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Do you play video games? I bet most of our epaper readers do.

Then, you must be well-aware of this year's biggest event in the video game industry— the debut of Sony Corp's Play Station 3.

Get your cash all in hand, for it's gonna cost you a whoooole lot of money to get one.

Not having enough money for PS3? This issue's English Express gives you a peep at its next-generation attractions. ...


Missing the old days, when video games looked more cute than real?


English Freeway 更新通知:

1. Self-Study Package「自學包裹」全新上線,未來將每月推出一次,依當期材枓做程度區分,初期主要提供給英檢中高級程度的大學生練習,之後也會有提供教職員練習用的中級包裏。這次推出的第一個自學包裏,內容有VOA新聞的聽力練習,包括該新聞的背景知識,單字介紹與練習,新聞音檔、全文內容以及最後的練習題。另外還有一篇閱讀測驗,以及易混淆單字的練習題。歡迎大家來試試看。請從Freeway網站的Self-Assessment頁進入,就會看到囉!...我要做練習

2. 11月份Advanced雜誌內容已全部上線,在十二月前大家也要努力全部看完唷。之後詳細的更新時間也都會在Advanced網頁內公告,請大家多多利用。 我要去看看使用說明(from 001期)

◎ 寫作中心公告:

◎ 電子報編輯公告:

本期新增讀者意見反映信箱,之後也都將固定放在電子報最下方。不論您有任何建議、鼓勵或批評,都歡迎來信做為我們未來修改進步的參考。 ...我想跟編輯當筆友


你有沒有任何有關英文的問題想要找人問呢?視聽館的「大一英文小老師」可以幫你解答唷!無須預約,即問即答,歡迎多加利用。... 我想了解



TOEIC—Test of English for International Communication

TOEIC是針對英語非母與人士所設計的商業英語能力測驗,評估受測者在國際環境中用英語與他人溝通的程度。許多企業及學校都對TOEIC抱持著高度的評價,有些甚至要求應徵者或學生畢業時必須大到一定的分數,由此不難去推知 TOEIC已是晉身國際社會的一項商業利器。本網站提供給學習者各種TOEIC的考試題型,包含error recognition, incompleted sentences, photographs, question-response, reading comprehension, short converstion, and short talks 等,另外還提供應試技巧等詳細說明。 ... 快去看看!


GEPT Online Tests


還不是會員的朋友,請趕快加入,已經是會員的,請直接登入後,點選「線上測驗區」的「英文線上測驗」,就可以找到「模擬測驗」囉! 加入會員直接登入



Essential Practice Tests—IELTS

先前在第一期電子報中我們介紹過準備TOEFL iBT的用書之後,讀者好評不斷,也有許多人表示希望能有IELTS的相關書籍介紹(許多>1),於是小編千山萬水辛苦跋涉,從視聽館中間走到旁邊,為大家找來了這本2006年全新出版的Essential Practice Tests練習題手冊,本來只是看它新出就挑來看看,深入研究後才發現,除了豐富的練習題外,本書講解答題方向與題型解析的部份著實做得不錯,相信對於應付IELTS考試多變的考法能有實質的幫助... 再看一點介紹


英語宅急便Next-Generation Video Game Consoles


(Noon break in an office.)

Eksboks: Lunch time! Let's have some sushi today. I've been having a curious craving for it for several days.

Soney: No, I can't afford such luxury. I'll have some instant noodle instead.

Eksboks: What? It's just the middle of the month! Are you on a diet or out of money?

Soney: No, I want to save for the new Play Station 3 game console. It's just made its highly anticipated debut in Japan earlier this month. Throngs of people lined up for hours to get their hands on one of the consoles. What a phenomenon! I wish I had been one of them!

Eksboks: Oh, is it finally available now? I heard that Sony Corp had quite a tough time developing this next-generation console. So what’s so special about it?

Soney: It's a highly sophisticated machine, powered by some new computer chip and supported by the next-generation Blu-ray video disc format. With its cutting-edge hardware, PS3 can deliver nearly movie-like graphics and a realistic gaming experience.

Eksboks: "Highly sophisticated," eh? That phrase can be interpreted simply as "high-priced." What is your budget for a new PS3?

Soney: Both PChome and Yahoo online shopping set the price tag of NTD 24800 for pre-ordering.

Eksboks: My gosh! You'll have to feed on instant noodle for decades to save that much. By that time, you can leave your PS3 to your grandchildren and die happily. I mean, why don't you buy XBOX 360? It's much cheaper, well, at least compared with PS3. It's only about half that price.

Soney: No way! Somehow that appellation sounds disgusting to me, "eks-boks," ughhh!

Eksboks: All right, but I have some bad news for you, and probably also some good news, about playing video games. A psychiatrist just warned about the danger of playing violence-laden video games. He said that "the more you play, the dumber you get."

Soney: Is that true? Then what's the good news?

Eksboks: The good news is, fortunately, you can’t get any dumber than you are now. I am going for the sushi. See you.



curious (adj) 難以理解的
craving (n) 渴望
luxury (n) 奢侈, 享受
on a diet (ph) 節食,減肥
console (n) 電玩主機
anticipate (v) 期望
debut (n) 初次登場
throng (n) 人群
What a phenomenon! 盛況空前
Corp (n) corporation的簡寫,股份有限公司
sophisticated (adj) 精密的
cutting-edge (adj) 先進的,尖端的
realistic (adj) 逼真的
interpret (v) 解釋,理解為...
My gosh! (ph) 天啊!
feed on (ph) 以...為食物
decade (n) 十年
appellation (n) 名稱,稱號
psychiatrist (n) 精神科醫師
dumb (adj) 愚笨的



Taipei Times:Play Station 3 debuts to long lines

民視英語新聞:Brain-Wasting Computer Games





English Freeway



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