
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 307 期 發行日期 2016-10-17

  Does Climate Change Exist? Depends on Your State of Mind Read more on VOA.

Does Climate Change Exist? Depends on Your State of Mind


Whether or not you think human activity affects climate changes around the world depends on your political views, at least in the United States.



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◎ 臺大 外語教學暨資源中心105-1 E-freeway Workshop

105-1 E-freeway Workshop

外語教學暨資源中心為提供學生各類學習需求的協助,特別在本學期開設[線上外語自學教室工作坊] E-freeway Workshop,每場工作坊將提供各主題的學習技巧教學/考試應答技巧大公開/英語口說寫作技巧等,並輔以線上自學資源的介紹,讓您能夠持續不斷突破學習困境,並從中培養正確的學習語言技巧。場次名額有限,要報名動作要快!想要提升您的英語能力,一定要來參加,而且要準時喔。參加前,記得事先申請該場次的課程軟體帳號!每場次人數限制50位,報名後若欲取消,請務必進入系統取消報名,以免影響他人權益。每場次可申請公務人員學習時數1小時。

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◎ 105-1 English Corner 熱烈推出!! 快樂的午間英語會話練習開始囉~~

105-1 English Corner on the way!!

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Feature of the Week
Prove You Are a Pirate

TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing 是一個包含TED Talks(TED演講)影片和各種有趣的教學動畫影片的網站。影片主題涵蓋甚廣,包括人文藝術 (The Arts)、商業與經濟 (Business & Economics)、健康 (Health)、文學與語言 (Literature & Language)、數學 (Mathematics)、心理 (Psychology)、科學與科技 (Science and Technology)、社會研究 (Social Studies) 等,內容則包羅萬象。除了可依照主題選擇影片,也可依照影片的類型、長度、字幕的語言以及學習者的程度(如小學、中學、大學等)進行選擇,或是以關鍵字進行搜尋。透過 TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing 學習,讓你不用出門,也能上知天文,下知地理,知曉天下事喔!

Interactive Learning Resources
Journey to the Center of the Earth

Capstone: Journey to the Center of the Earth

人類的想像力無窮無盡,因為想像力,造就了許多新發明,也因為想像力,讓我們可以暫時脫離現實的繁瑣,為生活增添一點樂趣。在地球表面生活的你可曾想像過地球中心是怎樣的面貌呢?是火熱的熔岩嗎?還是成堆的化石?還是……如果有機會探索地心,又會是一趟怎樣的冒險旅程呢? Capstone 裡的有聲書 Journey to the Center of the Earth 將帶領你進行一趟地心冒險──跟著書中的主人翁一起上山下海,一同經歷現實中未曾遇過的驚奇事件。相信在閱讀完本書後,你也會對此次的「地心之旅」留下深刻印象!快來聽聽本書,展開這趟冒險旅程吧。請看 Interactive Learning Resources --> English for Academic Purpose --> Capstone Interactive Library。 Register | Login

English Learning Video
The Interpreter

How Interpreters Juggle Two Languages at Once

你看過電影 “The Interpreter”(《雙面翻譯》)這部電影嗎?電影中聯合國大會的口譯員將各國元首或代表的發言進行同步口譯的場景真切地描繪了口譯員的工作與使命:他們負責聆聽發言的內容並進行翻譯,看似單純,實則肩負重任,因為翻譯的每字每句都十分重要,若是在翻譯的過程中未能使用合宜的字句傳達訊息,將有可能造成政治上的誤會,甚至引發危機,導致戰爭與傷亡。而由 TED-Ed 頻道提供的影片“How Interpreters Juggle Two Languages at Once”則透過動畫將口譯員的培訓過程與工作模式完整呈現。想知道口譯員如何能夠在兩種語言間轉換自如,並在口譯現場做個稱職的訊息傳達者嗎?那可別錯過本影片喔!





Does Climate Change Exist? Depends on Your State of Mind 
VOA News
October 07, 2016 5:30 PM Kevin Enochs (source

Does Climate Change Exist? Depends on Your State of Mind


October 07, 2016 5:30 PM

Kevin Enochs

Whether or not you think human activity affects climate changes around the world depends on your political views, at least in the United States.

That's the conclusion of a Pew Research study, which found that people who deny there is any human impact on the climate, or that it's even changing, have more in common than just politics.

It's the psychology of denial, according to a thesis by Kirsti Jylhä of Sweden's Uppsala University, who has been studying humans' reaction to climate change for years.

She has found that people who deny climate change tend to be male, conservative and authoritarian. They endorse the status quoare low in empathy and avoid feeling negative emotions. Taken together, Jhylhä saysall of these tendencies point to a group of people who score high on personality traits known as social dominance orientation, or SDO.

'Social dominance' scores

People with high SDO tend to be more accepting of dominant relationships among groups, and, she points out, this "also extends to accepting human dominance over nature."

That may not seem to be a particularly desirable group of personality traits, but Jhylhä said her research is not intended to brand climate change deniers as close-minded. Insteadshe hoped to learn why it is so hard to communicate the deadly serious realities of climate change to a population that all too often just doesn't want to hear it.

One of the big problems in getting humans to address the real problem of climate changeaccording to psychologists, is that the stakes are so high. Writing in Psychology Today, psychologist Steve Taylor wonders what could be more uncomfortable than "the idea that our activities may be destroying the ability of our planet to sustain life."

Some avoid thinking about catastrophes

When you think about coastal flooding, droughtsmega-storms, it feels like a disaster movie made real. As Jhylhä says, "Catastrophic scenarios may increase negative emotions and make individuals avoid thinking about the issue. Also, it may cause some to perceive the issue as overstatedparticularly if they are currently not perceiving clear effects of climate change in their everyday lives.”

So how to switch the tenor of conversations about climate change to motivate people to take action ? Jhylhä suggests one should not focus on the environmental destruction that human activity is causing, but instead emphasizing how direct action to control climate change benefits everyone.

"It would perhaps be better," she said, "to talk in other terms and describe how everyone will benefit from the measures [to limit climate change] instead of being affected by the consequences."

That makes climatic changes, which deniers tend to reject, less likely to trigger disputes. Psychologist Allen McConnell puts it this way: "Focusing people on long-term good" and establishing rewards for good behavior "can produce better outcomes."

The takeaway from all this is that no matter what your psychological motivation is for either acting to limit climate change, or denying that it exists, there is a constructive way to talk about and possibly tackle its complex and disturbing realities.



一份皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的研究指出,這些否認人類對氣候具有影響力,或根本否認氣候變遷的人,除了有相似的政治傾向外,可能還有更多共通點(have more in common)。(編按:皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)是美國一間獨立性民調和智庫機構,針對影響美國和全世界的問題或趨勢等提供訊息和資料。)

瑞典烏普薩拉大學(Uppsala University)的研究人員克爾斯蒂‧吉爾哈(Kirsti Jylhä)多年來對於人類面臨氣候變遷的心理反應進行研究,根據她的論文,這(即上述對氣候變遷的否認)是一種心理的否定作用。 

她的研究發現,會否認氣候變遷的人多為男性,且是保守而專制的(authoritarian)。他們擁護(endorse)現狀(status quo),較缺少同理心,也避免負面的情緒感受。吉爾哈表示,把這些傾向(tendency)集合起來一併考量,會導向出一個群體,他們在所謂「社會優勢取向(social dominance orientation, SDO)」的人格特質(personality trait)量表上會得到較高的分數。(編按:新聞中 “score high” 的意思是「得到高分」,此用於心理量表上,表示在SDO的人格特質量表上得到較高的分數,即具備較高比例的這種人格特質。根據Wikipedia對SDO的說明,量表分數較高的人容易接受社會中的階級存在,並傾向於維持群體間的差異,重視差異性在社會中所代表的階級或權力意義。)



這一類的人格特質也許看起來並不特別討喜,但吉爾哈表示,她研究的用意並不在於把否認氣候變遷的人貼上心胸狹隘的標籤(brand . . . as . . .)。相反地,她希望透過研究能了解,為何將氣候變遷帶來的極為嚴重的現實狀況傳達給一個往往不想聽的族群是如此困難。

根據心理學家的看法,氣候變遷所牽涉到的利害關係(stakes)相當巨大,這是讓人難以面對現實問題的原因之一。心理學家史帝夫‧泰勒(Steve Taylor)於《當代心理學雜誌》(Psychology Today)上曾表示,還有什麼想法會比「人類的活動也許會摧毀地球繼續維繫生命的能力」這樣的想法更令人不安呢?





由於否定氣候變遷的人傾向於拒絕認定氣候上有所變異,這樣討論氣候變遷的說法較不會引發(trigger)爭端。心理學家艾倫‧麥康諾(Allen McConnell)對於這樣的討論方法做了說明:「讓大家把焦點放在長期的好處上」,並確立對於良好行為的獎勵方式,這樣「能得到更好的效果。」



Language Notes

state (n) 狀態;情形;狀況

*新聞標題的state of mind是指「心理狀態」;state當名詞還有「國家,政府」或聯邦體制下的「州、邦」等常見意思

authoritarian[ə͵θɔrəˋtɛrɪən] (a) 獨裁的;專制的

endorse (v) (公開)贊同,認可 

status quo [͵stetəsˋkwo] (n) 現狀

tendency (n) (思想、行為等的)傾向

trait (n) (個人的)特徵,特性,品質

brand (v) 加汙名於……;以烙鐵打(標記)


address (v) 對付,應付;處理

stake (n) 利害關係


catastrophe [kəˋtæstrəfɪ] (n) 災難

*新聞中亦有形容詞:catastrophic [͵kætəˋstrɑfɪk] (a) 災難的;注意名詞的重音在第二音節,形容詞的重音則在第三音節

overstate (v) 把……說得過分;誇大

trigger  [`trɪgɚ] (v) 引起,引發(壞事)

takeaway (n) (一段話的或討論的)重點、要旨

*本字最常用的是指「外帶的食物」,源自動詞片語 “take away”

tackle (v) 對付,處理;與……交涉


Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, highlight the blanks to reveal the hidden answers.

His tendency to exaggerate is well known.

Arrogance is a very unattractive personality trait.

The Council is expected to endorse the committee's recommendations.

Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.

The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.

The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.



