演說與辯論(102年11月21日至12月19日) |
由宋智希教授提供密集的演說與辯論訓練課程,同學除了能夠習得口說技巧之外,也能讓你對口說不再感到頭痛,掌握成功的演說與辯論技能,不再害怕英語口說,那麼一定要報名這堂課程,課程絕對可以助你一臂之力。報名~ |
Course Description
A four session intensive course in the fundamentals of effective oral delivery, including body control, use of voice and diction, and analysis of audience. Special emphasis is given to public speaking and discussion in the academic context. The course explores how research, critical thinking, logical argumentation and effective language are applied to speech and debate techniques. Students learn to structure ideas and arguments in a sustained, persuasive and sophisticated way and to support their point of view with precise and relevant examples. Students also learn to analyse speeches in order to interpret and evaluate the impact of ambiguities, subtleties, contradictions, ironies, incongruities, transitions and other rhetorical effects in a text. Students will examine the way in which clarity of meaning is affected by the patterns of organisation, hierarchical structures, repetition of main ideas, syntax and word choice in a given text. Communication techniques (propaganda) of governments and corporations will also be studied and evaluated.