systems.
Climate change means land use will need to change to keep up with global food demand, say scientists 在氣候變遷的影響之下,如果沒有顯著的技術進步,全球三大糧食作物產區產量可能下降,將迫使生產轉移到其他區域。 【閱讀全文】
British butterflies buffeted by extreme weather 近年來受洪水、熱浪、乾旱等極端天氣事件的影響,英國蝴蝶數量大量減少。 【閱讀全文】
Giraffes being pushed towards 'silent' extinction 由於非法狩獵和棲地流失,30年來長頸鹿減少近7萬頭,正默默走向滅絕。 【閱讀全文】
Polar bear numbers seen declining a third from Arctic sea ice melt 北極海冰面積屢創新低,北極熊數量將銳減三分之一 【閱讀全文】
World's largest reindeer herd plummets 自2000以來,受氣溫和人為活動影響,世界上麋鹿數量已減少40%。 【閱讀全文】