
臺大外語教學暨資源中心英語學習報第 279 期 發行日期 2015-08-06

  Hoverbike Flying Closer to RealityFlying vehicles close to reality. See more on VOA.

Hoverbike Flying Closer to Reality


Another long-standing dream of many technological inventors is quickly approaching reality. U.S.- and British-based firms are cooperating in the development of an individual flying platform they call a hoverbike. They say it may revolutionize the concept of flying, including in the U.S. military.


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觸類旁通學英文   Feature of the Week: National Public Radio

  Interactive Learning Resources: Capstone Interactive Library

  English Learning Video: VOCABULARY: Using Short Spoken Forms

館藏介紹   當代藝術家的謬思--六部當代藝術家生平與創作欣賞
英語宅急便   Hoverbike Flying Closer to Reality (漂浮摩托車飛進未來)


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本單元介紹常見又可愛的動物:貓咪。若要飼養寵物,貓咪應該是與狗不相上下的選擇之一,人類飼養貓咪的歷史悠久,因此衍生出與貓有關的慣用語自然也不少,這裡會介紹其中一個「not enough room to swing a cat」,當然這個慣用語跟虐待動物無關,但想知道真正的意思是什麼,那麼就趕快點進來看吧!


近年來你是否有覺得許多事物的更新速度都非常快呢?在這樣的時代,創新就變成了一樣相當重要的能力。本期自學報果將藉由"創新"這樣的概念來教給大家很多 時用的語言技巧,一起來學習吧。

快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申 請帳號(Clarity English-->Author Plus - Self-study Package)

Feature of the Week

National Public Radio

想要即時掌握世界的脈動嗎?想要了解最新的時事嗎?想要接受音樂與文化的薰陶嗎?來試試 NPR (National Public Radio) 吧!NPR 提供新聞、人文藝術、音樂以及其他專題的採訪與報導;此外,亦有 call-in 與娛樂性的節目。NPR的新聞報導涵蓋層面甚廣,包括美國本土、全球、政治、商業、科技、科學、健康、種族文化以及教育等等。其人文藝術方面的報導則涵括了書、電影、流行文化、烹飪、設計、表演藝術與攝影。至於音樂方面的報導則以文章和影音呈現。聆聽 NPR讓你在練習英文聽力與閱讀的同時亦拓展新知、增廣見聞,一舉數得喔!
Interactive Learning Resources

Capstone Interactive Library

在Capstone Interactive Library 裡,我們可以找到From Fail to Win! Learning from Bad Ideas: Buildings and Structures這本書。本書羅列了十項世界上具代表性的建築疏失,例如:義大利的比薩斜塔 (The Leaning Tower of Pisa)、法國的博韋主教座堂 (Beauvais Cathedral) 與美國洛杉磯聖弗朗西斯水壩 (The St. Francis Dam) 等。俗話說得好:「失敗為成功之母。」,透過本書的介紹,我們能了解造成這些建築失敗的原因,同時亦學習如何避免這些失敗。請看 Interactive Learning Resources --> English for Academic Purpose --> Capstone Interactive Library。 Register | Login
English Learning Video

VOCABULARY: Using Short Spoken Forms

當我們與他人對話時,很多時候並不會將每字每句都說得非常清晰,常出現簡化的現象。同樣地,英語母語者亦不會將每字每句都清晰地發音;相反地,他們使用了很多short spoken forms認識與學習英語會話中常用的 short spoken forms 不僅幫助我們聽懂母語者想要傳達的意思,藉由練習,還能讓我們的口語表達更 native-like 喔!

  What Is Beauty?




Hoverbike Flying Closer to Reality
VOA News
Last updated on: July 22, 2015 3:20 PM (source

Hoverbike Flying Closer to Reality

George Putic
Last updated on: July 22, 2015 3:20 PM

Another long-standing dream of many technological inventors is quickly approaching reality. U.S.- and British-based firms are cooperating in the development of an individual flying platform they call a hoverbike. They say it may revolutionize the concept of flying, including in the U.S. military.


The device, a quadcopter, is in the initial stages of testing before a human pilot takes a seat in it.

這個四翼直升機(quadcopter)機具還處於初步測驗階段(initial stages of testing),之後才有真人駕駛登上駕駛座。
(編按:quadcopter是quadrotor helicopter的合體字;字根quad- 是數字「四」,rotor是「旋轉翼」,所以quadrotor是「四個旋轉翼」的意思,詳可見wikipedia的解釋(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadcopter)。近年在軍事、商業或娛樂用途的UAV (無人航空載具,unmanned aerial vehicle),或另稱drone,也有不少是這種四翼直升機的運用。)

The concept was developed by New Zealand inventor Chris Malloy, who wanted to build a small, cheap aircraft for driving cattle and surveying land.

紐西蘭發明家克里斯麥洛伊(Chris Malloy)最早發展出這個概念,當初的構想是建造一個便宜的小型飛行器,可以驅趕牛群(cattle)巡察(survey)土地之用。

His British-based company, Malloy Aeronautics, manufactured the prototype, which the U.S. technological company Survice Engineering is testing for possible military use.

他在英國的麥洛伊航空學公司(Malloy Aeronautics)製造出了原型機(prototype),美國的科技公司蘇維士工程(Survice Engineering)現正測試可能的軍事用途。

“This craft was designed from the ground up, for someone to get on and off," said Mark Butkiewicz of Survice. "This one provides the stability of having four rotors, so you’re not sensitive to gravity issues. They are not so separated that you have problems getting on and off the craft.”

蘇維士工程公司的Mark Butkiewicz表示:「這個飛行器是可從地面直接起飛,人員也能直接上下的設計。由於四個旋轉翼提供了穩定性,所以乘坐時不會感到重心不穩。四個旋轉翼的間隔也不會大到讓上下機時困難。」

During a demonstration, the remotely-controlled scale model performed beautifully, carrying a dummy pilot called "Buster." The U.S. Army thinks it could someday carry soldiers, flying low over rugged or dangerous terrain.


A full-size model is already being built in Britain, but testing by a human pilot will depend on the craft’s safety and reliability.


“We're looking at several ways to improve that, including the ability to operate with one rotor out," Butkiewicz said. "That capability, I think, will make sure that it is reliable and safe for both military and civilian use.”

蘇維士工程公司的Mark Butkiewicz說:「我們正著手好幾個改良方法,其中包含關閉一個旋轉翼的性能。這個性能可以確保機具在軍方與民間使用(civilian use)都是可靠而且安全的。」

The full-size hoverbike will be powered by a gasoline engine turning an alternator to provide power for its four electric rotors. There will be two versions, with one and two seats. They will fly up to 96 kilometers per hour (60 miles per hour), with a range of up to 240 kilometers (150 miles).


Butkiewicz said no firm dates have been set for the testing of the full-size model.

蘇維士工程公司的Mark Butkiewicz表示,全比例模型測試還未定下確切日期(set firm dates for . . .)

“Talking with the U.S. Army counterparts, we are looking into a three-to-five-year development effort, so that would be a good time frame to expect additional progress on the hoverbike,” he said.

他說:「我們與美國軍方對應人員談過,預計還有三到五年的研發工作,這個研發的時程(time frame)可望讓漂浮摩托車有更多改進。」

For now, Malloy Aeronautics is selling a battery-powered scale model of its Hoverbike for about ,000 to ,600, useful for aerial photography or light deliveries.

麥洛伊航空學公司現在已開始販售漂浮摩托車的縮小比例電池模型機,售價在一千到一千六百美元間,可用來空拍(aerial photography)或是輕物的運送。

Language Notes

hover (v) 盤旋

revolutionize (v) 徹底改革,在...方面實現突破性大變革

cattle (n) 牛群      *本字使用上為複數

prototype (n) 原型;最初的模型

craft (n) 船;飛機

dummy (n) 模型人;假人     *本字另一常見的意思是「笨蛋、傻子」

rugged (a) 高低不平的;粗糙的

terrain (n) 地面;地域

civilian (a) 平民的;百姓的

Check your vocabulary!

Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text to reveal the hidden answers.

1. New technology is going to revolutionize everything we do.

2. Her younger brother hovered in the background watching us.

3. It was difficult to return to civilian life after ten years in the military. He loved the rugged landscape of the West.

4. These cattle are being fattened up for slaughter.
