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Have you heard about An Inconvenient Truth?

Probably you are not interested in this kind of serious documentary, but the issue it talks about is quite popular nowadays—global warming. So, what's so inconvenient about global warming?

Take a look at our English Express section. We will give you a "highly sensible" explanation.

An Inconvenient Truth, (film poster)


◎ 寫作中心公告:

    1. 寫作中心將於12/1起開設「重點文法與造句」課程,以句子的寫作為基礎,針對常犯的寫作錯誤以及句型結構作講解,帶領同學寫出正確流暢的句子。難度屬於基礎寫作課程,適合許久未接觸英文的同學及本校教職員,或大學一二年級的非外文系學生參加。... 課程資訊每週進度(英文版)

    2. 寫作中心開設之「英文求職履歷與求職書信」課程(11/20~11/30)尚有餘額(怎麼搞的這年頭大家都不求職了嗎?),一年一度、機會難得,馬上就要開課啦,快點來報名啊!!... 課程資訊

English Freeway 更新通知:

1. 你最近正在準備考個英語能力測驗嗎?Self-assessment 區新增許多提供各類考試練習的好用網站!不管你是要考TOEFL、IELTS、GRE、GMAT、TOEIC或者是GEPT,我們通通有,快點來看吧~ ... 我要做練習

2. Advanced雜誌內容已更新到11/16,下次將在11/20將本月內容全部放上。另外網頁內也新增更新進度公告,方便使用者了解線上材料的現況。廢話不多說,快來看免費雜誌唷~ 我要去看看使用說明(from 001期)

◎ 你有沒有任何有關英文的問題想要找人問呢?視聽館的「大一英文小老師」可以幫你解答唷!無須預約,即問即答,歡迎多加利用。... 我想了解




007首部曲:皇家夜總會」就要上映了!羨慕詹姆斯龐德出神入化的情報員能力嗎?你也想成為特務卻又怕自己不夠格嗎?不用擔心,這裡提供了先修班讓你在課餘或空閒時跟著FFFBI Agent Solomon、Agent WristAgent McGurk等一起到世界各地執行任務!請放心,這封信不會在5秒內自動銷毀 ... Good luck, agents!



2006年已經接近尾聲,在今年的大事紀出爐前,別忘了先溫故再來知新唷~還記得去年發生了什麼事嗎?南亞海嘯、卡翠娜颶風、教宗若望保祿二世逝世或是哈利波特終於通過了火盃的考驗?還是…什麼都不記得了?沒關係,E-Freeway閱讀區裡幫您準備了幾個網站讓您回顧去年的新聞重點還有練習題考驗你的記憶喔!... 更多詳情



Writing Process: A Step-By-Step Guide


需要用英文寫作時,你是否感到頭暈目眩、心驚膽顫、徬徨無助、而又失意挫折呢?寫作談何容易?並不是只要有心,人人都能當莎士比亞的(←就是左邊那位),但也不是人人都需要當莎士比亞,對吧?這部四十分鐘長的影片就是要告訴大家,寫作是一種可以訓練的基本溝通技能,它將指點你了解寫作過程當中,從準備到完成的基本觀念和各項工作... 再看一點介紹


英語宅急便How inconvenient could it be?

你知道嗎?「不願面對的真相」這部片的英文片名其實叫做"An Inconvenient Truth"。為什麼不方便呢?本期的英語宅急便提供你一個可能的解答唷~

El Nino: Wow, Kat, this is amazing. You are hanging clothes! I thought that clothesline was only a piece of household ornament. What’s wrong with your dryer?

Katrina: Nothing wrong with it. I just want to save some energy.

El Nino: What energy? I think using the dryer would save you more energy than all the drudgery you are doing now.

Katrina: Don’t be stupid, El. I am talking about saving the planet, saving Earth!

El Nino: What? Since when have you become Superwoman? Spiderwoman? Or Batwoman?

Katrina: Hey, this is serious. You can save 700 pounds of carbon dioxide when you air dry your clothes for 6 months out of the year. This helps impede global warming! And there are still lots of things to do to save our living environment.

El Nino: But how do you know about all this? And why have you changed so drastically? You even refused to use the “dirty” recycled paper, didn’t you?

Katrina: Yeah, and I was totally wrong about that. After seeing “An Inconvenient Truth,” I understand how serious a problem global warming has become, and it is starting to influence our lives. You remember the hurricane named after me?

El Nino: Oh, I heard about that documentary, too. But I didn’t imagine that it’s really making our lives “inconvenient,” say, without using the dryer.

Katrina: Inconvenient indeed, but it’s inevitable that we take measure sagainst global warming. Maybe you should see the movie for yourself.

El Nino: Is it still on?

Katrina: Probably not. But you can wait for the DVD to come out.

El Nino: Alright, I also need some time to prepare myself for an upcoming inconvenient life.



clothesline (n) 曬衣縄
ornament (n) 裝飾品
dryer (n) 烘衣機
drudgery (n) 苦工
carbon dioxide(n) 二氧化碳
impede (v) 妨礙,阻止
global warming (ph) 全球暖化
drastically (adv) 衝底地,激烈地
hurricane (n) 颶風
documentary (n) 紀錄片
inveitable (adj) 不可避免的
take measures (ph) 採取措施
come out (ph) 出版,出現
upcoming (adj) 即將來臨的


An Inconvenient Truth: http://www.climatecrisis.net/


English Freeway
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