
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 281 期 發行日期 2015-09-02

  South China Sea Territorial ClaimsSouth China Sea Territorial Claims. See more on VOA.

Philippines Seeks US Help to Protect Troops in Disputed Sea


Senior U.S. and Philippines military officials have met in Manila, in an effort to expand defense ties as tensions worsen around China's disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea.

美國與菲律賓高階軍事人員在馬尼拉會面,在南中國海領土主張(territorial claim)爭議和緊張局勢(tension)惡化之際,將擴大雙方的國防合作關係(defense ties)。

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  English Learning Video: Tips to get good at English

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英語宅急便   Philippines Seeks US Help to Protect Troops in Disputed Sea


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中高級:104期--Fighting Diseases


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Feature of the Week

College Info Geek

這期要介紹一個college podcast,每一週與不同領域有著豐富經驗的導師做訪談,讓大學生能夠豐富校園生活、幫助學生更有效率地學習、打工經驗分享、如何組織社團、如何在畢業時得到一份優質工作等等,每篇的音檔長度大約60分鐘左右,長篇的英文聆聽,有助英文聽力的增進,使用者可以從iTunes訂閱,或直接在網站聆聽,趕快來[聽聽]這個網站吧!
Interactive Learning Resources

Access UK

Access UK是一套由約克大學所研發的課程,提供學習者在英國生活所需的基礎能力訓練,課程內容包含許多真實情境的影片,預設在日常生活上可能面臨的情況,來提升英語口語能力及字彙量,並能夠實際應用於日常生活社交中,就讓富含多樣化主題的Access UK,讓身處異鄉及夢想遊走他鄉的您成功度過在國外的學習生涯吧! 請看 Interactive Learning Resources → English for Academic Purpose。
English Learning Video

Tips to get good at English

如何持續不斷增進英文能力呢?影片裡的老師提到要[absorb media],現在3C產品發達,隨時隨地都可以接觸到英文,像是聆聽podcast、mp3,或是看自己喜愛的影片,然後[practice everyday & practice fearlessly],讓自己[immersion]沉浸在英文的環境裡,並找出能誘發自己學習興趣的主題,希望英文能力能夠更上層樓喔!


聽經典好歌學英文 : 輕鬆聽音樂,流利說英文!



Philippines Seeks US Help to Protect Troops in Disputed Sea
VOA News
Last updated on: August 26, 2015 8:15 AM (source

Philippines Seeks US Help to Protect Troops in Disputed Sea

Last updated on: August 26, 2015 8:15 AM

Senior U.S. and Philippines military officials have met in Manila, in an effort to expand defense ties as tensions worsen around China's disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea.

美國與菲律賓高階軍事人員在馬尼拉會面,在南中國海領土主張(territorial claim)爭議和緊張局勢(tension)惡化之際,將擴大雙方的國防合作關係(defense ties)

The commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Harry Harris, was received with full military honors Wednesday at the Philippines armed forces headquarters.

美國太平洋司令部司令(commander)、海軍上將哈里斯於周三在菲律賓軍隊(armed forces)總部受高規格的軍禮(military honors)接待。

Harris and his Philippine counterpart, General Hernando Iriberri, discussed security issues, including the South China Sea, according to Philippines military spokesman Restituto Padilla.


"What transpired during the dialogue was a very frank and honest exchange of ideas regarding the evolving security challenges in the region as a result of natural disasters and issues involving the West Philippine Sea and South China Sea," he said.


Admiral Harris also met with other senior leaders, including President Benigno Aquino and other defense officials.

美上將哈里斯也會晤了菲國其他高階領導人物,包含班尼格諾艾奎諾總統(Benigno Aquino)與多位國防部官員。

US military escort

During one of the meetings, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin requested that U.S. military patrol planes help escort Philippine supply ships in the contested South China Sea, according to the Associated Press. The request could not be confirmed.

據美聯社(Associated Press)報導,菲國防部長伏爾泰加斯明(Voltaire Gazmin)在會談中要求美軍巡邏機在各方角力的(contested)南中國海協助護航(escort)菲律賓的補給船。此要求未得到肯定答覆。

The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan all have competing claims with China in the South China Sea, which is rich in natural resources, is a main trade route, and holds important symbolic and national value.

菲律賓、越南、馬來西亞、汶萊、台灣都與中國競相宣稱擁有南中國海主權。南中國海有豐富的天然資源,也是主要的貿易通道(trade route),亦具重要的國家象徵性價值。

The United States, which says it does not take sides in the territorial disputes, has increased its maritime security cooperation with Manila and other regional militaries in recent years. Washington has said freedom of navigation in the region must be preserved and disputes be resolved peacefully.

美國表示不會在領土爭議上偏袒(take sides)任一方,近年來增加了與菲律賓和區域中其它軍事單位對海上(maritime)安全的合作。美政府曾表示,此區域的航行(navigation)自由必須被保護,爭議也須和平解決。

Language Notes

defense (n) 防禦;國防

territorial (a) 領土的

commander (n) 指揮官,司令官

counterpart (n) 對應的人(或物),配對物

transpire (v) 發生

regarding (prep) 關於;就 . . . 而論

contest (v) 爭奪;爭論

take sides (with) (v phr) 偏袒、支持(某方);採某特定立場

maritime (a) 海的;海事的

navigation (n) 航行

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text to reveal the hidden answers.

1. The children all took sides with the mother when she left her husband.

2. Belgian officials are discussing this with their French counterparts.

3. The channel is now open to navigation.

4. The defense industry relies heavily on sales of weapons to foreign countries.

5. The leadership election will be contested by four candidates.
