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When you break a multimillion sale, what would you say?

(A) Oh, s**t.
(B) Look what I have done.
(C) Thank goodness it was me.
(D) All of the above.

Do you find these answers ridiculous (except for (A) perhaps)?

Take a look at our English Express section, and find out why.

Pablo Picasso,
"Le Reve" (The Dream)



◎ 期中考就要到了,你的英文還頂得住嗎?有問題想找人問嗎?快到視聽來吧!「大一英文小老師諮詢服務」已經開放,歡迎多加利用,也請大家告訴大家唷!... 我想了解

◎ 寫作中心公告:

  • 因廖樹輝老師將於諮詢第三週(11/30)起連續四週暫時停止服務,原諮詢時段(週二上午)預計於第七週重新提供諮詢。請同學多加利用其它的諮詢時段,如有造成不便,請多包涵。... 我要預約

  • 寫作中心開設之「英文求職履歷與求職書信」課程(11/20~11/30)尚有餘額,歡迎報名。...課程資訊




是不是有過這樣的經驗—收看英語影集、電影的時候,明明所有的單字都知道,卻不明白整句話的語意?報紙上的、連續劇裡的、廣播中的英文和課本上所學的總是搭不起來?覺得所學到的英文不夠生活化?那麼,多看看英文俚語吧!這裡有超過280個常見的美國生活俚語,你就知道「catch some Z's」是什麼意思囉!... 更多詳情



想要申請學校嗎?首先一定要先寫好一份誠懇又有計畫的SOP (Statement of Purpose),這是讓你成功晉身名校的第一項準備工作喔!柏克萊大學特別為準備撰寫讀書計畫的同學們設計了一個網站,針對讀書計畫中所應該包含的內容做了清楚的整理。包含如何構思內容、做好文章架構,並且對於寫作的步驟作了簡單的說明。內容調理分明,相當具有參考價值。...更多詳情






English Grammar in Use

你想練習文法嗎?這套由劍橋大學出版的文法練習軟體,針對一般英語學習者常見的文法問題,列出16種分類共145個主題,提供數百個練習單元,介面簡單明瞭,還有真人發音例題示範,從頭到尾做一遍,保證讓你的「Grammar」從「夠爛嗎?」變成「擱來嘛!」。快到視聽館302資料室的電腦做練習吧! ... 再看一點介紹




英語宅急便—Talking of "the Dream"...


Marco: Have you heard about "the Dream"?

Polo: Sure, I had a good one last night. I was king to a small tropical island and …

Marco: Hey, cut the crap. I said "THE DREAM." It's Picasso's 1932 portrait of his mistress, Marie-Therese Walter.

Polo: Oh well, what's so special about it?

Marco: Special? It's extraordinary! You know why? A Las Vegas casino magnate called Steve Wynn was going to sell it for $139 million.

Polo: Wow, I guess he must have been in ecstasy after he finalized the sale.

Marco: Maybe he was, but sweet dreams are short-lived. He poked a coin-sized hole on that multimillion canvas with his elbow, when showing it to friends.

Polo: Cool, a strong elbow he must have, then. But how come he could be so careless? And what happened to the deal?

Marco: The tycoon had some eye disease that affected his peripheral vision, yet he was known for gesturing when speaking. He later decided to release the buyer from the sale agreement.

Polo: What a pity! By the way, how do you know about all these?

Marco: I read it in the blog of someone who witnessed and related the incident. The description was quite vivid: "There was a terrible noise. … Smack in the middle … was a black hole the size of a silver dollar. 'Oh s**t,' he said. 'Look what I've done. Thank goodness it was me.' "

Polo: "Thank goodness it was me!" Ridiculous!

Marco: I agree. You must be a billionaire first to "thank goodness" for doing that kind of things.



tropical (adj) 熱帶的
cut the crap (ph) 廢話少說
portrait (n) 畫像
magnate (n) (企業界的)巨頭
canvas (n) 畫布,油畫
tycoon (n) 大亨,巨頭
peripheral (adj)周圍的,外圍的
gesture (v) 做手勢
relate (v) 敍述
ridiculous (adj) 荒謬可笑的
billionaire (n) 億萬富翁



CNN: Casino magnate pokes hole in $139 million Picasso deal

BBC: Tycoon holes dream Picasso deal

Nora Ephorn's blog article: My weekend in Vegas


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